Name and surname | doc. Mgr. art. Olja Triaška Stefanović, ArtD. |
Document type: | Research/art/teacher profile of a person |
The name of the university | Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava |
The seat of the university | Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, 814 37 Bratislava |
III.a - Occupation-position | III.b - Institution | III.c - Duration |
Associate professor | Academy of Fine Arts and Design | 1.9.2020 - up today |
Assistant professor | Academy of Fine Arts and Design | 1.9. 2017 – 31.8.2020 |
Assistant | Academy of Fine Arts and Design | 1.9. 2009 - 31.8.2017 |
IV.a - Activity description, course name, other | IV.b - Name of the institution | IV.c - Year |
Studio of Photography and Critical Practice | Academy of Fine Arts and Design | 2022-up today |
Studio Photography, Reality, Construct | Academy of Fine Arts and Design | 2016-2022 |
Creation of photobook | Academy of Fine Arts and Design | 2015-uptoday |
Preparatory course | Academy of Fine Arts and Design | 2009-2015 |
V.1.a - Name of the profile course | V.1.b - Study programme | V.1.c - Degree | V.1.d - Field of study |
Studio Photography, Reality, Construct | Photography and New Media | Bachalors | Photography and New Media |
Studio Photography, Reality, Construct | Visual arts | Master degree | Photography and New Media |
V.2.a - Name of the study programme | V.2.b - Degree | V.2.c - Field of study |
Photography and New Media | Bachalors | Photography and New Media |
V.5.a - Name of the course | V.5.b - Study programme | V.5.c - Degree | V.5.d - Field of study |
Tvorba fotografickej knihy | Visual arts | Master | Visual arts |
Creation of photobook | Photography and New media | Bachalor | Photography and New media |
2020: Bratstvo a jednota Brotherhood and Unity Bratstvo i jedinstvo, Authors book, Publisher: Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava; Bratislava (Slovakia), Circulation: 350, Language: Slovak; English; Serbian, Number of pages: 200, ISBN: 978-80-8189-038-3
2018: Architect Friedrich Weinwurm, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, exhibition
2015: REVERSED - Contemporary Slovak Art, Museum of contemporary arts of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
012: DELETE, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, collective exhibition
2010: Finalist. Prize of National Gallery, Prague CZ and ČEZ group for young artists - NG 333, National gallery, Prague, Czech republic
2020: NEBOURAT! Podoby brutalismu v Praze / NO DEMOLITIONS! Forms of Brutalism in Prague (06. 03. - 06. 09. 2020 : Prague, Czech republic), exhibition, Curator: Mgr. et Mgr. Helena Huber - Doudová, PhD
2020: (11.6.2020 - 11.9.2020) Brotherhood and Unity, City Gallery Bratislavy, Mirbach palace, Bratislava, solo exhibition
Curator: doc.Mgr.Bohunka Koklesová, PhD.
2019: City Mejkap; Gallery U Bílého jednorožce / Galerie Klatovy - Klenová, Klatovy, Czech republic) Curator:PhDr.VladimirBeskid, catalogue
019: SHARED CITIES ATLAS, Post-socialist Cities and Active Citizenship in Central Europe, Editor: Helena Dudova, nai010 publishers, Rotterdam, Holandsko, 2019 –320 s. ISBN 978-94-6208-521-3, international expert publication
lona Németh: Eastern Sugar, photographic essay
Kunsthalle, Bratislava, Slovakia
2021: Eastern Sugar Oberbayern Schafhof – European Center for Art, Freising / Munich, Germany
2021: Sucre de l'est / Sugar of the East, La Box / ENSA, Bourges, FR
Kniha: Eastern Sugar, photography, visual essay
Ilona Németh: Eastern Sugar
ISBN 978-3-95679-573-2, 2021
Ilona Németh: Eastern Sugar
Editors: Maja a Reuben Fowkes, Ilona Németh
Slovak national gallery / Absynt publish house
2020: Brotherhood and Unity, City gallery Bratislava, Mirbach palac, Bratislava, solo show
· FlashArt: Miroslava Urbanová: Olja Triaška Stefanović, Galéria mesta Bratislavy, Bratislava, EV 3471/09 ISSN: 1336-9644 Str,54
2017: As if it never happened, Open Gallery, Bratislava, solo exhibiiton
2017: O Pamätaní a zabúdaní / Bezjak Roman, 2017: Fotonoviny - občasník informácii o fotografickom dianí na Slovensku. 40/17, (2017) Str.13, ISSN 1337 – 6454
2014: Štafeta mladosti , Mesiac fotografie, Z Gallery, Bratislava
/An Unexpected Mosaic Unique Aspects of European Photography – Produced and published by the Central European House of Photography / FOTOFO, Bratislava Autorka textu: Bohunka Koklesová, Turn to the Past str. 119-127, 2017, 160 str. ISBN 978-80-85739-73-2
2014, This could be a place for nice life, / 2018: Membrana No 5, publisher: Membrana, Maurerjeva 8, 1000 Ljubljana, 22 OljaTriaška Stefanovič • Urška Savič, ISSN 2463-8501, str 22
2018 – 2021: Ilona Németh: Eastern Sugar , fotograficky esej, kniha / výstava
2020: Fond na podporu umenia : project leader Lets talk about photography! – 30th. aniversary Department of Photography and new media, AFAD - Number of contract: 20-143-00740
2016 - 2018: Ministry of Education – KEGA, co - leader, Number of project – 003STU-4/2016 (KEGA, 4. Development of culture and arts)
2016 - 2018: Ministry of Education – KEGA, co - leader, Number of project – 003VŠVU-4/2016 (KEGA, 4. Development of culture and arts)
2014: Starting a New Chapter: Intercultural visual dialog of Slovakia between art students from Slovakia, Finland and Germany Number of agreement– 13203-1056/BRATISL04
2014: Tatra banka Foundation – More Arts / Number of contrast – 2013vu083, Chapter 2
VII.a - Activity, position | VII.b - Name of the institution, board | VII.c - Duration |
Head of the department | Department of photography and new media, Academy of Fine Arts and Design | 2019 -up today |
Expert team AFAD - member | Academy of Fine Arts and Design | 2018 - uptoday |
Vice president of Academic senate AFAD | Academy of Fine Arts and Design | 2018-2022 |
VIII.a - Name of the institution | VIII.b - Address of the institution | VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) | VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe) |
The Crawford College of Art & Design, | Cork, Ireland | 4.4.2019 – 15.4.2019 | Erasmus teaching mobilita |
Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague, | Haag, Netherlands | 3.2.2019 – 7.2.2019 | Erasmus teaching mobilita |
Academy of Arts | Cetinje, Montenegro | 2.4.2018 – 12.4.2018 | Erasmus plus teaching mobilita |
Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague, | Haag, Netherlands | 3.2.2017 – 8.2.2017 | Erasmus teaching mobility |
University of Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts | Belgrade, Serbia | 10.4.2016 – 20.4.2016 | Erasmus teaching mobility |
2020 Masterclass / presentation : How to make a photo book − Masterclass /: Galeria Photon, Slovinsko /
2019: Masterclass / prezentacia : How to make a photo book –Kultúrne centrum Belehrad, Srbsko
2021: Academy of Arts Nový Sad, Srbsko, - virtual Erasmus mobility – international workshop
2021: Academy of Arts Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, -virtual Erasmus mobility – international workshop
2016: International workshop - Workshop: How to Make a Photo Zine / International photography festival - Organ Vida, Zagreb, Croatia
2016: International workshop - Lokal journal– PHO BO - Kremnica, Slovakia in cooperation with Academy of Arts – Zahreb, Croatia
2015: International workshop - Lokal journal– PHO BO - Grožnjan, Croatia in cooperation with Academy of Arts – Zahreb, Croatia
2014: CHAPTER 2 - international student workshop: 21 students from Finland, Germany and Slovakia - IP Erasmus - Lifelong Learning Programme
- Project: Starting a New Chapter: Intercultural visual dialog between art students from Slovakia, Finland and Germany – Rostock, Nemecko
2017: International workshop: How to Make a Photo Zine – Photo book. BalkanPhotoFest, Sarajevo, Bosna and Herzegovina
Other activities:
· Porfolio review - jury at international photography festivals - PHOTONIC MOMENTS, - Ljubljana, Slovinia, Month of photography, Bratislava, ArtMarket Budapest,Hungary, PaperLust photobook festival Krakow, Poland
· jury - Journalist price Slovakia - 2019 - 2022, Art prize / Festival Fjužn