Study programme DIV2m.22St - Design
Study Grade of study - II. - master, study form - full time, study type - Single degree study
Document type: Description of the study programme
The name of the university Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava
The seat of the university Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, 814 37 Bratislava
Institution body for approving the study programme:
The Program Board of AFAD 9 May 2022 The Accreditation Board of AFAD 8 July 2022
Date of the study programme approval or the study programme modification:
Date of the latest change in the study programme description:
1. - Basic information about the study programme
a) - Name of the study program and its number according to the register of study programmes.
The study program: Design, 11240
b) - Degree of higher education and ISCED-F education degree code.
Master´s degree of education (2nd degree); 767
c) - Place(s) of delivery of the study programme.
Hviezdoslavovo nám. (Hviezdoslav Square) 18, 814 37 Bratislava, other buildings of the program delivery Drotárska cesta 44 , Koceľova 23, 821 08 Bratislava
d) - Name and number of the field of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, or a combination of two fields of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, ISCED-F codes of the field/fields.
Art – 8202 Fields according to ISCED FoET 2013: 02 Arts and Humanities / 021 Arts / 0213 Fine Arts, 0212 Fashion, interior and industrial design
e) - Type of the study programme: academically oriented, professionally oriented; translation, translation combination study programme (listing the specializations); teaching, teaching combination study programme (listing the specializations); artistic, engineering, doctoral, preparation for regulated profession, joint study programme, interdisciplinary studies.
academically oriented, artistic
f) - Awarded academic degree before the name
g) - Form of study.
full time
h) - In the case of joint study programmes, cooperating institutions and the range of study obligations the student fulfills at each of the given institutions (§ 54a of the Act on Higher Education Institutions).

No joint study program.

i) - Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered.
Slovak language and English language
j) - Standard length of the study expressed in academic years.
2 academic years
k) - Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students), the actual number of applicants and students.
The planned number of students in both academic years in total: 60 (50% of students in each year from total). The actual number of applicants was about 55. The number of students is about 40 (the planned number of accepted students in the 1st grade).
2. - Graduate profile and learning objectives
a) - The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The main objective of the education in the study program Design in the MA degree is complex knowledge and skills for the profession in the fields of design and art that have very broad potential in the present. Through diverse design outcomes, design touches many aspects of life. It is understood as a source of many cultural values, with the potential to influence society in a number of aspects – cultural, social, economic, and ecological. Design is sensible to fast changes in technological development and its impact. The education in the MA degree in the study program Design reflects this complex thinking and its goal is to develop knowledge, skills, and competencies of students in some mutually linked and mutually linked areas: individual detection and definition of a problem, theoretical analysis within the present state of knowledge (including latest knowledge in science, technology, and related humanities), its critical reflection, formulation of possible solutions and concepts, in regard to social, ethical and ecological responsibility and economical effectivity. The choice of suitable means of expression in visual and material realizations is crucial in the proposed solutions and concepts. This requires knowledge of design methods, 2D and 3D software, virtual reality, and skills in analog and digital drawing on a sufficient level. Applying an individual authentic artistic view and experimental approach, the student is able to formulate an innovative solution to a problem and his/her original statement that he/she clearly communicates. Within the realization phase, the objective of education is to deepen knowledge, skills, and competencies in realization (analog and digital) technologies and materials. Individual research by students is supported and the focus is on high-quality of models and prototypes realization. Demand is on experimental approach and courage to overstep the limits of art media to enrich the territory of design for new approaches. The goal is to make the students understand the multidisciplinary character of design that presently oversteps physical limits and is realized in the sphere of digital applications and services. Another objective is to master advanced methods of presentation with a focus on the use of a broad spectrum of presentation software, sophisticated and clear execution of presentation, communication, and argumentation skills. The education process also develops the managing and organizational abilities of students and offers experience in communication with the external environment in the form of practical assignments, cooperation with experts in particular areas, individual exhibition activities, and participation in competitions in Slovak or international contexts.

The objective of MA education in the study program Design is realized in three specializations – Design, Textile Creation, and Visual Communication. In their framework, profile courses with various focuses (please, refer to the Information Sheets of Studio Course) in studios and the profile theoretical course Interpretational Framework of Contemporary Design I - III are taught.

The main learning outcomes:

The MA graduate in the study program Design has deep knowledge of the theory and history of the studied field. Depending on his/her specialization, he/she has insight into related humanities, science, and technology, is able to search for necessary information, and pursue further education. He/she is able to comprehend, critically analyze, evaluate and interpret the content of specialized text in design and draw conclusions to apply in his/her design/artistic creation. He/she is able to apply acquired knowledge for his/her further development. The graduate keeps an overview of current social and cultural events, he/she is sensitive to fast global changes that are still more mutually related and complex. He/she is aware of the need to actively consider current global problems and identify them, which requires a creative approach to solving human needs in regard to the principles of sustainability. Individually or in a creative team, the graduate is able to create a complex autonomous design or artwork; he/she is able to critically evaluate its social importance, ethical and ecological context. H/she applies the responsible approach also in communication with a possible client or business partner and so contributes to positive changes in the general notion of design in regard to sustainability in the future and in the corporal or institutional environment.

The student is able to visualize his/her concept by means of advanced knowledge in design methods (drawing, 2D and 3D software, virtual reality, etc.) in a broad media scale, with emphasis on innovative processes towards an autonomous visual expression and the original message. He/she masters tools for communication with the production sphere (technical documentation, logistic-economic relations, and other tools of soft skills).

The graduate has an extensive overview of prototyping technologies (analog and digital) and materials, is able to choose the appropriate procedure for the realization of his/her design and/or artwork. Based on this knowledge, he/she is able to develop his/her own original technological procedures and realize material research with the aim to broaden knowledge in this field. He/she follows the development of production technologies in practice and applies it effectively in communication with a possible producer–client. He/she is able individually to source new experts from various fields for cooperation and manage a multidisciplinary creative team.

The graduate is able to clearly communicate the results of his/her creative process to experts and the lay public, using advanced presentation methods and software and focusing on verbal delivery and argumentation. He/she is able to socially interact, support, and initiate team cooperation and take responsibility for it. Communication skills in a foreign language enable him/her to prove his/her competence in the international environment. 

Besides design studios or design departments of development and production companies, the graduate has the potential to pursue his/her own business (self-employed person, civil association) and is able to receive grants and residencies for his/her projects in Slovakia or abroad.

The graduate is an active member of society that recognizes the role of a designer in local and global problem solutions. He/she comprehends the concepts of citizenship, democracy, social justice, foreign cultures, human rights, and different cultural needs and values. With his artistic and civic standpoint, he/she actively contributes to the development of cultural values, nature protection, and cultural heritage.

b) - The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.

A graduate has the potential to work in a broad area of design, artistic and cultural production, in Slovakia and abroad - in private companies, public organizations and institutions, and in offices of the civil service. He/she can manage creative design and interdisciplinary teams (also overlapping with other fields, architecture, visual arts, and audiovisual art). He/she can work as a pedagogue in educational institutions (primary art schools, the School of Applied Arts, universities, in gallery pedagogy, as a lecturer, in life-long education), a specialist in cultural institutions (galleries, museums, theaters, cultural and creative centers), in a municipality (offices of culture, education, popularization of culture, in cultural institutions abroad), a creative specialist in industrial and other commercial companies (advertising and marketing agencies, design, prototype and experimental studios, graphic and multimedia studios, creative production in the creative industry). The MA graduate in the study program Design masters processes of so-called design thinking, applied in various social areas: to analyze clients´ needs, to define problems, to propose and test possible solutions. Thus, the possibilities of the graduates´ employability are broadened to professions beyond fields of art where creative thinking is required too.

c) - Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favorable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

Compulsory only by regulated professions. The requirements of the regulated profession do not apply to the study program Design.

3. - Employability
a) - Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability.

In the study program Design, AFAD has prepared a system structure to cumulate and monitor data and evaluation reports about the study program graduates' employability:

- A survey for the graduates (job in the studied specialization, field, form). The survey is prepared and monitored by the Academic Senate AFAD. 

-. The visibility monitoring (design, artistic and publication production, presentations, participation in exhibitions, reflection in professional and public media – includes students and graduates). (Monitored by the Office for Quality AFAD).

- Statistics from the Labor Office. (Monitored by the Office for Quality AFAD).

Information from relevant architectural and related artistic institutions, and external experts (for example, Ministry of Culture SR, Slovak Design Center, Satelit Gallery, Slovak National Gallery, Kunsthalle, companies in industrial production, creative industry, educational institutions, organizations in civil service and public administration, etc.) (Monitored by the Office for Quality AFAD).

b) - If applicable, indicate the successful graduates of the study programme.

Upon request, AFAD presents the outcomes of the successful graduates to the Accreditation Board. AFAD continuously collects and evaluates graduates´ outcomes through media monitoring (TASR) and through the school´s own monitoring via the Office for Quality AFAD.

Some examples:

Specialization: DIZAJN


1. Mgr. art. Michal Staško – own design label,


2. Mgr. art. Wanda Valihrachová – artdirector, LaSvit,


3. Mgr. art. Eduard Herrmann – cooperation with mmcité, a young design studio Hermann&Coufal,


4. Mgr. art. Matej Hreščák,


5. Bystrík Míček – Werkemotion dizajn co-founder of a design label


6. Miroslav Jaško – Mercedes Benz, Creative interior designer, Mercedes-Benz AG


7. Dalibor Pantuček – Škoda dizajn Project leader at Exterior Škoda Design


8. Juraj Mitro,


9. Mgr. art. Peter Balko – Mercedes dizajn  Creative interior design manager, Mercedes-Benz AG


10. Boris Grell- Creative interior design manager Volkswagen design


11. Branislav Maukš – Aufeer dizajn,  Project leader at Exterior Škoda Design



Specialization: TEXTILE CREATION


1. Mgr. art. Ľudmila Harring – fashion designer, sourcing and sustainability manager ZOE, Lifeline, Nehera, Bepon, Saphrani


2. Doc. Mgr. art. Mária Štraneková ArtD.– MOD’SPE Paris Central Europe


3. Mgr. art. Tereza Feňovčíková – fashion designer, founder of FREIER


4. Mgr. art. Boris Hanečka

fashion designer


5. Mgr. art. Kristína Šipulová – textile artist, pedagogue,


6. Mgr. art. Michaela Bednárová – designer, founder of PUOJD


7. Mgr. art. Marcel Holubec


8. Mgr. art. Zuzana Kubánová


9. Mgr. art. Ľubica Poncik Kurhajcová


10. Mgr. art. Matej Rabada – textile artist and designer, founder of blueprint workshop -





1. Mgr. art. Peter Biľak –

type designer, founder of typeface studio Typotheque, pedagogue at KABK Hague, the Netherlands


2. Mgr. art. Martin Šútovec

Shooty – illustrator/caricaturist for newspapers


3. Mgr. art. Peter Hajdin

co-owner of the studio Komplot advertising, branding and communication campaigns (Slovak National Bank, the Presidential Office SR)


4. Mgr. art. Martin Bajaník

studio Pekne a Dobre, author of visual identities (Yeme, Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava...)


5. Mgr. art. Johanna Balušíková

type designer, typeface studio Typotheque 


6. Mgr. art. Jozef Dobrík

Freelancer, awardee of D&AD awards


7. Mgr. art. Ján Filípek

type designer


8. Mgr. art. Ondrej Jób

type designer, awardee of TDC Typeface design 2015


9. Mgr. art. Slávka Paulíková

type designer


10. Mgr. art. Veronika Obertová

co-founder of Ové pictures


11. Mgr. art. Pavlína Morháčová

Inhouse designer in the Slovak National Gallery

c) - Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback).

We do not state any feedback here, since representatives of employers are members of the Accreditation Board AFAD.

4. - Structure and content of the study programme
a) - The institution describes the rules for the design of study plans within the study programme.

The study plan of the study program is prepared by the main pedagogue responsible for the Design study program, based on the common meetings with other appointed pedagogues of the study program and the rest of the pedagogues involved in the education of the study program. A representative of a student part of the Academic Senate is also involved in the discussion. And an external professional can also be invited.


The concept of the study plan is presented by the main pedagogue responsible for the Design study program to be evaluated by the Program Board AFAD, presided over by the vice-rector for Academic Affairs. The main pedagogue responsible for the study program considers remarks and suggestions of the Program Board and subsequently, he/she passes the study plan as part of the overall description of the study program to further processes of the study program evaluation within the internal system of educational quality assurance at AFAD. 

b) - The institution compiles the recommended study plans for individual study paths.

The profile courses in the study program Design have a specific character, mainly the character of Studio Courses. As for its content, requirements, and time consumption, the Studio Course has the most significant credit value. The Studio Course is divided into specializations, according to media: Design (specialized in industrial design - Studio Industrial Design, transport design - Studio Transport Design, interior design - Studio of Interior Design, and experimental design - Studio of Experimental Design), Textile Creation (specialized in fashion design – Studio of Fashion Design, textile design – Studio of Textile Design, textile in space – Studio of Textile in Space), Visual Communication (specialized in typography and type design –TypoLab, visual identity – Studio Identity, visual communication in space – Studio Space, multimedia – Studio Multimedia).

The studio education is focused on advanced original work, research in design, and experimental approaches to work with a broad range of materials, to designing, realization, and presentation technologies. It develops communication, presentation and argumentation skills, and critical thinking.

The education program in individual studios focuses on innovative creativity from free art to product design. In the study process, the student is trained to independently generate his/her own topic, analyze impulses and sources of inspiration, and reflect on current social issues.

The individual education program in the studios aims to train the students so they have the competence to contribute to the development of design as a professional field, new understanding and interpretation of functions and application of a product and artwork in social, technological, and environmental challenges, the students are constantly confronted with.

The integral part of the education process in studios are projects realized in cooperation with partners and topical workshops led by external experts in design practice, research, and theory, invited on the basis of current assignments. Content, topic, and focus of individual cooperation projects and workshops are updated each semester for each studio, based on current trends, individual requirements of pedagogues (or students), and based on offers and demands from the external environment. The outcome of the MA study is the realization of the original design and/or art project, combining acquired knowledge, strategies, and realization skills. The project is publicly presented to experts, or even to the lay public - in the form of installation, video presentation, or other agreed form of realization presentation in cooperation with an external (industrial) partner.

In the process of this creative work, the students acquire the basics of research methods, strengthen their analytical, critical, and creative thinking, and improve their material-technological skills. Overall, they strengthen their competencies in design or artistic practice.

The essential criteria of assessment are communication with a pedagogue, intensity and process of study, concept and its visualization, artistic realization, choice of materials and technological procedures, and quality of technical and craft features of the result, with respect to the concept of assignment, evaluation of preparatory studies, quality of research procedures and visual record of the entire study process, final visual presentation and installation, verbal presentation and defense of the project.

Knowledge – a student must have an essential theoretical and practical background in preparation of a concept content and visualization, its application in assigned or self-defined research-realization projects developing beyond their standard framework.

Skills – a student must be able to analytically execute an assignment, master designing methods (digital and analog), prototype and realization technologies, or even technologies used in industrial practice.

Competences – a student must be able to individually realize a preparatory analysis and design or artistic research in the given field, creative execution on a respective level, and a post-production phase of a quality realization of the project outcome.

Short characteristics of individual Studios, according to specializations:

Specialization Design


The course in the Studio Industrial Design explains principles of design creation, primarily focused on designs tailored to a particular domestic or international producer.

The MA study priority is preparation for individual design work and shaping the designer´s personality. Through efficiently formulated topics and cooperation with producers, a student acquires professional skills and develops original sensitivity in design. During his/her study, the student develops the potential to create his/her own design label, and abilities to create in a design team and accordingly react to a client´s requirements.

The Studio Transport Design is a highly specialized workplace, recognized in the central-European region. It develops close cooperation with the European industrial environment. This long-term relationship generates expectations formulated in a graduate´s profile. The MA study closely builds on the content of the BA study. It shifts the focus to experimental and research areas, though. The structure of tools application changes too towards the most advanced applications. In the framework of the MA study, internships in professional design studios in automobile factories are preferred, which remarkably improves the employability potential of the graduates.

The Studio of Interior Design derives its focus in the MA degree from impulses in the external environment. Extend, the range of assignment and realization in cooperation with a client and specialized consultants enrich the study by experience from a real relationship with practice and supports cooperation. Such a process of topic generation shapes a student´s profile and his possible specialization after graduation. Topics from practice strengthen a student´s relationship with the context of an assignment. It supports already acquired knowledge, and subsequently, it supports practice in interior design and furniture design. The final outcome is a drawing documentation and presentation of interior designs in the form of visualization and realization of a particular piece of furniture on a scale of 1:1, in cooperation with a client and a producer.

The Studio of Experimental Design focuses on the original production on a broader scale of media outcomes, in relation to design and its role in society. The students are encouraged to formulate and solve problems independently, by means of experimental procedures and critical views on social issues, using advanced designing, realization, and presentation technologies. The emphasis is put on research in design, formulation of the original approach, and development of individual artistic standpoints, rooted in the field of design with possible overlaps to free art. International cooperation and communication with experts and institutions are encouraged.

Specialization Textile Creation

Education in the Studio of Fashion Design focuses on original experiments and research in formal, structural, material, and cutting processes in clothing. The assigned topics are directed to interdisciplinarity and seek overlapping of the clothing industry with other media. They also encourage contact with a production and development practice, in the form of external internships and cooperation.

The Studio of Textile Design emphasizes the ability to source and analyze problems, think in a context, and react to the requirement of final outcomes utility in the standard circulation of production and consumption. The studio program also offers a space for experimenting with the textile design that is viewed as a tool for changing values and creating visions for the future. The students work on assignments related to social needs and they present their solutions individually or in teams. The focus is put on ethics, sustainability, and hybrid development of the textile design. The study includes courses, workshops, and theoretical lectures by experts from the external environment. Cooperation and communication with the industry field are accentuated. The study outcomes range from small forms of applied textile design, and specific experimental forms to textile projects in architectural space.

The Studio of Textile in Space draws its identity from fiber art – free art from a textile material. It focuses on textile fabric as a manifold medium, offering possibilities of a unique textile creation as well as a soft sculpture. The studio program helps students to profile their own, individual artistic approach, supported by practical experience with the textile medium from a textile miniature to a monumental work. The students experiment with various techniques and overstep other media and new technologies. They seek progressive solutions and innovative original procedures in the realization of an artwork. The study is enhanced by workshops and lectures on specialized topics.

Specialization Visual Communication


The Specialization of Visual Communication focused on typography is oriented to the creation of advanced publication design, type design, and new concepts in an organization and forming information in the current social and cultural context. Emphasis is put on a graduate´s ability to develop the field of typography and type design, actively contribute to public debates, and apply a defined approach to various types of visual media as means of his/her expression in an authentic visual language.


In the framework of Visual Communication focused on visual identity, the emphasis is put on the most complex concepts, for their content and visualization, and communication strategies of the visual identity of a product, company, institution, or event. The outcomes range in a broad media scale of visual communication design – from print to multimedia. Students realize assignments focused on elaboration and research of a communication reach and impact in a broader context, regarding professional, cultural, social, ecological, environmental, and economic aspects.


The essential premise of the specialization of Visual Communication focused on visual identity in space is understanding of possibilities and impact of visual communication in the context of other creative professions and disciplines. The education objective is the ability of a graduate to comprehend the meaning of design work in space – linked to coding, decoding, and information transfer – material and immaterial cultural values oscillating between 2D and 3D – and to profit from these two global dimensions by use of media, material, technical, and technological tools, and through the creation of complex outcomes with a high informational value.

Other profile courses of the MA study program Design are theoretical courses Interpretational Framework of Contemporary Design I – III, preparing students in the field of theory and interpretation of contemporary design and art, and reflecting all mentioned media specializations. The Studio Course and the pivotal theoretical courses Interpretational Framework of Contemporary Design I – III represent a compulsory basic for all students in Design. For successful completion of the Studio Course, a student must pass a diploma thesis defense, and for successful completion of the courses Interpretational Framework of Contemporary Design I – III, a student must pass the theoretical state examination. Detailed information can be found in the table below: Study Plan.

The study program Design is completed by a group of compulsory optional courses, divided into specialized practical and specialized theoretical courses. These courses build a basis for further media specialization and deepen the interdisciplinary character of the study program, regarding the fields of design, art, and culture. In this group, there are also courses focused on language skills in the field of contemporary design, art, and culture, and in the field of soft skills, such as copyright law, marketing in art, and skills in projects and grants applications. The courses in soft skills can be planned in blocks and specialized workshops to reflect the up-to-datedness of information and knowledge used in practice. 

In addition to the compulsory basis and compulsory optional courses, there are optional courses for students to get insight into other study programs in AFAD, such as visual art, architecture, restoration, and history and practice of contemporary art. Among optional courses, there is also a course with a possibility of an internship in an external environment of a broader scale of professions in culture. This group of courses is enriched by a series of courses in form of workshops, excursions, or short-term courses that dynamically react to current issues in design; employing professionals from the design, artistic, and cultural environments or foreign pedagogues in the process of the school internationalization.

The key principle in the MA study program Design is the overlapping of individual specializations and focuses of studios. The studios cooperate with each other and so create the environment for students to choose their individual paths in the study with all parameters of quality and requirements maintained.

More organizational rules:


The decisive evaluation tool of learning results is the periodical semester evaluation by a committee (the members of the committee are pedagogues of the study program Architectural Creation, also pedagogues of the Department of Theory and History of Art, and external experts). This evaluation also includes a compulsory presentation of a student´s results from the Studio Course and a defense of a semester project. This is followed by a discussion of the committee, present students, and external experts. The process is concluded by the evaluation of the committee and verification by the school committee consisting of the members of the Pedagogical Board AFAD. The results of the students´ semester works combine the partial results of the profile course Studio with the results of other specialized and theoretical courses in a particular semester, or even in a previous semester of a particular study program. The results of the semester evaluations are discussed and analyzed with the AFAD management at the meetings for the Pedagogical Board AFAD where there are critically reflected and evaluated positive and negative aspects of the results of the educational process. The students´ results of the education are subsequently publicly presented (the school exhibition in all AFAD buildings, other galleries and exhibition spaces, online presentations or AFAD Facebook, Instagram, or website and the department´s social media It creates a space for a broader critical discussion with the external environment about the results of education.

c) - The study plan generally states:

-  individual parts of the study program (modules, courses, and other relevant school and extracurricular activities, if they contribute to the achievement of the required learning outcomes and allow to obtain credits) in the structure of compulsory, compulsory optional, and optional courses,

in the table of the study plan;


The MA degree is focused on the further development of knowledge, skills and competencies from the BA degree. It reinforces analytical and critical thinking in creative process, and supports creative, conceptual, experimental and innovative approach in assignments realization.


-    profile courses of the relevant study path (specialization) marked in the study program, in the table of the study plan and in ILP (Course Information Sheet);


-    for each learning part/course the learning outcomes, related criteria, and rules of their assessment so that the learning objectives of the study program are met (they can be stated only in the Course information sheets, in the Learning outcomes section, and in the Course completion requirements), in the table of the study plan and in ILP;


-    prerequisites, co-requisites, and recommendations for the design of the study plan:

in the table of the study plan;


-    for each learning part of the study plan/course the applied educational activities (lecture, seminar, exercise, final work, project work, laboratory work, internship, excursion, field practice, professional practice, state exam, etc. or their combinations) suitable for achieving learning outcomes,

in the table of the study plan and in ILP;


-    methods by which the educational activity is delivered – present, distant, combined (in accordance with the Course information sheets):

in ILP;


-    outline/syllabus of the course, in ILP;


-    student workload ("extent" of individual courses and educational activities separately),

 in ILP;


-    credits allocated to each part based on the learning outcomes achieved and the workload involved, in the table of the study plan and in ILP;


-    the person responsible for the course (or a partner organization/person ) with an indication of the contact details,

in the table of the study plan and in ILP;


 -    course teachers (or participating partner organizations/persons) (may also be mentioned in Course Information sheets),

in the table of the study plan and in ILP;


-    places where the courses are taught (if the study program is delivered at several workplaces):

All the profile courses and specialized courses take place in the AFAD building at Drotárska cesta 44. All the theoretical courses take place in the AFAD building at Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, or online via MS Teams.


Courses taught at AFAD, Drotárska cesta 44


Compulsory courses – Studio Course: Specialization Design - Studio Industrial Design, Studio Transport Design, Studio of Interior Design, Studio of Experimental Design,

Compulsory courses – Studio Course: Specialization Textile Creation - specialized in fashion design: Studio of Fashion Design, specialized in textile design: Studio of Textile Design, specialized in free textile art – Studio of Textile in Space,

Compulsory courses – Studio Course: Specialization Visual Communication _ specialized in typography and type design: TypoLab, specialized in visual identity: Studio Identity, specialized in visual communication in space: Studio Space,


Compulsory courses in specialized and optional courses are listed in the attached study plan guide.

Courses taught at AFAD, Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18


Compulsory courses – theoretical and compulsory optional courses – specialized theoretical courses listed in the attached study plan guide.

d) - The institution states the number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies and other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study.
During the entire study, a student must acquire at least 240 credits (ETCS), including credits for diploma thesis defense and the state examination – 11 credits (ETCS). A student must complete compulsory courses, according to the study plan, including the profile course the Studio Course (consisting of 11 specialized studios: Studio Industrial Design, Studio Transport Design, Studio of Interior Design, Studio of Experimental Design, Studio of Fashion Design, Studio of Textile Design, Studio of Textile in Space, TypoLab, Studio Identity, Studio Space, Studio Multimedia, further there is a profile course Interpretational Framework of Contemporary Design I - III. The profile courses run several semesters, they build on each other from the beginning of the MA study and continuation of the study is conditioned by a successful completion of the previous semesters (more information in the Study Regulations AFAD). In the case of re-study of the Studio Course in a following academic year, a student must repeat also the profile course the Studio Course in the same studio where he/she failed to acquire credits. The conditions of the study results evaluation and re-study are stated in the Study Regulations AFAD (articles 17 and 18). For each semester, a student must choose courses in such a credit value and structure (compulsory, compulsory optional, optional) so in each stage of control of his/her study he/she fulfills conditions for continuation in the study. (The detailed structure and credit dotation of compulsory courses in individual semesters and recommended compulsory optional and optional courses are in the table Study plan of the study program Design). To acquire sufficient number of credits for his/her study, a student must choose compulsory optional courses that must be attended for minimum seven semesters. A student can choose any of the compulsory optional and optional courses. It is recommended that in one semester a student attends courses (compulsory, compulsory optional and optional) to earn 30 credits (ETCS) in total. In each academic year a student must choose and successfully complete courses for total 40 credits (ETCS), except for: a) the last academic year, b) the academic year when he/she re-takes the Studio Course, c) the academic year when he/she sits only for the defense of his/her diploma thesis and/or the state examination, d) in case he/she enrolls in the study only from the summer semester. If a student does not complete courses with a minimum of 40 credits (ETCS) in a particular academic year, it is considered as he/she failed requirements of the Study Regulations AFAD and a student will be expelled from the university, in accordance with the act § 66, 1 c). In the academic year when a student plans to complete his/her study, he/she chooses courses with the number of credits sufficient for the requirements of the study completion. The completion of the study program in a standard length requires earning 60 credits (ETCS) each academic year (preferably 30 credits (ETCS) each semester). If a student changes the length of his/her study, he/she does not have to earn 60 credits per academic year, but the length of his/her study in the study program Design must not exceed the standard length for more than two years (§ 65, 2 Coll.). The profile course of the Studio Course, or a specialized studio, must be indicated in a student´s application of MA study in the study program Design. During the summer semester of the 1st grade of his/her MA study, a student can apply for an internship, according to the regulations of an internship (the application form for an internship can be found in AIS – Academic Information System). The application for internship should be submitted as follows: The application must be approved by the pedagogue of the accepting studio and then the pedagogue of the former studio is informed. The final accord is given by the vice-rector for Academic Affairs. The application must contain the name of the specialized studio of internship in the study program Design, or the name of specialized studio in other study program at AFAD. A student carries on his/her internship during the summer semester of the 1st grade of the MA study, providing his/her art project has an interdisciplinary character. In case the interdisciplinary character of his/her project is not conditioned by internship, a student has an option to follow an optional course Supplementary Studio in a different studio within the study program Design, or in any other study program of AFAD. The condition for realization of the diploma thesis is completion of the 1th and 2nd semesters of the Studio Course in the 1st grade of the MA study. At the beginning of the 3rd semester, a thesis supervisor and a student formulate in an intensive discussion a theme of the final thesis. During this semester, the student works on his/her artistic research that is important part of his/her diploma work. The student regularly presents his/her research to the pedagogues of the study program Design. These presentations are open to all AFAD students. In the 4th semester of the 2nd grade of the MA study, the student continues in the course Diploma thesis (consultations, realizations), and in his/her final thesis. The final MA thesis in the study program Design is a diploma theses, containing a practical part (proposal) and a written part, both composed as one work. A diploma thesis has one supervisor (a head pedagogue of a specialized Studio) who supervises the practical part of the diploma thesis. Another supervisor-consultant (historian or theorist in art, philosopher, philosopher in aesthetics, or other appointed expert) consults the written part of the student´s diploma thesis. As a rule, the thesis supervisor and the supervisor-consultant consult the thesis with the student together. These consultations are additional to individual consultations with the thesis supervisor, or the supervisor-consultant. The practical part of the thesis has a form of a design work or a series of design works realization. The written part size is of a minimum of 20 standard pages and its content is related to the practical part of the diploma thesis and its context (historical, contemporary, territorial, or interdisciplinary). The practical part also includes a documentation of the practical part of diploma thesis and a written information about final thesis. A student is allowed to the defense of his/her final thesis and the state examination after he/she has earned all the required credits for the compulsory courses the Studio Course and Diploma Thesis (consultations, realization), Diploma Seminar in total of 57 credits (ECTS). Further condition for the student to be allowed to the MA defense and the state examination is a minimum of 15 credits (ECTS) for all three semesters in the profile theoretical course Interpretation Framework of Contemporary Design I – III, and completion of a sufficient number of compulsory optional and optional courses, earning a minimum of 109 credits (ECTS). The student is informed about the date and process of the final thesis defense and the state examination in advance by an electronic internal note about the completion of the MA study (email and publishing in AIS). The diploma thesis defense and the state examination take place in front of an examination board, its chairperson and members are appointed by the rector. The committee consists of professors and associated professors of the study program Design, pedagogues of the Department of Theory and History of Art and professional designers, or pedagogues from other art schools in Slovakia and foreign. The diploma thesis is reviews by one opponent who analyses both its parts (written and practical proposal). He/she proposes grading. More regulations are published in the Study Regulations AFAD: Rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study:
e) - For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:

The detailed structure of credits for individual parts of the study is in the attached table of the study plan.

  number of credits for compulsory courses required for proper completion of studies is 82 credits (ECTS).

number of credits for compulsory optional courses and optional courses required for the proper completion of studies is a minimum of 27 credits (ECTS).

To acquire a sufficient number of credits during his/her study, a student chooses compulsory optional courses that need to be attended during at least three semesters.

  number of credits required for proper completion of studies is a minimum of 120 credits (ECTS) during the entire MA study, including the credits for the diploma thesis defense and the state examination of 11 credits (ECTS)

number of credits for the final thesis  (course: Diploma Thesis, consultations, realization) is 10 credits (ECTS) and for the defense of the final thesis and the state examination, it is 11 credits (ECTS) to properly complete the studies.

the number of credits required for proper completion of studies for artistic performances in addition to the final thesis in the art study program Design (course Studio Course) 30 credits (ECTS).

f) - The institution describes the rules for verification of learning outcomes, students assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment.

The rules for verification of learning outcomes:

The decisive verification tool of learning results is the periodical semester evaluation by a committee (the members of the committee are pedagogues of the study program Design, also pedagogues of the Department of Theory and History of Art, and external experts). This evaluation also includes a compulsory presentation of a student´s results from the Studio Course and a defense of the outcome. This is followed by a discussion of the committee, present students, and external experts. The process is concluded by the evaluation of the committee and verification by the school committee consisting of the members of the Pedagogical Board AFAD.

The school committee is presided over by the vice-rector for Academic Affairs and students are excluded from it. Each head of the Studio presents semester assignments, the process of education, and the results of students´ projects. He/she emphasizes remarkable students´ results and notes the poor students´ performance, introducing individual evaluations by the committee (from A to FX). This is followed by a debate. The results of the students´ semester works in the Studio Course combine the partial results of the profile course Studio with the results of other specialized and theoretical courses in a particular semester, or even in a previous semester of the study program Design. The students´ results of the learning process are subsequently publicly presented (the school exhibition in all AFAD buildings, other galleries and exhibition spaces, online presentations or AFAD Facebook, Instagram, or website


The student's assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment:


1. The assessment of students´ results within the study course is mainly realized:

a) in the form of a continuous monitoring of students´ results in individual courses during a particular part of the study (progress stages, partial assignments, participation in workshops, written tests, individual assignments, semester works, presentations in seminars, etc.), detailed specifications are in ILP (course information sheets),

b) in the form of examination after a particular period, in the case of theoretical courses Interpretation Framework of Contemporary Design I - III, it is an examination by the examination committee, with at least two pedagogues in the committee.


2.    Assessment using grades is implemented according to the classification scale regulated by the decree nr. 614/2002 with six classification grades on the scale:

A - excellent (excellent results) = 1

B - very good (above-average results) = 1,5

C - good (average results) = 2

D - satisfactory (acceptable results) = 2,5

E - sufficient (results fulfill minimum criteria) = 3

FX - insufficient (further work required) = 4


3.   Within the study program Design, there are the following compulsory optional and optional courses specialized workshop, specialized excursion, supplementary internship, the short-term course evaluated as absolved/failed.


4. The student evaluated with the grade FX in specialized, practical, and theoretical courses is permitted two retakes, providing he/she has fulfilled the requirements of the evaluations so far. The student evaluated with FX in the Studio Creation and the Diploma thesis (consultations, realization) is permitted one retake, providing he/she has fulfilled the requirements of the evaluation so far. If a student needs to repeat any course, including the Studio Course and the Diploma thesis (consultations, realization), he/she is permitted one retake.

g) - Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies.

A student can apply for recognition of courses completed in other study programs at another university. Recognition of these courses is based on the student´s results summary, issued by the school providing the courses, and an application form (detailed instructions can be found in the form Application for Recognition of Qualification) must be submitted. The recognition of courses is possible within 5 years after their completion and it is decided by a pedagogue or a guarantee of the study program Design managing the education process, on the basis of the student's results summary and comparison of ILP or another form of a course description. On the basis of the suggestion of the guarantee of the study program Design, absolved courses are recognized by the vice-rector for Academic Affairs. In the MA degree, the credits from the BA study cannot be recognized. As standard, neither a course with the results graded with E is recognized. The student's results summary and the decision about the recognition of the courses become a part of the personal study documentation of each student issued by AFAD.

h) - The institution states the topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list).

Link to the list of topics of final theses in the study program Design:

List of final theses in the AIS database.

i) - The institution describes or refers to:

A topic of a final – diploma work is generated individually for each student and is formulated by a supervisor of a diploma thesis on the basis of a student´s previous study and his/her artistic profile. The topics are approved by the main pedagogue responsible for the study program in AIS (the Academic Information System). A detailed description of the process of final theses reviewing, defending, and evaluating in the study program Design is described in the Study Regulations AFAD, and in the internal document on MA study completion.

– procedures and possibilities of mobility for students are published on the AFAD website 


– the rules of academic ethics and the consequences for not following them are summarized in the Codex of Ethics AFAD and in the Disciplinary Order for Students AFAD, and are published on the AFAD website:

Codex of Ethics


Disciplinary order

for students AFAD: 


– procedures applicable to students with special needs are summarized in the Internal Regulation 3/2020, the Rector´s guideline to provide a generally accessible environment for students with special needs,

it includes:

– an application form for modification of a form and procedure of the entrance examination with regard to his/her special needs,

- an application to be listed among the students with special needs and an applicant´s accord with analysis of his/her special needs 


AFAD notifies a student via its website (in the section on requirements and instructions for the admission procedure) about the possibility to apply for modification of the entrance examination procedure, and further about an individual approach to the solution. The applicant is notified prior to the admission procedure via his/her email provided in his/her application form. The information about the applications is communicated via the AFAD website and the Support and Counseling Center AFAD ( Consequently, the application will be approved by the coordinator for students with special needs. After the application is approved, the student receives the confirmation and is consulted about his/her individual options for access to the educational process. The pedagogues of the study program Design will be informed as well. In the case of special needs that are not supported by AFAD, the academy ensures the improvement of the conditions.


– procedures for filing complaints and appeals by students.


Students can submit various suggestions and appeals in writing, by post, email, or via designated boxes in the school buildings:

via the Support and Counseling Center AFAD that passes their suggestion, according to their character, to the Ethics Commission AFAD, or the Commission for Study Issues by the Academic Senate, AFAD, or to the vice-rector for Academic Affairs

through the study referee who passes the suggestion to the vice-rector for Academic Affairs,

directly to the members (pedagogies, students´ representatives) of the Commission for Academic Affairs by the Academic Senate AFAD who decide about the procedure, according to the character of the suggestion,

directly to the members of the Ethics Commission AFAD who decide about the procedure, according to the character of the suggestion.

In some cases, a common solution by all mentioned institutions or their representatives is possible.



Study program: Design

Field of Study: Art

Degree of Study: 2.

Form of Study: full time

Standard Length of Study: 2 years

Academic Title: Mgr. art. (MA)

Language: the primary program language is Slovak, partially English is used. Detailed information about languages is in ILPs.

5. - Course information sheets of the study programme
In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll.

A separate attachment in pdf.

6. - Current academic year plan and current schedule
(or hyperlink).

A current academic year plan is prepared by the AFAD rector after consultations with vice-rectors and is published before 30 June of a current calendar year (the Study Plan AFAD, Article 7 (5).


The academic calendar is published on the AFAD website, in the study guide - BEDEKER, and in AIS (the Academic Information System). Students are informed about the academic calendar and a current schedule, and about their updates, via emails, Instagram, and Facebook.

7. - Persons responsible for the study programme
a) - A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details).

The person responsible for the realization, development, and quality of the study program: Design and the main pedagogue of the profile course: Studio

Štefan Klein, prof. Ing., akad. soch.,

Position: professor, head of the Studio Transport Design

Profile course specialization Transport design

Field Design

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:

b) - List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (they may also be listed in the study plan).

Pedagogues of the profile subject: Studio in the study program: Design


Jokelová Sylvia, doc., Mgr. art.

Position: associate professor, head of the Studio of Experimental Design

Profile course specialization Design

Field Design

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:

Mária Fulková, doc. M.A. Mgr.

Position: associate professor, head of the Studio

Profile course specialization Textile Creation

Field Textile Design

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Stankoci Stanislav, prof., akad. mal.

Position: professor, head of the Studio Identity, vice-rector for investment activities

Profile course specialization Visual Communication

Field Visual identity

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:

Benčík Marcel, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: associate professor, head of the Studio Space, vice-rector for International Cooperation

Profile course specialization Visual Communication in Space

Field Visual Communication in Space

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:

More pedagogues of the profile subject: Studio in the study program: Design


Miroslav Debnár, doc. Mgr.

Position: associate professor, head of the Studio

Profile course specialization Design

Field Interior Design

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Ferdinand Chrenka, doc. akad. soch.

Position: associate professor, head of the Studio

Profile course specialization Design

Field Industrial Design

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:

Júlia Sabová, prof. akad. mal.

Position: professor, head of the Studio

Profile course specialization Textile Creation

Field Fashion Design

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Blanka Cepková, doc. M.A.

Position: associate professor, head of the Studio

Profile course specialization Textile Creation

Field Textile in Space

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Bálik Pavol, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: associate professor, head of the TypoLab

Profile course specialization Typography and Type Design

Field Typography and Type Design

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Šicko Ján, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: associate professor, head of the Studio Multimedia

Profile course specialization Visual Communication

Field Multimedia

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:

c) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme.

A separate attachment in PDF.

d) - List of teachers of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (may be a part of the study plan).

Kolesár Zdeno, prof. PhDr., PhD.

Position: professor

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Barbora Peuch, doc. Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Zuzana Šebeková, doc. Dipl. Des., ArtD.


Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Gerbócová, Beáta, Mgr. art, ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Ondrejičková Soboslayová, Ingrid, Mgr. art.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:

Blaško Juraj, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.


Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Pavel Choma, doc., akad. mal.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Michal Tornyai, Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Nosáľ Peter, Mgr. art.,

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Gavalda Ondrej, Mgr. art.,


Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Ľubica Segečová, Mgr. art.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Kolčáková Rothensteinová, Karina, Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Jablonská, Beata, Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Pašteková, Michaela, Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Kralovič, Ján, Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Lutherová, Seneši, Silvia, Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Blaško, Juraj, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Lacko, Norbert, Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Zervan, Marián, prof., PhDr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Karul, Róbert, Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Tkáčik, Ladislav, doc., Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Moravčíková, Silvia, Mgr.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:


Dobrovičová, Monika, PaedDr., Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Central Register of University Staff:

e) - List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details).

Study program Design - topics of final theses are generated for each student individually and are published in AIS.


Miroslav Debnár, doc. Mgr.

E-mail address:


Ferdinand Chrenka, doc. akad. soch.

E-mail address: 


Štefan Klein, prof. Ing., akad. soch.

E-mail address:


Sylvia Jokelová, doc. Mgr. art.

E-mail address:


Júlia Sabová, prof. akad. mal.

E-mail address:


Blanka Cepková, doc. M.A.

E-mail address:


Mária Fulková, doc. M.A. Mgr.

E-mail address:


Stanislav Stankoci, prof., akad. mal.

E-mail address:


Benčík Marcel, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:        


Bálik Pavol, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:


Šicko Ján, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

f) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors of final theses.

Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors of final theses are published in AIS and will be available on demand of referees.

g) - Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme (name and contact details).

Samuel Hartiník



Lucia Gamanová


h) - Study advisor of the study programme (indicating contact details and information on the access to counseling and on the schedule of consultations).

Eva Veselá, Mgr. art., ArtD.

study advisor

E-mail address:


Blanka Cepková, doc., MA.

study advisor

E-mail address:


Pavol Bálik, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

study advisor

E-mail address:

i) - Other supporting staff of the study programme – assigned study officer, career counselor, administration, accommodation department, etc. (with contact details).

Šmalová, Iveta, Ing.

study officer and accommodation coordinator

E-mail address:


Kozáková, Sylvia, Ing.

AIS administrator

E-mail address:


Jančařík, Tomáš, Mgr. art.

career counselor

E-mail address:


Šarkan, Martin, Mgr., PhD.

counselor - psychologist

E-mail address:

8. - Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a) - List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centers, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).

List and characteristics of Design classrooms:


The profile course Studio Course and all the compulsory optional and optional specialized practical courses take place in studios and workshops of a total of 1965 square meters. The studios and workshops are available for all BA students in Design for a face-to-face learning process (theoretical and practical teaching, consultations, and discussions of pedagogues and students) and indirect learning (individual work of a student on a semester assignment or final thesis). The workshops are used by students according to the character of their semester works or final theses, or for assignments within specialized practical courses. Part of the studios and workshops infrastructure is storage rooms for materials.

Studio rooms: The profile course consists of 11 specialized studios: (specialization design: Studio of Experimental Design, Studio Industrial Design, Studio Transport Design, Studio of Interior Design; specialization textile design: Studio of Fashion Design, Studio of Textile Design, Studio of Textile in Space; specialization visual communication TypoLab, Studio Identity, Studio Space, Studio Multimedia, with pedagogues on positions of professors, associated professors, and assistants. Each studio has one room assigned. Teaching in studios is organized vertically; students in Bachelor´s, Master´s, and doctoral levels meet in one space, one time. Depending on the number of students in a particular academic year, and a particular studio, it represents about 2 square meters of space per student. Basic projection facilities are the standard equipment of each studio (computer, projector, and wifi connection). Additional equipment depends on the specific requirements of each studio (inventory lists will be available for the accreditation committee by their personal visit to the school).

The studios are located in the AFAD building, Drotárska cesta 44.

Digital room: about 60 square meters. Specialized equipment of the digital room according to the inventory list (inventory lists will be available for the accreditation committee by their personal visit to the school).


The digital room is located in the AFAD building, Drotárska cesta 44.

Workshops and labs: modeling workshop, Digital Technologies Lab by Department of Design (CNC cutting machines – 3 and 5 axes, 3D printer, vacuum casting workshop for plastic, laser cutting, CNC cutting of polystyrene, 3D scan), metal foundry, plastering workshop, carving workshop, molding workshop for metal casting, metal workshop, serigraphic workshop, printing workshop, etching workshop, dark rooms, photo studio, gypsum workshop, glass modeling workshop, smelter workshop, cutting room (classroom in editing), painting technology workshop. Students are free to use also workshops of other AFAD study programs. The workshop rooms can be reserved by filling out a form, the time schedule is managed by a workshop supervisor. The workshop supervisor is responsible for the health protection and safety of the students. He/She also supervises manipulation with the equipment and material. The workshops serve for the realization of semester assignments and final theses of students, and for the practical teaching process of specialized courses.

Material: The school provides the essential material for the study program Fine Arts. The students are provided with paper, wood, plaster, clay, basic chemicals for the dark room, graphic printing, etc. Consumables for the realization of semester works or final theses are covered by the students themselves or by the school from grant and research projects. 


The workshops are located in the AFAD buildings, Drotárska cesta 44.

Lecture and seminar rooms: 5 + 5 rooms - about 362 square meters in total. Each lecture room is equipped with technology corresponding to its character: computer, projector, projection screen, audio equipment, and wifi connection (inventory lists will be available for the accreditation committee by their personal visit to the school).


The lecture and seminar rooms are situated in the AFAD building (Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18).

Medium Gallery: in total about 150 square meters. The gallery serves for the presentation of students´ creative outcomes, accompanying presentations, discussions, or other social activities of the AFAD students.


The Teaching Center for Communication and Visualization Kremnica - the historical building for school workshops, seminars, and conferences. It provides accommodation facilities (about 30 people) and conference rooms. The center offers sufficient technical and technological facilities. The purpose of such a center is to provide a space for an intensive training week as a part of studio education. In the Teaching Center, the students concentrate on assigned themes in the form of a block teaching, or a specialized workshop, sometimes with students from a partner foreign university studio. The purpose of this practice is an interaction between schools, concentrated creative activities, and cross-studio cooperation.


Future: AFAD plans to build the Technological Pavilion, containing the following centers: the Center of Wood and Stone Workshop, the Center of Precision Metal Casting, the Center for Surface Treatment, the Center for Modeling Treatment, the Center for Textile Printing, Dyeing, and Processing, the Center for Audio-Visual Production, the 2D and 3D Printing Center, the Chemical-Technological Lab, the Photography Processing Center, the Painting Technologies Center, and the Center of Specialized Education and Presentation.

b) - Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).

a. the Academic Library and the related reference libraries at the departments, electronic bibliographic database, online book catalogs, dictionaries, encyclopedias, e-books, e-journals, and access to significant databases of international galleries and universities, general portals and databases:

- for example, SpringerLink, Slovak National Bibliography

- for example Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, University of Cambridge

- for example minedu, EU, Slov-lex


b. Artotéka - data storage of art schools and reference storage AFAD


c. free Internet connection - wi-fi in all school buildings (Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, Drotárska cesta 44, Koceľova 23, and the Teaching Center for Communication and Visualization Kremnica)


d. AIS (the Academic Information System) including:

- ILP - course information sheets

- course schedule

- study plans for study programs

- all internal regulations and internal documents regarding the study management


e. tools for distance education: MS Teams (for distance education and communication), e-mail

f. information channels: website, school e-mails, Instagram, Facebook

c) - Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.

The form and process of study are defined in the Study Regulations AFAD (Article 3, Forms and Methods of Study, (5 - 8). As standard, AFAD uses a combined system of teaching, defined in ILP (Course Information Sheets), including the case of distance teaching only. Any change in the teaching procedure is discussed beforehand with the main pedagogue of a study program and then with the vice-rector for Academic Affairs (usually in the period of May - June of a previous academic year, in the process of control of individual ILPs for a following academic year). Exclusively distance teaching is applied by the order of the AFAD rector, particularly in cases such as a state of emergency.

d) - Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

The study program Design is defined as academic-oriented, design-oriented, and artistic. AFAD has a system of internships and supplementary internships in cooperation with various types of institutions and companies in the domestic and external international environment. Alongside permanent partners, cooperation with new partners is being processed. Procedures are published on the school website and in the study guide BEDEKER.

e) - Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

Social-cultural events of AFAD are organized in the space of the galleries Medium and HIT and other public spaces of the school. The gallery spaces are mainly used for exhibitions of the AFAD students and pedagogues. At the same time, they also serve as a communication platform for public lectures, discussions, and for other social events for pedagogues, students, school employees, and graduates. Through their open-call scheme, the galleries present exhibition projects of our partners from abroad and the results of our international cooperation. In the framework of international cooperation, there are the following projects of international significance, the Month of Photography, the festival Šperk stret, Poster Triennial Trnava, White Night, etc.). Further, there is the Teaching Center for Communication and Visualisation Kremnica for workshops and block teaching. It provides accommodation facilities, conference rooms, and digital and material equipment. The Center is intensively used for workshops, conferences, seminars, and meetings with international partner institutions; it enhances internationalization, interaction, and common creative activities. Thanks to its favorable geographical location, it is used all year long for sports activities as an accompanying program to the main program.

f) - Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.

The students of Visual Communication can participate in the mobility programs Erasmus+ (projects KA 103 (KA131) and KA107 (KA171), CEEPUS, programs based on bilateral agreements, and the National Scholarship Program (SAIA) for students, and pedagogical and non-pedagogical staff. Alongside the standard mobility, students also participate in other artistic-research projects, creating international platforms with particular international partners of AFAD and cooperating in particular artistic, architectural, exhibition, presentation, research, and innovative projects. To facilitate mobility in the study program Design, focused on international experience, AFAD has established a broad network of partnerships in most EU countries, other European countries (the countries of Western Balkan, Ukraine, Georgia), Asia (China, Japan, India, Israel, Turkey) and America (USA, Mexico). The students of Visual Communication will also have the opportunity to participate in a number of international workshops, lectures, seminars, courses, and meetings with guest pedagogues from abroad. There is also an opportunity of the same significance for the students to pursue part of their study by a guest pedagogue within their primary study course. Foreign students studying at AFAD within the Erasmus + program will contribute to the development of contacts and future cooperation.

The students of Design will be able to take advantage of the AFAD membership in international networks (Cumulus, ELIA). International students´ presentation activities are also supported by Slovak representative bodies and cultural institutes abroad. Besides scholarships, artistic/research, and presentation projects, the students will have an opportunity to apply for traineeships and internships in particular foreign institutions and specialized studios within the Erasmus + program.


All the possibilities, instructions, and regulations are published in detail on the AFAD website, where they are regularly updated. They are also defined in the Internal Regulation AFAD - rector´s directive: Erasmus Policy Statement Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava.


Complete information, instructions, and realization of international mobility (from application to recognition of credits): 

(forms for the individual study plan and recognition of student mobility in AIS)

9. - Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a) - Required abilities and necessary admission requirements.

An applicant has a general overview of cultural and social issues. He/she is interested in a deeper insight into the study program Design. He/she keeps him/herself updated about a global situation and is able to critically analyze it and express his/her opinion. He/she is able to transfer information in the form of text or concept into a visual language. He/she has a general overview of media tools, design and realization technologies, and materials. He/she masters communication skills and manifests sufficient empathy in working with people and in a broader creative team.

b) - Admission procedures.

The entrance examination is:

·        reliable - the applicant has to present his/her results in the BA study, he/she must have a clearly defined concept of specialization in the MA study, and must prove his/her maturity to the committee,

·        fair - a collective evaluation of the examination results, discussion about the works, and the interview with applicants is the guarantee of a fair evaluation,

·        transparent - requirements, procedures, and criteria of the acceptance process are published on the school website, updated, and elaborated annually.


AFAD offers each applicant possibility of individual consultation:

The internal regulation on the entrance examination in AFAD (a reference to the internal regulation): 

c) - Results of the admission process over the last period.

Registered in AIS.

10. - Feedback on the quality of provided education
a) - Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality.

AFAD has prepared tools for monitoring, collecting, and evaluating students ´opinions and feedback from the school graduates on the issues of the study program quality and its improvements.

1.    Semester works and final theses are publicly displayed within the regular events Prieskum. In their framework, works by all students, regardless of quality, are presented in a form of a school exhibition or diploma exhibitions in the school buildings, other galleries, and cultural institutions, or in a public space. Prieskum are open to experts and the lay public as well.

2.    Students´ survey (The School Functioning, Education Process, Teaching of Theoretical and Specialized Courses, Teaching in Studios). The survey is realized and evaluated by representatives of the student part of the Academic Senate AFAD, the Committee for Teaching of the Academic Senate AFAD.

3.    Written suggestions by post, e-mail, and drop boxes of the AFAD vice-rectors, The Academic Senate AFAD, the Ethics Commission AFAD, the Study Office AFAD, and the International Office AFAD.

b) - Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

The results of students´ and graduates´ feedback and related measures to improve the study program quality will be described in the Regulation for the internal quality assurance system of higher education in the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.

c) - Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

The results of students´ and graduates´ feedback and related measures to improve the study program quality will be described in the Regulation for the internal quality assurance system of higher education in the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.

11. - References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student
(e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.).

1.    Study Regulations AFAD:,


2.      Internal Regulations on the Admission Procedure AFAD:


3.      Master´s Study Completion (Internal Sheet) (its updated version for a particular academic year is published in AIS, and is e-mailed to the students in the final grade).


4.      Internal Regulation 3/2020, the Rector´s regulation on a generally accessible environment for students with specific needs:,


5.      Disciplinary Order for students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava:


6.      Internal Regulation on Tuition Fees and Other Fees AFAD:,


7.      Codex of Ethics:


8.      Internal Regulation AFAD nr. 5/2017 (Rules of Procedure of the Academic senat AFAD):

9.      Selection Procedures Regulations VŠVU:,,,

10.  Internal Regulations and Information on organization of international mobility AFAD:,,,,

11.  Information on study and study organization:

ECTS manual:

Study organization:,,