Study programme | FOTb.14 - Photography and New Media |
Study | Grade of study - I. - bachelor, study form - full time, study type - Single degree study |
Document type: | Description of the study programme |
The name of the university | Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava |
The seat of the university | Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, 814 37 Bratislava |
The joint study programme is not existent.
The main objective of the Bachelor's degree Program in Photography and New Media is the artistic and professional photographic specialization of the graduate. The program provides the graduate with professional knowledge, practical skills, technological readiness, and the artistic and critical ability to creatively develop an individual original artistic project or work as part of an artistic and professional team. The main objective of the study program is autonomous artistic activity. We place an equal importance on linking the artistic concept with the technological skills stemming from the medium. In the Photography and New Media programme it is important to teach graduates to be able to respond to stimuli and assigned topics, to experiment in the photographic medium and to innovatively develop their talents supported the content of the study programme. Following their interests and desires to further develop the photographic medium, he/she is ready to present their outputs and technological skills to professional and lay audiences in the form of exhibitions, lectures, workshops and symposia. Active work with the medium of photography will prepare him/her to use a wide range of photographic disciplines and thus contribute to the formation of contemporary photography in the context of contemporary visual art. The basic units of education are: Preparatory Course (1st year), Protostudio (2nd year) and three profile studios (3rd-4th year). In the studios, the main emphasis is placed on the principle of individual student profiling process reflecting the current content of contemporary art within the photographic medium. Students are encouraged in the transitions of the photographic medium towards other visual processes. The wide variability of the study programme structure is complemented by profile professional courses designed to ensure that the undergraduate acquires technological skills in the photographic medium and completes all photographic disciplines based on applied and documentary photography. The teaching emphasis within the professional courses is not only on mastering the technological processes covering the analogue and digital spectrum, but also on the artistic and content aspects that are applicable in various positions of applied and documentary photography. The teaching of vocational subjects is gradually transformed in higher grades into modular and block teaching, which has proven to be a more effective module of the educational process in terms of learning outcomes. This module provides learners with more practical experience applicable in the professional zone. Over the four years, students acquire professional skills, which are complemented by theoretical courses, professional workshops, discussions and lectures. The attendees are able to adequately apply the acquired theoretical and technological knowledge in the given medium in their artistic practice. Thanks to the acquired KEGA research projects, successful interdisciplinary cooperation with other study programmes (restoration design and visual communication) was established and interdisciplinary courses were created at the bachelor's level: Historical Photographic Techniques I, II and the course The Making of the Photographic Book, which provide the possibility of inter-media linking in the creative and educational process.
The graduates of the Bachelor's programs in Photography and New Media are able to apply themselves in the field of photography and are able to conceptually develop autonomous artistic projects both independently and as part of team projects. After completing the Bachelor's degree program, the student are ready to apply in professional practice or to continue their Master's studies in Slovakia and abroad.
Main learning outcomes: The graduates of the Bachelor's degree programme in Photography and New Media:
- can creatively translate their thoughts and ideas into photographic images and professionally use and apply technological photographic processes and given possibilities in a wide range of media
- possess creative ability, capacity for critical reflection, capacity for growth and innovation of the medium, organizational skills, ability to verbally communicate and present creative projects, ability to collaborate within their creative processes
-are ready to develop and implement their artistic intentions into the realisation of artistic ambitions and thus to express their own creative abilities
- are able to contextualise and critically reflect on their own work and the work of others, are able to use external feedback and implement it positively in their own work - the ability of critical reflection
- can practically integrate their skills into a wider team and thus apply themselves in the business sphere
- have the perspective to convincingly present their vision, creative work, and attitude and thereby create a supportive audience and clients around them for their artistic and professional work
- can interpret, present and critically analyse the content of his/her artistic work and participate in projects in the artistic context
The graduate meets requirements to be employed in artistic and cultural practice in domestic and foreign environments in public and private organizations. They can work as independent visual artists with exhibition practice, professional photographers, photography lecturers, critics, image editors, etc. Furthermore, they can also work as members of creative teams, as cultural managers for cultural institutions and civic associations. They have the professional background and training to work as independent authors in creative teams in advertising and media companies. They can also be employed by local government offices, by the culture department and by independent art centres (departments of culture, education, popularisation of culture, cultural institutions abroad).
Mandatory only for regulated profession. The Photography and New Media program of study is not a program requiring the requirements of a regulated profession.
Photography and New Media is a degree programme that offers graduates a wide range of employment opportunities. The final decision is left to the undergraduate the employment options are as follows:
- Graduate questionnaire (work in the field, specialty, form). The questionnaire is created and monitored by the AFAD Academic Senate. Furthermore, the AFAD Support and Advice Centre cooperates on the survey.
- Visibility monitoring (exhibitions, reviews, professional and public media of undergraduates and students) (monitored by the Quality Office.)
- Statistical information from employment offices. (Monitored by the Quality Office.)
- Information from relevant institutions and external experts (e.g. Slovak National Gallery, Kunsthalle, Central European House of Photography, Slovak Press Photo, OFF Festival, city and regional galleries and other cultural and media institutions).
- Discussions with alumni (Monitored by the Quality Office.)
- Monitoring of alumni activities. (Monitored by the Quality Office.)
- The assumption is that undergraduates will be mostly in the liberal arts profession.
Mgr. art. Magda Stanová, ArtD. - a fine artist working in Prague, Czech Republic, author of the book Algoritmy v umení, she was awarded the Fulbright scholarship at San Francisco Art Institute. She works at the Department of Theory and Art History at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague
Mgr. art. Deana Kolenčíková - as an active artist she presents her work in the public space, she works in Arles, France.
Bc. Illah van Oijen - a co-organizer of the Good Market- Dobrý trh, activist, Bratislava.
Mgr. art. et Mgr. Veronika Marek Markovičová - Fotopondelok, documentary magazine, curator of the Stredoeuropský dom fotografie.
Mgr. art. Boris Németh, ArtD. - a photographer of the week-magazine Týždeň, holder of several awards of the Slovak Press Photo
Mgr. art. Robo Kočan - a photographer and fine artist represented in several collections in Europe, holder of several awards, he has realized several sole and group exhibitions abroad and in Slovakia
Mgr. art. Lucia Papčová - a visual artist, with regular exhibitions in Slovakia and abroad
Mgr. art. Ján Kekeli - a visual artist/photographer, he exhibits in Slovakia and abroad , as a photographer he cooperates with artists and cultural institutions in Slovakia
Mgr. art. Michaela Dutková - a photographer, works for prestigious fashion magazines in Australia
Mgr. art Tomáš Agat Blonski, ArtD. - university teacher, Krakow, Poland
Mgr. art. Andrea Kalinová, ArtD. - an active fine artist and civil activist, photographer, O. Z. Achimera, Spoločnosť Jaromíra Krejcara, a co-author of several publications
Ján Skaličan, visual artist /photographer, he exhibits in Slovakia and abroad
Ľuboš Kotlár,a visual artist/photographer, he exhibits in Slovakia and abroad, editor for the fashion magazine Eva, as a photographer he cooperates with artists and cultural institutions in Slovakia and fashion designers
Petra Bošanská, a photographer, works as a portrait and fashion photographer for fashion magazines in Slovakia
Tatiana Takačová, - an active fine artist, photographer working in Košice, exhibiting regularly in Slovakia and abroad
Mgr. art. Šymon Kliman - a photographer, he exhibits in Slovakia and abroad. He specializes in the field of applied photography
Mgr. art. Martina Šimkovičová, ArtD. - an active fine artist working in Slovakia and Austria
Mgr. art. Kvet Nguyen - a fine artist, award at the World Biennale of Student Photography v roku 2019
Mgr. art. Zuzana Pustaiová - an active fine artist, seveal awards holder (Rovinj Photodays, Croatia; finalist of Lucie Foundation Scholarship, Los Angeles) she regularly exhibits at festivals and in cultural institutions, galleries in Europe and Slovakia
Since the graduates of the bachelor's degree programs are self-employed, setting up their own studios and ateliers, or working usually on a copyright contract with publishing houses and galleries, or other institutions, or advertising or media companies, feedback from the employer is irrelevant. Representatives of gallery institutions are part of the AFAD Accreditation Board.
Evaluation of the quality of the study programme and feedback is obtained through collective exhibitions of undergraduates in Slovakia and abroad. Feedback on the educational process and teaching methodology is also obtained through participation in international festivals and projects that bring the undergraduates into different artistic environments.
The curriculum of the study programme is elaborated by a team of teachers responsible for the curriculum on the basis of joint working meetings with other teachers involved in the teaching of the study programme. The working meetings also include student representatives of the study programme, who propose students´ suggestions on the curriculum, or the students' opinions from the AFAD questionnaire concerning the study plan for the undergraduate are evaluated at the meeting too.
The curriculum proposal is then submitted for discussion by the main responsible teacher of the Photography and New Media study programme to the AFAD Programme Board, chaired by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. The AFAD Programme Board also includes a representative of the student part of the academic community and an expert from the external environment from the field of visual art.
The main responsible teacher for the study programme will consider incorporating the suggestions of the Programme Board and subsequently submit the study plan as part of the study programme description for further study programme approval processes within the internal system of ensuring the quality of education at AFAD.
In the study programme Photography and New Media, the profile courses have a form of Studio teaching and are divided into two phases of the educational process in the bachelor's degree, to which the compulsory professional courses are methodologically linked according to the degree of difficulty. The first phase is oriented towards students of the 1st and 2nd-year. Students of Photography and New Media in the 1st year take a compulsory Preparatory Course. In the winter semester, Photography and New Media students can choose a Preparatory Course focusing on Intermedia or Sculpture (these Preparatory Courses are provided by the Intermedia programme and the Photography and New Media programme reciprocally provides a Preparatory Course in Photography in the winter semester for 1st-year students of the Intermedia programme). The Preparatory Course focusing on Intermedia or Sculpture allows students to choose an introductory experience with an overlap into these mediums and within the creative foundations of moving image or working with matter. In the summer semester, 1st-year Photography and New Media students will take a Photography Preparatory Course. In the second year, studio teaching is followed by a two-semester profile course, Protostudio. The content of the Preparatory Course and the Protoateliér is oriented on creativity according to the difficulty, which is intended for students of the 1st and 2nd- year of the Bachelor's degree programme. Teaching focuses on basic awareness and progressive development of creative thinking in the medium of photography with the analysis of the creative process. A compulsory component of the profile subjects of the study programme are the compulsory technological professional courses, which follow the content and scope of the Studio Teaching and effectively develop the methodology of the educational process, so that the student is able to gradually use the expanding technological skills in the creative processes. The second phase of the Photography and New Media study programme is aimed at students in the 3rd and 4th-year of their Bachelor's degree programme. The studio teaching of the main profile subject is focused on the creative and artistic process. The Studio Teaching programme follows the first two years of study, but its scope and content is more focused on media specialisation, critical reflection and visual and content analysis of the assigned topic. The student can choose from three studios, which, in their focus and profiling, allow the student to decide in which direction he or she wants to develop in the future in their profiling and trajectory. The Studio on Photography, is based on research into the pictorial language of photography and the analysis turned to the notions of the photographic medium and its image. It offers students the opportunity to define and then explore questions in the areas of the technological, material nature of photography in parallel with philosophical and epistemological reflections on this medium. The Photography, Reality, Construction Studio focuses on the way of depiction by constructing reality and creating new strategies of visuality in the hybridization of the photographic image in a wide range of media and combinations of technological practices from historical analogue to the latest digital processes. Sociology and the natural sciences, in conjunction with photography, create a space for interdisciplinary discussions in the Studio. The intent is to turn various disciplines into a base for students to reflect on their photographic projects. This brings both opportunities to define individual themes, but also opportunities for visual experiments that interest, fascinate, inspire, and are both poignant and relevant to the student at the same time. The Studio Laboratory of Photography focuses on the conceptual and documentary position of photography and its overlaps into other positions of photography as well as other media such as video, performance, installation. Attention is paid not only to global issues, but also to the regional present and the realizations of creative workshops directly in the regions. Outputs contributing to current art practice are included. The student already possesses an assumed level of technological skills and is therefore prepared to realize a semester work according to the demands determined by the curriculum and the specification of the individual profile courses of studio teaching. At the same time, he/she can begin to use these skills creatively and experimentally for his/her individual artistic work. Another compulsory requirement for the profile courses for the 3rd and 4th-year of study are compulsory professional four-semester courses - Commercial Photography and Documentary Photography within which the student profiles himself/herself according to his/her own choice in the photographic medium, and after their completion he/she is ready to apply the completed and acquired technological knowledge in connection with artistic expression to professional application in the field of product, advertising, fashion and documentary photography. The student has the opportunity to choose one course as a compulsory component and the other course as a compulsorily optional component of the curriculum if interested. A compulsory component of the curriculum, in addition to Studio Teaching and compulsory professional courses, are the compulsory historiography courses Visual Arts in Cultural Context, which prepare students in the field of art history, philosophy, aesthetics and culture. The historiographical courses end with a commission examination after the 4th semester, which makes them part of the first phase of the Bachelor's degree programme. In the second phase (3rd-4th year), they are followed by theoretical and interpretative compulsory courses developing critical thinking in the studied medium, such as Problems of Visual Media (Photography) and Image Analysis (Photography), which are also the profile foundation. Profile studio courses and profile theoretical courses in the medium provide a comprehensive education in creativity and photography theory within the methodology of the educational process. The profile courses of studio teaching and theoretical courses for the medium of photography naturally lead in to the defence of the bachelor´s thesis and the state examination with the completion of the given degree programme. The study programme is complemented by a group of compulsory optional courses, which are divided into professional and theoretical courses. These courses provide a foundation towards media specialization and at the same time deepen interdisciplinarity with regard to the broad scope of photography as a discipline. The various interconnections and possibilities of image processing - analogue (historical-classical), digital up to the basics of virtual images with overlaps into applied photography, graphic design, video, sound, installation, drawing, etc. Theoretical compulsory elective courses offer further development of critical thinking towards analysis and linking creative thinking with historiographical and theoretical knowledge in art, philosophy and aesthetics. Soft skills such as presentation skills in English, rhetoric, argumentation, etc. (more in the syllabus appendix in the Handbook). An additional group of compulsory foundation and compulsory elective courses are elective courses, through which students have the opportunity to transfer to other study programmes at AFAD. The elective courses are enriched by a number of courses which, through workshops, courses, excursions and short-term education, respond dynamically to current topics in photography and visual arts by using renowned practitioners from the artistic and cultural environment, or within the framework of the school's internationalisation with foreign teachers and practitioners. The final thesis of the bachelor's study is a thesis composed of two components - practical and written, which are interconnected and form a whole. The bachelor´s thesis is supervised by the tutor- the head of the studio. The practical part of the output is the realization of an artwork or a set of artworks, installation, multimedia overlays, book, which are presented at the school or in an external environment, gallery, institution, alternative exhibition space. The written part consists of a minimum of 10 standard pages and is contextually linked to the practical part.
Bachelor´s thesis defence and state examination
The defence of the Bachelor´s thesis practical and theoretical part takes place after the introduction of the student by his/her tutor. The student then presents his/her bachelor's thesis, answers the questions given by the members of the committee and, in a public discussion, answers the questions of an evaluation committee composed of members from the internal and external environment, alumni, theoreticians; its chairperson is appointed by the Rector. There is then a public discussion between the members of the committee and the student(s), which is an important part of the defence and a means of examining the verbal reasoning skills of the author's thesis. Discussion with those present is also important in order to provide feedback. The defence also includes a state examination, which is based on a debate on the assigned topic area.
The assessment and final grade will be decided by the committee in a closed session of the examination committee. If a student fails the examination, he/she has the right to retake the exam one more time. In case he/she fails the second time, he/she will be expelled from the study.
The output of the Bachelor´s thesis will be accessible for the professional and lay public at Prieskum a whole school exhibition or in the online space or facebook instagram or AFAD webpage
More organizational rules:
An important part of the teaching methodology in the Photography and New Media study programme is
a possibility of work placements and additional work placements at home and
abroad, which bring students into direct contact with the professional
environment in which they acquire practical experience and skills (Slovak Press
Photo, Off Festival, Document magazine, Month of Photography, Photograph
festival - Prague, professional studios and media companies, cultural
More organizational rules:
The evaluation tool of the education results of the Bachelor's degree programme Photography and New Media is the semestral evaluation at the committee level (the committeeconsists of teachers of the study programme and is extended by experts from the external environment and alumni of the study programme). This includes a compulsory presentation on results of the student's Atelier teaching and at thesame time its defence, which is followed by a discussion of the committee and all the participating students. Subsequently, there is an evaluation given by the committee and verification by a the whole school committee composed of the AFAD Pedagogical Board members. At the end, the results of the students'
education are publicly accessible to the professional and lay public (the whole school exhibition in all the AFAD premises or in online presentations) or facebook instagram or AFAD webpage
Individual parts of the study programme (modules, courses and other relevant school and extra curriculum activities supposing they contribute to achieving desired outputs of education and result in credits) in structure compulsory, compulsory optional and elective courses
Stated in the enclosure – table of the curricullum from the Handbook.
Stated in CIS and in the enclosure – table of the curricullum from the Handbook.
- prerequisites, co-requisites and recommendations for study plan creation
Stated in CIS and in the enclosure – table of the curricullum from the Handbook.
- for every educational part of the study plan/course states implemented educational activities
(lecture, seminar, exercise, final work, project work, laboratory work, work placement, excursion, field trip, professional praxis, state exam and others or their combinations) suitable for achieving educational outputs.
Stated in CIS and in the enclosure – table of thecurricullum from the Handbook.
- methods used in teaching process, face –to-face, online, combined (in accordance with Course Descriptions)
Stated in CIS
- course syllabus[1],
Stated in CIS
- the student's workload ('scope' for individual courses and teaching activities separately)[2],
Stated in CIS
- credits allocated to every part according to achieved outputs of education and related to workload
Stated in CIS and in the enclosure – table of thecurricullum from the Handbook.
- main responsible teacher of the course (or a partner organization and person[3]) stating the contact
Stated in CIS and in the enclosure – table of the curricullum from the Handbook.
- course teachers (or participating partner organizations and people) (can be stated in CIS),
Stated in CIS
- course venue (if the study program is held in various premises).
Stated in the Schedule in Ais.
Courses are held in: Premises of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Drotárska cesta 44. The building on Drotárska cesta is primarily used for Studio Teaching and teaching vocational, practical and theoretical courses .
Courses are held: Premises of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18. In the building at Hviezdoslavo námestie theoretical courses are taught
Courses are held in: Premises of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Koceľova 23. In the building on 23 Koceľova the elective courses arranged by the Painting Department are held.
Courses are held in: Premises of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Štefánikovo nám. 18/10, Kremnica. The AFAD teaching premises in Kremnica are used for holding an elective course Specialized Workshop and elective course short-term educational Course.
[1] During the assessment, the teachers delivering the course will give the working group access to the course materials and the content of the individual teaching activities.
[2] We recommend that both contact and non-contact teaching loads are reported in accordance with the ECTS Users' Guide 2015.
[3] E.g. in the provision of professional practice or other educational activities carried out outside the university.
a number of credits for compulsory courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of part of studies, 194 ECTS excluding credits for defence and state examinations
- a number of credits for compulsory optional courses and for elective courses required for the completion of the study/finalisation part of the study, 36 ECTS
The student must complete the prescribed compulsory courses according to the study plan. During the course of studies, the student must take at least 7 compulsory optional courses (in the case of two-semester and multi-semester courses, each semester counts as one compulsory optional course).
- A number of credits for elective courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of part of studies, a student does not have to take elective courses according to the study plan if he/she has sufficient credits for compulsory and compulsory optional courses.
- A number of credits required for the proper completion of the study is at least 240 credits (ECTS) for the entire bachelor's study, including credits for the defence of the bachelor's thesis and the state examination 10 credits (ECTS)
- a number of credits for the final thesis 10 ECTS and the thesis defence and the state examination 10 ECTS required for full graduation,
- a number of credits required for regular graduation/completion of part of the study for artistic performances other than the final thesis in artistic study programmes.
Studio teaching 70 ECTS
- More information on:
Rules for verification of learning outcomes:
The decisive tool for verifying the results of education is the continuous semestral assessment at the committee level (the committee consists of teachers of the Photography and New Media study programme and is extended by experts from the external environment and alumni of the study programme), which includes a compulsory presentation of the result of the student's Studio teaching and at the same time its defence, which is followed by a discussion of the committee, all participating students and the professional public. Subsequently, there is an assessment by a committee and verification by a whole-school Committee composed of AFAD members of the Pedagogical Board. The whole-school Committee is headed by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and takes place without the participation of students. The whole-school Committee then listens to each Head of Studio´s presentation on semestral assignments, the course of instruction and the results of the students' work, highlighting the students' outstanding achievements, pointing out the students' poor achievements and presenting the individual grades of the Committee (from A to FX). At the end, the outcomes of the students' education are publicly accessible to the professional and general public (the whole-school exhibition in all AFAD premises, other gallery and exhibition spaces, or online presentations or Facebook, Instagram and AFAD website
The evaluation of study results and the possibilities of corrective procedures are determined by the AFAD Study Regulations:
The evaluation of the student's learning achievements in the course is realized:
in the form of control of continuous assessment in individual courses during the teaching part (e.g. work in progress, partial assignments, attendance in a creative workshop, workshop, written tests, independent work assignments, term papers, report and seminar papers, etc.), specified in more detail in the CD (course description),
Within the Photography and New Media degree programme, courses such as Specialized Workshop, Specialized Excursions, Additional Work Placement, Introduction to Studies and others listed in the course description are assessed in the form of course completion (pass/fail). A student who has been assessed with a grade FX in vocational, practical and theoretical subjects has the right to retake the exam twice as long as he/she meets the requirements of the continuous assessment.
A student may apply for recognition of courses taken in another study programme at another university. Courses taken at another university are recognised by AFAD on the basis of the student's transcript of the study results issued by the university and by submitting an AFAD application form (the exact instructions are stated in the Application for Recognition of Courses form).
The conditions of recognition are regulated by the AFAD Study Regulations.
and the Recognition of Documents Directive
The list of thesis themes of the Photography and New Media study programme is registered in AiS.
rules for assigning, processing, opposing, defending and evaluating final theses in the study programme,
The thesis themes - bachelor's thesis, are generated individually for each student and formulated by the tutor of the bachelor's thesis on the basis of the student's previous studies and artistic direction. They are approved by the main responsible teacher for the study programme in AiS (Academic Information System).
- options and procedures needed to participate in student mobility
the rules for adherence to academic ethics and consequences resulted from its breach,
They are summarised in the AFAD Code of Ethics and the Disciplinary Regulations for AFAD students and are posted on the web:
Code of Ethics:
Disciplinary Regulations for Students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.
- procedures applicable to students with special needs,
specified in the Internal Regulation 3/2020, the Rector's Directive to provide a generally accessible environment for students with specific needs , they include the following:
an applicant with specific needs will send a request in which he/she requires to adjust the form and manner of the admissions taking into account his/her specific needs. A request for inclusion in the register of students with specific needs and consent to an assessment of specific needs must be sent. The applicant is notified via the website about the conditions and instructions on the admission procedure about the possibility of submitting an application, and subsequently the specific needs of the applicant are addressed individually and the applicant is informed prior to the admission procedure via the email he/she provides in his/her application. The student is also informed via the AFAD website and the Student Support: ( about the possibility of submitting an application, which will be subsequently approved by the Coordinator for Students with Specific Needs and the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. Once the application has been approved, a confirmation will be issued to the student and the individual options for the accessibility process will be discussed with the student, which will also be communicated to the teachers of the Photography and New Media study programme.
- student complaints and appeals procedures.
Students may submit complaints and appeals of various kinds in writing, by mail, email, or through physical drop boxes in school buildings:
- through the AFAD Student Support and Counselling Centre, which will forward the complaint to the AFAD Ethics Committee or the Student Affairs Committee of the AFAD Academic Senate or to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs on the basis of the specific complaint or appeal.
- through the Study Officer, who will forward it to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs for resolution.
- directly to the members (teachers or student representatives) of the Study Affairs Committee of the AFAD Academic Senate, who will decide on the method of resolution on the basis of the specific complaint or appeal.
- directly to the members of the Ethics Committee of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, who shall decide on the method of resolution depending on specifics of the complaint or appeal,
- In the case of a specific complaint and appeal, a joint solution of all previously mentioned representatives or their deputies is included.
CURRICULUM - the complete study plan is sent in pdf. format in the attachment.
Study programme. Photography and New Media
Study field: Fine Art
Degree of study: 1.
1. form of study: full-time
Standard length of study: 4 years
Master of Arts - Bc.
Language: the primary language of the programme is Slovak and partially English. The exact information on languages is provided in the Course Information Sheet for every course listed.
In the structure according to Decree No. 614/2002 Coll.
Separate annex in pdf form. and accessible in AiS.
The academic calendar is published on the AFAD website, in the study guide - BEDEKER, in the Academic Information System - AiS. Students are also informed about the academic calendar and the current schedule and their publication or update via emails, Instagram and Facebook.
The current schedule is posted in Ais
The person in charge of the course delivery and development and quality of the study programme (position and contant references).
Stefanović, Triaška, Olja, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.
Position: associate professor
profile course: Studio Teaching: Studio of Photography and Critical Practice
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
a) List of teachers of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (may be a part of the study plan).
Stacho, Ľubomír, prof., Mgr. Ing.
Position: professor
profile course Studio Teaching:
Studio – Laboratory of Photography
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Hojstričová Jana, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.
Position: associate professor
profile course Studio Teaching:
Studio Photography, Reality, Construct
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Lindák Lukačovičová Lenka, Mgr. art., ArtD.
Position: position of associate professor
profile course Studio Teaching:
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Koklesová, Bohunka, doc., Mgr., PhD.
Position: associate professor
Profile course: Issues faced by Art Media (Photography) and Image Analysis (Photography)
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Separate attachment in the pdf format and in Ais.
Ličková, Dominika, Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employeesl:
Ilková, Jana, Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Jackuliaková, Dominika, Mgr. art.
E-mail address
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Ančic, Peter, Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kotlár, Ľuboš, Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Jablonská, Beata, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Pašteková, Michaela, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kralovič, Ján, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Križanová Blaško, Janka, Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kančevová, Naďa, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Máčaj, Peter, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Hodásová, Barbara, Mgr. Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Grúň, Daniel, doc., Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:l:
Barényi, Peter, Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Lacko, Norbert, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Zervan, Marián, prof., PhDr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Karul, Róbert, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Tkáčik, Ladislav, doc., Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Dobrovičová, Monika, PaedDr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
The study programme Photography and New Media is a study programme, in which thesis themes are generated for each student individually, and can be found in Ais
Stacho, Ľubomír, prof., Mgr., Ing.
E-mail address:
Hojstričová Jana, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Stefanović, Triaška, Olja, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
The scientific/artistic-teaching characteristics of the tutors of final theses are registered in AiS.
Lindák Lukačovičová Lenka, Mgr., Mgr. art., ArtD.
Study counsellor
E-mail address:
Individual consultations arranged via e-mail.
Tatarková, Mária, Ing.
Study officer and social scholarships
E-mail address:
Kozáková, Sylvia, Ing.
AiS administrator
E-mail address:
Jančařík, Tomáš, Mgr. art.
Career counselor
E-mail address:
Šarkan, Martin, Mgr., PhD.
Psychological counselor
E-mail address:
Link to the AFAD Support and Counseling Center:
List and characteristics of the classrooms of the Photography and New Media study programme:
The profile course Studio Teaching and all compulsory optional and elective courses with the characteristics of practical vocational courses are held in studios, darkrooms and technological workshops in a total area of 468.2 m2. The studios and workshops are available to all students of the bachelor's degree programme Photography and New Media for direct education (practical teaching, consultations and discussions of the teacher with students) and also for indirect education (individual student work on semestral assignments or vocational workshops). Technological workshops (darkrooms and photographic studio) are used by students according to the needs of the focus of their semestral work and for assignments in practical vocational courses. Studios: a profile course consisting of 3 studios taught by 3 heads of studios, a preparatory studio and a Protostudio taught by 3 heads of studios together with 3 instructors/assistant professors. Each Studio has 1 room designated. The Studio teaching has a vertical scheme, where bachelor´s, master´s and PhD students meet in the same space and time. The standard of the Studio is basic projection equipment (computer and data projector + wifi connection). Additional equipment for the Studios depends on its specific needs (inventory lists will be available and prepared to be reviewed by the Accreditation Committee during a physical visit of the school).
The studios are located in the building on 44 Drotárská cesta.
Photography studio: in the area of 90.2 m2. contains appropriate technological equipment and lighting (inventory lists will be available and prepared to be reviewed by the Accreditation Committee during a physical visit of the school), which is necessary for teaching professional courses of the bachelor's degree programmes in the Photography and New Media programme.
The Department of Photography and New Media contains a photographic studio designed for the widest possible use (within the space possibilities of the recent building), where students, while working on assignments, have the opportunity to acquire the photographic practice necessary for their later employment in either commercial or artistic photography. In particular the photo studio enables to execute advertising, product photography, fashion photography, as well as more artistic series of portraits, staged photography. Directly taught professional courses: Techniques of Photography and Image Processing I to IV, Basics of Photography, Advertising and Commercial Photography are taught in the photography studio.
Photography studio is located in the building on 44 Drotárská cesta.
Darkroom: the Photography and New Media study programme has three darkrooms. Each darkroom has the technological equipment (inventory lists will be available) necessary for the teaching of professional courses in the Bachelor's degree programmes of the Photography and New Media programme. Two of the darkrooms are primarily intended for students in the first years (1st-2nd) and provide them with an opportunity to experience the entire photographic, black and white, analogue process, from the development of negative material - to final photographic outcomes of both small and large formats. In addition, one of the darkrooms is equipped with a special enlarger designed for processing the outcome of large format cameras and is intended for students of higher years (3rd-4th), with completed training. The darkrooms are preferably used in the teaching of professional courses. In addition to the times designated for teaching, students can use darkrooms for their independent work to complete assignments for professional courses and semestral work. The teacher in charge is also responsible for the health and safety of students during the teaching process and acts as a supervisor when operating the equipment in the darkrooms.
Material resources: the department provides basic material resources for the study programme Photography and New Media. Students are provided with photographic materials - photographic paper and basic chemicals necessary for the process. The consumables needed for the semester work or the final thesis are paid for by the student from his/her own resources or by the department using thefinances from grants and research projects.
The darkrooms are located in the school buildings on 44 Drotárská cesta.
Lecture rooms of the department: approx. 17.1 m2. The small lecture room has at its disposal the appropriate technological equipment: computer, data projector, TV screen, wifi connection (inventory lists will be available and prepared to be reviewed by the Accreditation Committee during a physical visit of the school). The lecture room is used for small lectures and discussions with students as well as by visiting professors for presentations and portfolio reviews. The lecture room also serves as a consultation room for applicants for the study either in person or in online form. The room also has a library where teachers can prepare a lecture and students can work with literature related to their studies.
The lecture room is located in the school building on 44 Drotárská cesta.
Lecture and seminar rooms: 5 + 5 rooms - approx. 362 m2 in total. Each lecture room has the appropriate technological equipment: computer, data projector, projection screen, audio equipment and wifi connection (inventory lists will be available andprepared to be reviewed by the Accreditation Committee during a physical visit of the school).
The lecture and seminar rooms are located in the school building on 18 Hviezdoslavovo nám.
Computer room : The computer room has the appropriate technological equipment (inventory lists will be available and prepared to be reviewed by the Accreditation Committee during a physical visit of the school).
The digital classroom is located in the school building on 44 Drotárská cesta.
Digital and Analog Classroom: is a 25.9 m2 classroom used for post-production of semestral assignments or assignments for professional courses. The students, together with the teacher in charge, have at their disposal a scanner, a computer, Adobe programs and special digital equipment. The equipment is used to enable students to professionally post-produce their creative work and to learn how to use technology simultaneously and apply it to their creative process.
Medium Gallery: approx. 150 m2 in total. The Medium Gallery is used for the presentation of students' creative work, accompanying lectures and discussion forums, or for students´ social activities and confrontation with the external environment.
Kremnica Communication and Visualisation Training Centre - is a historical building used for workshops, seminars and conferences. It has accommodation capacities (about 30 people) and lecture rooms. The centre also has appropriate technical and technological facilities.The meaning of such a centre is to offer an opportunity to experience an intensive work week, which is part of the studio teaching. In the training
centre, students concentrate on a given topic in the form of block teaching or a specially prepared workshop, for example with students from a partner studio of a foreign university. The purpose is to enhance interaction between schools,concentrated creative activity and inter-studio cooperation.
Future: AFAD plans to build a Technology Pavilion, which will include the following centres: theWood and Stone Processing Centre, the Precision Metal Casting Centre, the Surface Treatment Centre, the Model Processing Centre, the Printing, Dyeing andTextile Processing Centre, the Audiovisual Production Centre, the 2D and 3D Printing Centre, the Chemical Technology Laboratory, the Photography Processing
Centre, the Painting Technology Centre, and the Centre for Vocational Teachingand Presentation.
- Academic library and related reference libraries at workplaces, electronic library databases, online catalogues of books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, e-books, e-journals and access to important databases of world galleries and universities, general portals and databases:
- Artotéka – data storage of art academies and AFAD own storages
- Free internet connection – wi-fi in all academy premises (Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Drotárska cesta 44, Koceľova 23 and the Communication and Visualisation Training Centre in Kremnica)
- AiS (Academic Information System), which contains: CIS– Course Information Sheets, schedule, study plan of the study programme, all internal regulations and all internal documents related to the organisation of study.
-Distance learning tools: MS Teams (used for distance learning and communication), e-mail
- Information channels: web, school emails, Instagram, Facebook
The form and method of study is defined in the AFAD Study Regulations (Article 3, Forms and Methods of Study, points 5 to 8).
At AFAD, the combined method of teaching is mostly used, which is stated in the CIS (Course Information Sheets), even if the teaching is done completely in the form of distance learning. When a teaching method of the course is changed, it is discussed in advance with the study programme guarantor and subsequently with the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at a predetermined time (usually May-June of the previous academic year when the study plan and the content of the individual CIS for the next academic year are reviewed). Complete distance learning at AFAD is realized by order of the Rector, especially in emergency situations (e.g. when a state of emergency is declared).
The given study programme is defined as an academically oriented, artistic type of study, but at the same time AFAD has established a mechanism of work placements and complementary work placements, where it cooperates with various types of institutions and companies in the domestic and foreign external environment. In addition to the permanent partners, cooperation with other partners is currently being approved. The procedures are published on the school's website and study guide (Bedeker).
Cultural-social events on the AFAD grounds are held in the Medium and HIT Gallery and in the public external school premises. The gallery premises are primarily used for exhibition activities of students and teachers, they also serve as a communication space for organizing various types of lectures and discussions, which are also open to the general public, or other social activities of teachers, students, staff, as well as alumni of the school. As part of the open-call mechanism, the school's gallery premises also present the exhibition projects of our partners from abroad or the results of our international cooperation. Within the framework of international cooperation, projects of international significance are periodically prepared (for example, the Month of Photography.)
Another important AFAD facility is the Communication and Visualization Training Centre in Kremnica, which is used for the school for creative workshops and a block teaching process. The Training Centre has accommodation facilities, lecture rooms, digital technology equipment and material facilities. The facility is used extensively for workshops, conferences, seminars and meetings also with foreign partner educational institutions and promotes internationalisation, interaction and joint concentrated creative activity. Due to its advantageous geographical location, the teaching centre is used for year-round outdoor sports activities as part of creative residencies.
Students of the Photography and New Media study programme can mainly benefit from Erasmus+ mobility (projects KA103 and KA107), CEEPUS, programmes based on bilateral agreements and opportunities. To carry out the mobility of the study programme, AFAD has established a wide network of partnerships in most countries of the European Union, partner countries outside the EU in Europe (Western Balkan countries, Ukraine, Georgia), Asia (China, Japan, India, Israel, Turkey) and America (USA, Mexico).
All possibilities, guidelines and rules are made available in detail and updated on the school's website and are also anchored in the internal regulations of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava - Rector's Directive: Implementation of the ERASMUS+ Programme at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.
Complete information, guidelines and the course of international mobility (from application to credit recognition upon return):
(Forms for individual study plan and mobility recognition are available to students in AiS.)
The criteria and requirements for applicants are available on the Academy's website:árske-studium/
Criteria and requirements for the Photography and New Media programme available on the
AFAD provides the opportunity for each applicant to have an individual consultation, for which they can apply online, with the option to choose from a number of lecturers and PhD students. AFAD also provides collective consultations and presentations on study opportunities. They take place during open days at AFAD, or directly upon agreement with secondary schools (both in person and remotely).
Internal regulations on the admission procedure at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (link to the internal regulations)
The admission procedure is organized in two rounds and the applicants are assessed by a committee composed of teachers in charge with the artistic-pedagogical titles of professor, associate professor or assistant professor. A member of the admissions committee may also be a university teacher teaching another study programme at AFAD. The Admissions Committee is appointed by the Rector.
The first round is conducted remotely without the participation of the applicant. In the first round, the admissions committee evaluates the digital portfolios according to the requirements published on the AFAD website:
Advancing to the second round.
The Admissions Committee will evaluate the works submitted in the first round and determine the group of those advancing to the second round.
The condition for advancing to the second round is to obtain at least 50% of the maximum possible number of points for the tasks in the first round. Depending on the situation (e.g. a small number of applicants), the committee can move the advancement limit to 45% of the points earned. Applicants who progress to the second round of the admissions are informed and the results published on the school's website no later than 30 days after the first round. At the same time, successful candidates are sent an invitation to the second round of admission interviews.
The second round will be held in the person with the successful candidate from the first round.
The second round is also a test checking critical and visual thinking, reading comprehension, or a general knowledge of visual arts and culture. The oral interview ensures an inclusive form of admissions procedure where the applicant demonstrates his/her knowledge of the field; the interview also includes a discussion of home assignments.
The results of the interviews are discussed at the Rector's Collegium and recorded in the minutes. The criteria and requirements for applicants are updated annually and are published on the Academy's website. Updates to the criteria and requirements are also linked to developments in the arts, and to the development of certain technical or technological skills.
The full admission procedure and conditions are published on the Academy's website:
The results of the admission process for the last period.
Admissions in the academic year 2021/2022, starting in the academic year 2022/2023
Number of applicants in the first round of admissions: 34
Advanced to the second round: 16
Accepted students: 13
The Academy presents semestral and final works through the End Semester Exhibition called Prieskum, where all students, regardless of the quality of the output, are presented in the form of a the whole-school exhibition. The End Semester Exhibition is open to a wide professional and lay public.
Student questionnaire (Operation of the Academy, Teaching, Teaching of theoretical and professional courses, Studio Teaching). The questionnaire is conducted and evaluated by representatives of the student part of the AFADAcademic Senate and the Education Commission of the AFAD Academic Senate.
Written appeals are to be sent by post, e-mail and to the physical mailboxes of the AFAD vice-rectors, the AFAD Academic Senate, the AFAD Ethics Committee, and the Study Affairs Office and AFAD International Office. The results of feedback from students and alumni and related measures to improve the quality of
the study programme are described in the Internal Regulation for the Internal System of Quality
Assurance of Higher Education at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.
1.Study regulations (also posted in Ais),
2. Study Guide:
3.Internal letter on completion of bachelor's studies (which, after being updated in a given academic year, is published in AIS and at the same time sent via e-mail to students of the final year.)
Internal regulations on the admission process at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava:
Internal regulation 3/2020, Rector's directive to ensure a generally accessible environment
for students with specific needs:,
4.Disciplinary rules for students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava:
5.Internal regulations on tuition and fees:,
6.Codex of Ethics:
7.Internal regulation of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava no. 5/2017 (Rules of Procedure of the AFAD Academic Senate):
8.Principles of the admission process at AFAD:
9.Internal regulations and information on the realisation of the AFAD foreign mobilities:
10.Information regarding study and study organization:
ECTS handbook:
Study organizaton:
Bachelor´s degree programs:
Files to download: