Study programme | DUb.19 - Digital Art |
Study | Grade of study - I. - bachelor, study form - full time, study type - Single degree study |
Document type: | Description of the study programme |
The name of the university | Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava |
The seat of the university | Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, 814 37 Bratislava |
This is not a joint program.
The main aim of the programme is to prepare graduates for employment in the dynamic and interdisciplinary world of digital creative practice. It is a space that is changing rapidly, where new professions are disappearing and new ones are emerging, where the technological basis on which this space is based is constantly coming up with new approaches, tools, devices. Our programme also reflects the increasing overlap between art and technology, which blurs the boundary between the creator of the work and the creator of the tool, between the artist and the programmer, between human creation and artificial intelligence. The aim of our education is to teach graduates the knowledge and skills that will enable them to adapt to future changes in the world of digital arts.
The interdisciplinary and dynamic nature of the digital world is no longer compatible with the traditional rigid form of educating a narrowly specialized graduate. Therefore, the program aims to link diverse modes of artistic production with new creative competencies in digital culture, computational thinking, design and programming. Emphasis is placed on the ability to ask questions, to work independently with information resources, to think critically about one's own and others' work, as well as the ability to present oneself and one's work.
Students acquire artistic skills using modern digital technologies, learn to work independently, learn the principles of creative planning. The theoretical education contained in the curriculum overlaps with the domain of digital humanities and forms critical thinking and ethical principles important for functioning in the digital world. The studio part of the curriculum serves to shape students' independence, their ability to search for information sources and inspiration, to discuss, to present themselves and their works. Supplementary lectures and workshops from visiting experts bring experience from practice, thus providing access to the most modern knowledge and expertise in the field. It also helps our students to be recognized by their future colleagues in Slovakia and abroad.
The program does not set out a single, unchanging set of skills for all. Nor does it assume a uniform set of skills from applicants. It is not limited to graduates of art schools; it is also suitable for graduates of grammar schools and industrial schools. A significant part of the activities in the program reflects students' individual interest in various fields and branches of digital arts, which are then addressed as needed in studios, workshops, excursions and joint projects with partner institutions.
Main outcomes of the education
Graduates are able to work independently and as a team in the domain of digital creative activities such as visual arts, 2D/3D graphics and animation, digital media, interactive applications and installations, video games, data visualization, and infographics. The graduate is proficient in software and hardware tools for processing and displaying graphic information and multimedia. The student is able to independently analyze existing works and synthesize the knowledge into his/her own works. The student is able to critically analyze the works of others, present his/her works, discuss and defend his/her positions. Is able to learn new technologies and practices, and to adapt to new conditions in the future.
After graduating from the program, the graduate can directly start working in creative practice (see indicated professions below) but also continue his/her studies at the master's level in related study programs (in the fields of visual arts, design or visual art theory) or apply for a master's degree at other universities in the field of humanities, social and historical sciences, but also in the field of computer science and information technologies.
Freelance visual artist. Author of interactive installations, projections, digital presentations. 2D/3D graphic designer and animator. Designer and art creator for video games. Programmer. Curator of digital archives of art and cultural heritage. The program also takes into account the dynamic labor market and the rapid emergence of new professions that are not even named yet. This is reflected in the two pillars of the curriculum: building the capacity for continuous learning and the flexibility of the curriculum.
They can also work in creative teams (with an overlap into various visual arts media, mass media, advertising etc.). Further carrer paths include gallery pedagogy and education, either in education institutions or cultural institutions (galleries, museums, theaters, cultural and creative centers).
Study program Digital Arts does not operate within a state-regulated sector, thus no sector-specific requirements are set.
Digital Arts are a new study program. AFAD has prepared a process which will accumulate and monitor the data and the evaluation reports about the employability of its graduates:
This variety of information sources is necessary because an important portion of the graduates is expected to pursue a free lance artist career and standard employment data do not cover them fully.
This study program is a new one and as such does not yet have any graduates.
We are not presenting evaluation by employers at this point, as employer representatives are members of the Accreditation Board and the Programme Board of AFAD.
The curriculum of the study program is developed by the principal teacher of the study program Digital Arts on the basis of joint meetings with other supervising teachers of the study program, as well as with other teachers involved in the teaching of the study program. As part of the discussions, representatives of students of the study program also submit student suggestions on the study plan. The meetings also address the opinions of students from the AFAD survey regarding the study plan.
The draft of the study plan is subsequently submitted by the principal teacher of the Digital Arts study program to the Program board of the Academy of Performing Arts and Design, chaired by the Vice-Rector for Studies, for discussion. The Program board of AFAD also includes a representative of the student part of the academic community and an external expert from the field of visual arts.
The principal teacher in charge of the study program considers incorporating the comments of the Program board and subsequently submits the curriculum as part of the study program description for further study program approval processes within the internal quality assurance system of education at AFAD.
The curriculum in the Digital Arts program is made up of 3 categories of courses/activities:
The next paragraphs describe each category in detail.
Studios, workshops and internships:
Activities in the studio make up for the largest part of education in Digital Arts program. The merit of the activities, their difficulty and the alloted time translate to the large number of credit awarded for the studio courses. Studio courses are taken by students throughout all four years of the program and include the following courses: Preparatory Course of Digital Arts, Studio Guide to the Galaxy and Multimedia studio, which is an optional studio course in third and fourth year offered as an alternative to the main Studio Guide to the Galaxy.
The main activity during a studio course is individual students' work on an assignment. Usually during the whole semester. Discussions and consultations are a large part of the studio sessions and the teachers usually invite external guests to give talks on the topic of the assignment. Students make their own research on the topic, define the goal of their work and then work on their own art piece with intermediate consultations through the whole semester. Several checkpoints are instituted over the course of the semester and eventually a final defence of the art piece.
Alternatively to the core studios of Digital Arts, students can elect to visit a different studio for a semester. This is made available under the course Supplementary studio. Relevant supplementary studios where digital arts students can broaden their horizons and increase their interdisciplinary potential are e.g. Intermedia, Visual Communication, Photography or Design.
In second to fourth year of the study the students can also replace their studio course with an Internship in an external institution within the digital arts domain.
Compulsory courses:
The compulsory courses are mainly concentrated in the first two years of study and aim to balance the diversity of applicants and provide students with the necessary foundation for further studies, which already emphasise the individuality and diversity of the digital arts field. A program that moves at the intersection of fine arts and technology must account in its curriculum for the diversity of students who straddle the spectrum between technology and art. The plan therefore includes in the introductory years both subjects focused on visual expression - Drawing, Project Drawing, 3D Design, Multimedia - as well as more technically oriented subjects, the most important of these being Creative Programming, Working with Microcontrollers, and Prototyping and Fabrication.
Compulsory theoretical courses focus on providing a context for students' work in the studio. They put side by side philosophical, historical and cultural contexts that shape students' artistic, aesthetic as well as critical thinking. The supporting course here is Fine Art in Cultural Context. A supporting course is Introduction to Studies, which introduces students to the specifics of the various art majors at the college and to academic practice. Later on, the theoretical courses focus more specifically on the field of digital arts and on critical thinking in the context of the arts (Issues in Visual Media and Image Analysis (Digital Arts)). They also function as preparation for the independent art-theoretical activity that is part of the students' final BA thesis in the fourth year.
Elective and optional courses:
The interdisciplinarity and broad scope of digital arts is reflected in the extensive selection of compulsory electives and elective courses. The curriculum here leaves quite considerable freedom of choice. Students can tailor their plan to their focus and can create a plan that combines, to the extent appropriate for them, both deepening skills in an area of interest and gaining breadth in other related fields.
In the case of elective subjects, the curriculum focuses more on subjects that deepen and develop the skills acquired in the lower grades (3D modelling, programming, drawing, multimedia), but also includes extension subjects such as Photography and Sound. Electives must be taken from the block curriculum electives, within the volume established in the curriculum.
For optional courses, our plan benefits from the offer of extension courses from other departments of AFAD, which are a suitable complement to Digital Arts. These include practical graphic skills (bitmap and vector graphics, design) or more conceptual skills in working with space and materials. There is no established minimum (or maximum) volume of credits from optional courses.
Organisation of studies and rules for drawing up the study plan:
Undergraduate studies at AFAD are organized under the rules as published online:
Rules and the list of all available courses are updated each year and published in a so-called bedeker ("guide"):
Further rules, for international cooperation, research and grants:
STUDY PLAN is attached as a PDF file BEDEKER 2022/23
Study program: Digital Arts
Study field: Art
Level: 1.
Form of study: full time
Standard length: 4years
Awarded degree: Bc.
Language: primary language is Slovak and partially English. Detailed language specifications are provided in the information sheet for each course
Information about study plan is available in two forms: The guide to study programs, called Bedeker, and information sheets for each individual course.
Bedeker is available online:
It contains the following information:
Information sheets are available to students through the school's Academic Information System (AIS).
Each course information sheet contains:
Information sheets are available as files attached to this accreditation document.
Rules for the verification of learning outcomes:
The decisive verification tool for learning outcome is the regular end-semester evaluation which is performed in each studio. It is performed by a committee assembled from core teachers and guest teachers. The committee is often extended by Digital Arts fellows and external experts. The evaluation consists of a defence of the studio work during which students present their semestral art pieces and discuss it with committee as well as with other students. The committee then assigns a grade to every student.
After that, on another day and exluding the students, the results of the defences in each studio are presented to the Pedagogical board of AFAD by the heads of the respective studio (i.e. Studio Guide to the Galaxy and Multimedia Studio). The head of the studio presents the assignment for the semester and the education process for the semester. Outstanding art pieces of students are presented to the board and assigned grades for all students. The board then discussess the evaluation and validates the outcome.
In the result of the semester works of students, the results of education within the main studio course are combined with professional and theoretical subjects in the given semester, or in the previous semester of the study program.
Eventually, all semester works are presented to the general public during an exhibition taking place across all AFAD buildings and other art venues. This exhibition is called "Prieskum" (i.e. "Exploration") and is widely popular amongst public. Additionally, the works are also presented online in a so-called Digital Exploration ("Digitalny prieskum") on a dedicated webpage:
Evaluation of learning outcomes follows the general Study Regulations of AFAD. This document defines the process of evaluation and the means of appealing against the result:
Terms of recognition of study results are governed by Study Regulations of AFAD
and the Directive on Recognition of Diplomas
Digital Arts is only in its second year and as such it does not have any final theses topics published. Topic of final thesis is formulated individually for every student by his/her supervisor. The thesis assignment then undergoes an approval by the principal teacher of the study program. The process of thesis defence is governed by rules in the Study Regulations of AFAD:
Rules for the assignment, processing, opposition, defense and evaluation of final theses in the study programme are defined in the Study Regulations of AFAD:
Opportunities and procedures for participation in student mobility are advertised by the shool webpage:
Rules for adherence to academic ethics and rules for drawing consequences are defined in the Disciplinary regulations:
Procedures applicable to students with special needs are defined by a Rector's directive and are facilitated by the Support and Consultation Centre:
Complaints and appeals by students can be filed through several channels:
– Support and Consultation Centre gather complaints and appeals from students and forwards them to the Ethical committee or to Study Issued Subcommittee of the Academic Senate or to the Vice-rector for Study.
– Through an appointed person in the Study office who will forward the issue to to Vice-rector for Study.
– Directly to the Study Subcommittee of Academic Senate which then decides on the necessary actions and issue resolution.
– Directly to the Ethical Committee of AFAD which then decides on the necessary actions and issue resolution.
Resolution of any filing can be conducted in conjuction of the named bodies and/or their appointed representatives.
The procedures of filing and resolving appeals of the academic community and other employees are described in the Rules of Ethics board: and in Ethical Codex
Course information sheets are part of a separate attachment, in the format according to the Decree no. 614/2002 Coll.
Current academic year plan is available online:
Current schedule is available through the Academic Information System (AIS)
Person responsible for the execution, development, and quality of the study programme:
doc. Mgr. art. András Cséfalvay, ArtD.
Position: associate professor
Core courses: Studio Guide to the Galaxy
Registry of university staff:
Core teachers of Digital Arts
doc. Mgr. art. Ján Šicko, ArtD.
Position: associate professor
Core courses: Multimedia studio
Registry of university staff:
doc. Mgr. Ladislav Tkáčik, PhD.
Position: associate professor
Core courses: Issues of Fine Art Media (Digital Arts); Analysis of Images (Digital Arts)
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. Matej Novotný, PhD.
Position: associate professor
Core courses: Preparatory Course Digital Arts; Studio Guide to the Galaxy; Creative Programming
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. art. Roman Mackovič, ArtD.
Position: associate professor
Core courses: Preparatory Course Digital Arts; Working with Microcontrollers
Registry of university staff:
In separate attachment
Respective courses taught by each teacher are listed in the study plans
Mgr. art. Marek Kvetan
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. Norbert Lacko, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. art. Barbara Hodásová, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. Beáta Jablonská, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
Mag. arch. Kristína Gumulák Rypáková, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. Naďa Kančevová, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
doc. Mgr. Daniel Grúň, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. Ján Kralovič, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
doc. Mgr. Ladislav Tkáčik, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. Art. Jana Ilková, Art.D.
Registry of university staff:
RNDr. Pavel Bukoven
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. Art. Richard Keťko
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. Art. Danica Pišteková, ArtD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. art. Žofia Dubová
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. Art. Peter Barényi, ArtD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. art. František Király, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. Art. Júlia Kolláthová, ArtD.
Registry of university staff:
PaedDr. Monika Dobrovičová, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. Martin Šarkan, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. Norbert Lacko, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
prof. PhDr. Marián Zervan, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
prof. Ladislav Čarný, akad. mal.,
Registry of university staff:
prof. Ing. arch. Monika Mitášová, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. Peter Máčaj, PhD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. art. Zuzana Šebelová
Registry of university staff:
doc. Dipl. des. Zuzana Šebeková, ArtD.
Registry of university staff:
doc. Stanislav Bubán, akad. mal.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. art. Vít Halada, ArtD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. art. Pavol Truben, ArtD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. art. Ing. arch. Andrea Pézman, ArtD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. art. Gabriel Gyenes, ArtD.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. art. František Demeter
Registry of university staff:
Václav Kautman, akad. soch.
Registry of university staff:
Mgr. art. Peter Zelman
Registry of university staff:
Topics of final theses are created individually for each student. The program itself has not students in the final year and not topics have been assigned yet.
doc. Mgr. art. András Cséfalvay, ArtD.,
doc. Mgr. art. Ján Šicko, ArtD.,
The profiles are stored in Academic Information System (AIS) and will be made available on demand.
Natália Zajačiková,
Emma Záhradníková,
Students in general are represented by the student body of the Academic senate:
Study advisors:
doc. Mgr. art. András Cséfalvay, ArtD.
E-mailová adresa:
Mgr. Matej Novotný, PhD.
E-mailová adresa:
Individual meetings and consultations are scheduled personally or by e-mail.
Tatarková Mária, Ing.
Study administrator and accommodation coordinator
E-mailová adresa:
Kozáková, Sylvia, Ing.
AIS administrator
E-mailová adresa:
Jančařík, Tomáš, Mgr. art.
Career consultant
E-mailová adresa:
Šarkan, Martin, Mgr., PhD.
Psychological counsellor
E-mailová adresa:
Study office:
Support and Counseling Center:
Accommodation office:
Classrooms and educational factilities:
Rooms and equipment provided by the Digital Arts platform:
In addition to the common spaces and equipment which students use for compulsory, elective and optional courses at designated places and shared common spaces with other study programs, the Digital Arts platform also has its own studio space for creation in the core course Studio Guide to the Galaxy and an office for consultations and lectures, a total of about 80m2. The Multimedia Studio is also a shared space with students on the Visual Communication degree program.
Hardware equipment for Digital Arts includes 10 PCs in the shared computer room and own equipment in the Digital Arts Studio. In total this makes 16x high-performance multimedia PCs (i7, 32 GB RAM, RTX 2070, 27”monitor), 2x projector, 8x VR headsets (HTC Vive Pro, Oculus Quest 2), 55” LCD screen, 5.1 audio system, high-performance multimedia laptop (Ryzen 5, 16 GB RAM, RTX 3060), professional spatial microphone and audiorecorder, 11x Wacom drawing tablets.
Software equipment used in education: Adobe Creative Suite package for 2D graphics, 3D modeling tools Rhino, Blender, 3DS Max, Maya, Cinema4D, game engines Unity and Unreal, full office suite Microsoft Office 365 and cloud storage OneDrive with 1TB capacity for each user.
Students of Digital Arts can use the aforementioned rooms and workshops during their courses. The studio is accessible to students also outside of course schedule, for individual work. While taking optional courses from other departments of AFAD, students have access to other studios and workshops as well. For example:
Digital classroom: The current equipment and the full inventory will be made available to the accreditation evaluators during on-site visit. Digital classroom is in the building on Drotárska cesta 44.
Drawing room.
Workshops and laboratories: Students have access to special tools, machinery and overal equipment during optional courses taken in these spaces. Time for individual work can be booked in these spaces with accordance with the supervisor of these spaces to allow students to proceed with their semester projects or the practical part of their final theses. Workshop supervisor is also responsible for workplace safety and supervises the students while operating any equipment in the workshop and while manipulating with any material in the workshop. Workshops and laboratories are in buildings on Drotárska cesta 44 and Koceľova 23.
Material equipment: School provides rudimentary material for the study program, mainly consumables. Additional material required for semester works and practical part of final thesis is provided by each student him/her-self. Alternatively, school or the department of Digital Arts provides additional material and financial support for student works by means of grants.
Lecture halls and classrooms: 5 + 5 rooms – in total cca 362 m2. Each lecture hall is equipped with a computer, projector, projection screen, audio equipment and wi-fi. (Up-to-date inventory lists will be made available to accreditation evaluators upon on-site inspection).
Lecture halls and classrooms are in the building on Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18.
Médium Gallery: in total cca 150 m2. Médium Gallery presents creative outcomes of students and provides spaces for invited lectures, discussion and social activities of students.
Education center for communication and visualization in Kremnica – historical building used for hosting workshop, seminars and conferences. It provides accommodation to cca 30 persons and lecture rooms with technical equipment. The common case is that students move to Kremnica for one week of focused work as a part of their studio course. There they work in teams, attend workshops and lectures prepared by the teachers for the occasion. The activites are often attended by students across various studios or even from different partner schools. The goal is to provide better interaction between students and between attending institutions.
Future plans: AFAD is in the process of building a Technology pavillion, which will host the following specialized workplaces: Wood and stone processing, Precision metal casting, Surface treatment, Modeling, Fabric printing, dyeing and processing, Audio-visual production, 2D and 3D printing, Photography processing, Technology of painting, Laboratory of chemical technology, Education and presentation.
a. Akademic library and related local libraries at individual AFAD departments provide access to physical books as well as to electronic databases and online catalogues of books, dictionaries, encyclopaedia, e-books and e-magazines. Information about and all services provided by Academic library is published on their website:
Available electronic resources are listed at (in Slovak):
b. Artotéka – common data storage of art schools and local data storages of AFAD
c. Free internet connection – wi-fi in all school's buildings: (Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Drotárska cesta 44, Koceľova 23 and Education center for communication and visualization in Kremnica )
d. AiS (Academic Information System), provides:
o ILP – information sheets for all courses
o Course timetables
o Study plans for each study program
o Internal AFAD regulations and decrees related to study
e. Tools for remote presence and online learning: MS Teams
f. Information channels: School web, school emails, social network profiles
The forms and method of study are defined in the Study Regulations of the AFAD (Article 3, Forms and Methods of Study, points 5 to 8).
At the AFAD, the combined method of teaching is mostly used, which is indicated in the Course Information Sheets, even if the teaching is done completely by distance learning. When changing the teaching method of a course, the issue is discussed in advance with the principal teacher of the study programme and subsequently with the Vice-Rector for Studies at a predetermined time (usually May-June of the previous academic year when reviewing the study plan and the content of the individual ILP for the next academic year). Full distance learning at the AFAD is implemented by order of the Rector, especially in emergency situations (e.g. during a declared state of emergency). Distance learning is provided through the MS Teams platform which enables videolectures and their recording, sharing of literature and study material, assigning work and submitting assignments.
Digital Arts is an artistically-oriented study program but it has a working mechanism of professional internships in itself as well as on the whole AFAD level. It cooperates with numerous institutions and companies on national and international elvel. The list of partners is constantly evolving. The relevant procedures and regulations are available either on the school's webpage or within the Study guide (Bedeker):
Besides the partnerships established on the school level, Digital Arts have a set of partners of their own to cooperate with on student itnernships and other educational activities:
· Kunsthalle Bratislava: exhibitions of student works
· At Home Gallery Šamorín: exhibitions of student works
· Trenčín Europan Capital of Culture 2026: cooperation on art activities
· Sensorium: involving students into their projects and exhibitions
· Novota ART: excursions and practice in a modern 3D digital fabrication workplace
· Slovak National Gallery: joint workshops, excursions
The school's Medium and HIT galleries and the school's external public spaces are used for cultural and social events at the AFAD. The gallery spaces are primarily used for exhibition activities of students and teachers of the school, they also serve as a communication space for organizing various types of lectures and discussions, which are also open to the general public, or other social activities of teachers, students, staff, as well as alumni of the school.
As part of the open-call mechanism, the school's gallery spaces also present the exhibition projects of our partners from abroad or the results of our international cooperation. Within the framework of international cooperation, projects of international significance are periodically prepared (e.g. Month of Photography, Jewel Clash, Poster Triennial, White Night, etc.)
Another important facility of the AFAD is the Education center for communication and visualization in Kremnica, which the school uses for creative workshops and block teaching process. The Teaching Centre provides accommodation, lecture rooms, digital technology equipment and basic materials. The facility is used extensively for workshops, conferences, seminars and meetings also with foreign partner educational institutions and promotes internationalisation, interaction and joint concentrated creative activity. Due to its advantageous geographical location, the teaching centre is used for year-round outdoor sports activities as part of creative residencies.
The main means of student mobility are the Erasmus+ mobility programmes (projects KA103 and KA107), CEEPUS, programmes based on bilateral agreements and the possibilities of the National Scholarship Programme focused on student, teacher and non-teaching mobility.
In addition to the standard mobility, students also participate in other artistic and research projects, in which AFAD creates joint international platforms with selected foreign partners and collaborates on specific artistic, exhibition, presentation, research and innovation tasks and projects. In order to carry out the mobility of the Digital Arts study programme and to gain international experience, AFAD has established a wide network of partnerships in most European Union countries, non-EU partner countries in Europe (Western Balkan countries, Ukraine, Georgia), Asia (China, Japan, India, Israel, Turkey) and America (USA, Mexico).
Students also have the opportunity to benefit from a number of international workshops, lectures, seminars, training courses and meetings of visiting foreign teachers at our school. The international students who come to our school, mainly under the Erasmus+ programme, will contribute to building contacts and opportunities for future collaborations for our students. Students will have the opportunity to benefit from the activities of the major international networks of which AFAD is a part of (Cumulus, ELIA). International presentation activities of students are also supported by the embassies of the Slovak Republic and cultural institutes of the Slovak Republic abroad. In addition to education stays, artistic-research and presentation activities, students of the study programme will have the opportunity to benefit from student and graduate internships in selected foreign institutions, companies and specialised studios and studios within the Erasmus+ programme.
All options, guidelines and rules are made available and updated in detail on the school's website and are also defined in the internal regulations of the AFAD - Rector's Directive: Implementation of the ERASMUS+ Programme at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava.
Complete information, guidelines and the course of international mobility (from application up to credit recognition upon return):
Application forms for requestin infividual study plans and to recognize mobility activities are available within the Academic Information System (AIS)
Candidates have a creative mindset, can come up with their own ideas or interpretations, as well as their own questions. Can capture their visual or spatial idea in graphic form. They do not need to excel in drawing or be proficient in the latest technology, although this is an advantage. What they need, however, is to be brimming with curiosity, to have interests of their own, and to have an intrinsic motivation to explore new things and to keep learning. They are capable of responding to changes, do not stay on the beaten path, and are not afraid to experiment. Do not give up at the first failure.
Candidates are proficient with computer work at a high school level. Interested in visual arts, literature, film, comics, video games, and digital technology. They self-educate beyond high school - they have extracurricular activities, hobbies, learn from the web, tutorials or books - or have hands-on experience. Given the study of modern information resources, at least an average knowledge of English is recommended, although language is not part of the admissions interview. Similarly, practical skills in an area such as 2D/3D graphics, animation, video, multimedia or photography are an advantage.
The admission procedure consists of two rounds and applicants are assessed by a committee composed of supervising lecturers with the artistic and pedagogical titles of professor, associate professor or assistant professor. A university teacher teaching in another study programme at AFAD may also be a member of the admissions committee. The Admissions Committee is appointed by the Rector of the School.
The first round is usually conducted remotely and candidates submit three parts:
Advancing to the second round:
The Admissions Committee will evaluate the works submitted in the first round and determine the group of candidates for the second round. The condition for advancement to the second round is obtaining at least 50% of the maximum possible points from the first round. Depending on the situation (e.g. small number of candidates), the committee may raise the threshold for advancement to 45% of the points obtained. Candidates who progress to the second round of the entrance examination are informed and the results published on the school's website no later than 30 days after the first round. At the same time, advancing candidates are sent an invitation to the second round of admission exams.
Second round:
Takes place in person and lasts two days. It is open only to candidates who have been successful in the first round. The main focus of the second round is the completion of 4 work assignments on the topics set by the committee, usually 2 assignments on the first day and 2 assignment on the second day. The subject matter of the assignments is a varying combination of imagination, creativity and visual expression. Typical assignments are, for example, the representation of a story through drawing (comics, storyboard), the conceptual design of the functionality of a computer application and the graphic design of its user interface, the design of a logo or a visual campaign given a certain theme, etc.
The second round also includes a written test or interview testing critical and visual reasoning, reading comprehension, or a general overview of visual arts and culture. The oral interview ensures an inclusive form of admissions procedure where the applicant demonstrates his/her knowledge of the field; the interview also includes a discussion of home assignments.
The admission procedure and conditions are published in detail on the school's website:
Results of the admission process over the last period..
Admission exams in the academic year 2021/2022 for enrolling in the academic year 2022/2023
Number of applicants: 33
Passed to the second round: 12
Total accepted: 6
Collection of students' feedback and opinion on school level:
AFAD prepared tools for collecting, monitoring and evaluation opinions of students and alumni on the quality of study program:
1. Semester works and final thesis works are published during Exploration and Diploma fest events. All students' works, regardless of their quality are presented to public on school grounds or in partner galleries. Students and alumni, as parts of public, have access to the works to gauge study program quality.
2. Student survey on topics of school operation, education, quality of theoretical, practical and studio courses. The survey is facilitated and evaluated by the student body of Academic Senate and by the Education commitee of Academic Senate.
3. Further feedback, opinions and suggestions can be submitted by mail and email to vice-rectors, Academic Senate, Ethical committee, Study office, and International office of AFAD
Collection of students' feedback on studio level:
In addition to school-level tools for gathering students' opinions, Digital ARts conduct their own open discussion at the end of each semester. The discussion includes both students and teachers. The topics and opinions can be raised publicly or anonymously through an online form (MS Teams,
Collection of students' feedback on course level:
Every teacher of Digital Arts is encouraged to gather additional feedback per each course, usually anonymously through an online form (MS Teams,
The results of student and alumni feedback and related measures to improve the quality of the study programme are described in the Internal Regulation for the Internal Quality Assurance System for Higher Education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava.
The results of student and alumni feedback and related measures to improve the quality of the study programme are described in the Internal Regulation for the Internal Quality Assurance System for Higher Education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava.
1. Study regulations:,
2. Internal decree about admission process at Academy of Fine Arts and Design:
3. Internal letter about finishing undergraduate studies (is updated each year and published via Academic Information System. It's also sent to students' mailboxes in their finishing year.).
4. Internal decree 3/2020, Rector's guideline for providing a generally accessible environment for students with special needs:,
5. Disciplinary regulations for students of AFAD
6. Internal decree about tuition and fees:,
7. AFAD Code of Ethics:
8. Internal decree of AFAD no.. 5/2017 (Rules of Procedure of Academic Senate of AFAD):
9. Rules for hiring at AFAD:
10. Internal decrees and information regarding international mobilities at AFAD:,,,,,
11. Information regarding study and the organization of study:
ECTS manual:
Organization of study:,