Study programme | INTb.14 - Intermedia |
Study | Grade of study - I. - bachelor, study form - full time, study type - Single degree study |
Document type: | Description of the study programme |
The name of the university | Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava |
The seat of the university | Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, 814 37 Bratislava |
No joint study programme.
The educational goals of the study programme as the students' abilities at the time of completion of the study programme
The Intermedia study programme was founded on the basis of the need to respond to the very development of art education in the field of visual arts, at least in the European area. However, at the same time, it was also a reflection of the interest of many applicants in education that goes beyond the boundaries of classical artistic types of visual art, which were not defined in the higher education system. The Intermedia study programme integrated elements, approaches, forms and expressions belonging to the field of e.g. dramatic arts (video, sound, text, performativity and others), new technologies (interactivity, virtual reality and others), but also methodologies and approaches of humanities and cultural operations.
The main educational goal of the Intermedia study programme in its bachelor's degree is to provide a general basis and comprehensive knowledge and competences for artistic creation in the field of visual art in the intentions of intermedial overlaps (to perform a wide range of creative and technical-technological activities). An important part of education is also orientation in the history and theory of art, philosophy, aesthetics, as well as other humanities disciplines, development of critical thinking, orientation in contemporary art and gallery operations, at least in the context of the Central European area. The goal of the education is thus the comprehensive preparation of graduates of bachelor's studies to perform the profession of an artist in the two specialisations of the Intermedia study programme - intermedia and sculpture.
It provides students with freedom in personal profiling on the media that are closest to them in artistic practice. The bachelor's degree ensures gaining of basic and general knowledge, skills and competences necessary for individual and group creation of art projects through the subjects of audiovisual technologies (courses of the creation of audiovisual works from the creation of a photo, audio or video recording, its subsequent editing, post-production in editing software and spatial installation), subjects on a digital basis (teaching 3D modelling, animation and presentation software and virtual reality), on an analogue and material basis (creating works from various types of traditional and contemporary materials, such as clay, wood, stone, plastic, metal) and objects, in which the focus is on moving the body, working with the voice, critical writing or creative writing.
In the process of students' studies, individual, group, studio or department exhibitions, presentations, cultural events are also held, in which students actively participate in the organisation (in the form of PR, installation, selection of works, curatorship, exhibition architecture, communication with the curator or institution, etc.). At the same time, during their studies, they participate in professional workshops (with lecturers from various fields of visual art, theory or related humanities) and internships, which are an invaluable tool for direct contact of students with practice. Students can further complement their specialisation with internships in specialised studios within the Intermedia study programme, but also within other study programmes of the AFAD in Bratislava. After completing the studies, graduates have the necessary awareness of all components of the creative process, conceptual, research, material, technical and technological, and can employ in the scene of physical or virtual galleries, cultural centres, art groups, artist-run galleries and realisation of works in public space.
The study programme is thus based on the synergy of traditional art media and elements from other areas of art (e.g. dance, music, film, etc.) with various scientific, professional and social areas of life. The programme offers a wide range of possibilities, procedures and tools with which to reflect on the reality around us, to respond to current social issues and problems, or to comment on the basic questions of life. Intermedia can be briefly characterised as a dynamic experimentality between media and environments.
Main education outcomes:
Graduates of the Intermedia study programme are versatile creative personalities – artists, with the ability to produce their own outputs and projects in the specific scope of production of an object work, production and post-production of a digital moving image, performative expressions, text art, sound or virtual works. During their studies, they will acquire the ability to think independently and create a work of art, from idea concept through realisation to public presentation. Graduates are able to create, analyse, interpret and present their works in their native language as well as in English and can assert themselves in the local and international creative environment. They are able to critically rethink and further develop their knowledge, abilities and skills in the second or third level of study and lifelong learning. They have the possibility of employment within a wide range of creative disciplines and humanities. They are capable of reflecting contemporary art and society, organisation of exhibitions and events, at least as part of a creative and organisational collective. They can participate in active cultural, social interaction, within which they can develop individual work and teamwork. They acquire the prerequisites to understand, respect and support diversity, difference and the unique contribution of people across cultures and societies.
Graduates of the bachelor's study programme Intermédia have the prerequisites for employment primarily as independent or group artists in the field of visual arts and related creative fields, both on the local and foreign scene. In addition to their own creative and intellectual work, they should also have adequately developed communication, organisational and production skills, orient themselves in the history of art and contemporary cultural discourses. The knowledge, experience, skills and critical thinking acquired through study should be a source of self-confidence and sensitivity. The ability for constant learning and self-improvement, persistence in developing a creative programme, the courage to experiment and set high quality demands, should be accompanied by the motivation to contribute to society as a whole with their work, have clear civic attitudes, show empathy and share care.
Graduates have the opportunity to work in a broad artistic and cultural practice in public or private institutions (galleries, museums, theatres, cultural and creative centres), advertising agencies, design and architectural studios. They find their employmentin the spectrum of activities in the field of creative industry, where they can use the whole range of skills - creation of audiovisual recordings, photographic documentation, various applications using 2D and 3D software and virtual reality, creation of models, presentations, proposals for game design, but also theatre or film stage design, exhibition architecture, etc. They can work in the field of gallery education and lecturing in cultural institutions and as professional workers in local self-governments in cultural departments. They can benefit from acquired knowledge and skills as production and technical specialists. Graduates of the bachelor's degree programme Intermedia can create work, new types of employment by themselves in the form of startups, founding and organising new festivals, civic associations, galleries, cultural centres, i.e. non-profit culture.
Mandatory only for regulated professions. The Intermedia study programme is not a programme requiring the conditions of a regulated profession.
The AFAD has prepared a structure according to which it will gather and monitor data and evaluation reports on the employability of future graduates:
1. Survey for graduates (work in the field, area, form). The survey is created and monitored by the Academic Senate of the AFAD. In addition, the AFAD Support and Counselling Centre cooperates in the survey.
2. Visibility monitoring (exhibition, reviews, professional and public media of graduates, as well as students). (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)
3. Statistical information from the offices of labour. (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)
4. Information from relevant institutions and external experts (e.g. Slovak National Gallery, Kunsthalle, city and regional galleries and other cultural institutions such as Nová Cvernovka or Pohoda festival, Biela Noc, etc.). (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)
5.Discussions with graduates. (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)
6.Monitoring of graduates' activities (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)
It is demonstrable that the graduates of the Intermedia Study Programme are successfully active on the scene of contemporary art, at art academies and institutional cultural operations at home and abroad. They create and exhibit, participate in open calls, participate in artistic residencies and symposia, establish cultural spaces, festivals and artistic collectives. They work as professional staff in galleries and museums (e.g. Kunsthalle Bratislava, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava City Gallery, East Slovak Gallery or in private galleries, etc.), at the same time they work at art schools (Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, UMPRUM in Prague, Slovak Technical University, etc.). Their activity in the professional field is illustrated, among other things, by the rich representation among the finalists of art awards, such as the Oskár Čepan Award, the NOVUM Foundation Award or the Tatra banka Foundation Award. Many graduates of the Intermédia study programme found employment in the non-profit sector, cultural institutions, advertising agencies, or design and architectural studios.
Mgr. art. Jaroslav Varga – active artist working on the international scene, worked as the director of the MeetFactory Gallery in Prague. He is the recipient of several awards, NOVUM Award 2017, Tatra banka Foundation Award 2015, Henkel Award 2012, finalist of the Oskár Čepan Award 2008, 2010.
Mgr. art. Dorota Kenderová, ArtD. – visual artist, co-founder and former director of the HIT Gallery, worked as a teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. She is currently the director of the East Slovak Gallery in Košice (since 2015).
doc. Mgr. art. Dušan Zahoranský – active artist living in Prague. He works at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague as vice-rector for study affairs and head of the Intermedia Studio 2.
Mgr. art. Daniela Krajčová, ArtD. – active artist on the Slovak and international scene, working in the medium of animation, drawing and installation, completed several foreign residencies (France, Great Britain, Austria, Romania, Mexico), won the Videoarts Prize, at the video festival in Celje, Slovenia 2008, the Prize for drawing , T-gallery, Bratislava, the first prize of the Azyl 2009 film festival, the Oskár Čepan Award 2020.
Mgr. art. Milan Tittel – leading Slovak artist who works with objects, photography, performance and video art. For many years he was part of the artistic group called XYZ.
Mgr. art. Michal Moravčik, ArtD. – artist, sculptor, activist, educator. He was a prominent figure in the Slovak art scene. In his work, he focused mainly on the reflection of political and social life. He was the laureate of the Oskár Čepan Award in 2004, and in 2010 he was one of the founders of the Public Pedestal association.
Mgr. art. Dalibor Bača – active artist living in Prague and Bratislava. In addition to sculpture, he is also involved in scenographic realisations and stage design. In 2010, he was one of the founders of the civic association Public Pedestal, which reflected and created a discourse on sculptures and art in public space. He is a laureate of the Martin Benka and Mikuláš Galanda awards.
doc. Mgr. art. Bohuš Kubinský – active artist focused primarily on monumental sculpture, also on objects or site-specific installations. Currently a teacher at the Faculty of Architecture of STU in Bratislava. He is a finalist and laureate of many awards for fine art and design at home and abroad.
Mgr. art. Eja Devečková, ArtD. – active artist working in the field of installation, photography and video art. She has been working in Prague for a long time, currently as a teacher at the UMPRUM in Prague.
APART collective – Mgr. art. Andrej Žabkay, Mgr. art. Peter Sit, Mgr. art. Denis Kozerawski – active artists and curators working in Slovakia and abroad. They run the contemporary art gallery APART, which focuses on the presentation of artists from abroad.
Mgr. art. Juraj Gábor – active artist who realises large-scale works in public space and interventions in gallery spaces, finalist of the Oskár Čepan Prize 2016, laureate of the Igor Kalný Prize 2012, participated in several residencies in South Korea and the Czech Republic.
Mgr. art. Kristián Németh, ArtD. – active artist on the Slovak art scene working with the medium of photography, installation and video, finalist for the Oskár Čepan Award 2020.
Mgr. art. Martin Vongrej – active artist living in Bratislava, his work consists in the creation of complex installations dealing with the issue of human consciousness and perception. In 2010, he participated in the Manifesta 8 contemporary art show in Murcia, Spain.
Mgr. art. Lucie Mičíková – active artist working in Prague, participated in several residencies and workshops abroad (Austria, Germany, Portugal, Hungary), finalist of the Critic's Award for Young Painting in the Czech Republic 2016, finalist of the Oskár Čepan Award 2018.
Mgr. art. Adam Novota – active artist working with virtual reality, who realises large-scale installations, while involving the general public in the projects, finalist of the Oskár Čepan Award 2018.
Mgr. art. Zuzana Žabková – artist, dancer and choreographer, combines performance, video and installation in her work, laureate of the Oskár Čepan Award 2017.
Mgr. art. Ján Ďurina – active artist, performer and musician who exhibits and performs abroad and in Slovakia, finalist of the Oskár Čepan Award for 2019.
Mgr. art. Ondřej Houšťava – active artist on the Czechoslovak scene. He is a finalist for the Oskár Čepan Award 2021 and immediately after graduating he became a finalist for the European diploma projects Start Point Prize 2020. He currently works as a coordinator at the Jindřich Chalupecký Award in Prague.
Mgr. art. Jelisaveta Rapaić – active artist working in Bratislava. With the hybrid nature of her practice, which aims to create various meta-institutions with the help of exhibition projects, she actively disrupts the idea of the role of contemporary art. She works as an events manager at the Kunsthalle Bratislava.
Mgr. art. Sebastián Komáček - active artist living in Bratislava. He is dedicated to the object, installation, performance and work with sound. He is the laureate of the Martin Benka Award for 2019.
We obtain evaluation of the quality of the study programme and feedback through collective exhibitions of graduates in Slovakia and abroad. We also get feedback on the educational process and teaching methodology by participating in international conferences, foreign mobilities, festivals and projects that bring graduates into a professional artistic environment.
The study plan of the Intermedia study programme is developed by a team of responsible teachers of the study programme on the basis of group working meetings, together with other teachers who participate in teaching in the given study programme. The working meetings also include representatives of the students of the study programme, who present student suggestions for the study plan, or the opinions of students from the AFAD survey regarding the study plan of the bachelor's degree are evaluated at the working meeting.
The proposal of the study plan is then submitted by the main responsible teacher of the study programme Intermedia for discussion to the AFAD Programme Board, which is chaired by the vice-rector for academic affairs. The AFAD Programme Board also includes a representative of the student part of the academic community and an external expert from the field of visual arts.
The main responsible teacher of the study programme will consider incorporating the suggestions of the Programme Board and subsequently submit the study plan as part of the study programme description for further study programme approval processes within the internal system of ensuring the quality of education at the AFAD.
The program is divided into two specialisations: Intermedia and Sculpture. From this perspective, the composition of subjects is created in such a way as to create:
· common platform of both specialisations;
· sections of individual specialisations;
· possibly their other possible mutual interactions and interactions with other AFAD study programmes and cultural organisations;
In the Intermedia study programme, the profile subjects in both specialisations (Intermedia and Sculpture) have the character of studio courses and are divided into two stages (the so-called preparatory phase and the specialisation phase), which are methodologically linked to the compulsory professional subjects according to the degree of difficulty. The first (preparatory) phase for 1st and 2nd year students is oriented towards acquiring basic knowledge and skills in media, techniques and procedures required by the Intermedia study programme and its specialisations.
Students of the Intermedia study programme in the 1st year complete the compulsory subject Preparatory course. In the winter semester, students specialising in Intermedia choose one of two courses - Preparatory course Sculpture or Preparatory course Photography (this Preparatory course is provided by the Photography and New Media study programme), and students specialising in Sculpture choose from two courses - Preparatory course Intermedia or Preparatory course Photography. Preparatory courses allow students of their own choice the first media orientation for their future profile, either - to put it simply - to work with digital and moving images, action, text, sound, etc., or to matter and space, digital sculpture, etc.
Summer - 2nd semester is completed by 1st-year students at the home department, depending on the specific specialisation, specialisation intermedia – Preparatory course of intermedia and specialisation sculpture – Preparatory course of sculpture.
In the second year, a two-semester (3rd and 4th semester) profile subject – Preparatory studio for the second year of Sculpture follows the Preparatory course of Sculpture in the Sculpture Specialisation.
Students of the specialisation Intermedia switch to a rotation of Studio courses, where each semester they complete a stay in one of the three studios of the specialisation (semester 3-5) in order to familiarise themselves with pedagogical, artistic and creative approaches that create different intensities towards specific content and media in the context of Intermedia.
Students of the 3rd and 4th year of the Intermedia bachelor's study programme continue with the main profile subject Studio courses (studios are specified in the list of profile subjects), which is focused on the creative and artistic process. With its programme, studio courses follow the first two years of study. However, the scope and content of the studio courses are more focused on media specialisation, critical reflection and visual and content analysis of the chosen topic and on more extensive final outputs. Students can choose between three studios in the intermedia specialisation, and two studios in the sculpture specialisation, which, with their focus and profile, allow them to decide in which direction they want to develop in the future in their profile and trajectory.
The supporting components to the profile subjects of the study programme are technological professional subjects, which are connected to Studio courses in terms of content and effectively develop the methodology of the educational process. Students gradually choose from the offer of compulsory optional subjects depending on the focus of the studio and its needs - their personal preference. The subjects thus create knowledge, technical-technological support, expand knowledge and technological skills in creative processes.
From the above-mentioned characteristics, the content of the study programme consists of the sum of subjects (A – compulsory, B – compulsory optional, C – optional) in order to cover the widest possible range of necessary knowledge and skills (within the staff and financial capacities of the programme), which are mainly indicated by individual studios (profile subjects), by their orientation to the given artistic medium and context.
The common basis of both specialisations:
The basis of the study plan of the Intermedia study programme and its specialisations is its openness, variability and the possibility of creating individual paths for students. This philosophy is fully in line with the essence of the Intermedia programme, which we characterise as dynamic experimentation between media and environments, and which emphasises the individual profiling of students, on which the pedagogical practice of individual consultations is based.
Professional subjects in the management of the study programme at levels A and B create a common basis for both specialisations, which enables significant individual profiling of students under certain conditions. The study plan of Intermedia is created in such a way as to create maximum openness in the creation of individual (student) or studio (leading teacher) recommended paths through the study plan.
Compulsory professional subjects form the core of the programme. They reveal its essence and indicate the context, which is characterised by content, form, material, place, environment.
A subjects for the Intermedia specialisation are B level subjects for the Sculpture specialisation and vice versa. However, this is a relatively small group of subjects.
Compulsory optional subjects (B) form the largest group of subjects and are shared by both specialisations. They enable students to have a more precise and targeted orientation to specific knowledge and skills while searching for their own path within the specialisation, and students can complete them during the entire duration of the bachelor's study, which we consider to be a significantly flexible and targeted element of the study programme. Subjects are not tied to a specific semester, except for some exceptions, resulting from the essence - gradation of skills and links to other subjects. The study programme contains a sufficient database of subjects that students can use for personal growth, specialisation and professionalism.
In addition to professional practical subjects, the group of compulsory optional subjects also includes professional theoretical subjects that expand the knowledge base.
Compulsory professional profile subjects - Studios
The main base for developing creative thinking and practical and other skills are the studios - (currently: Studio of Spatial Communications+, Studio of Intermedia, Studio vvv (visual, verbal, public), Studio of Sculpture in Architecture and Digital Space, Studio Sculpture where the profiling of graduates takes place in the context of the programme focus of a specific studio within the study programme.
Level subjects (Optional - C) allow students to acquire additional knowledge and skills.
In addition to a fixed subject composition compiled for at least one semester, the Intermedia study programme introduces short-term educational formats such as workshops, lectures with experts from various fields, not only from art.
In addition to the defined education in the study plan of the study programme, there are also activities that improve the quality of the offer of the Intermedia programme:
· cooperation with local and foreign universities, teachers, experts from the fields of arts and social sciences,
· cooperation with galleries and cultural institutions,
· cooperation with the third sector.
The Intermedia study programme as a complex body provides knowledge, technical and technological skills for the needs of artistic practice and employment on the labour market.
The goal is to educate and professionally prepare a generation of young people for individual and group professional work in the field of cultural activity and for cooperation in this environment for the benefit of spreading information, education and tolerance.
Completion of studies:
The final thesis of a bachelor's study is a thesis composed of two components - practical and written, which are interconnected and form a whole. The bachelor's thesis is supervised by a supervisor - head of the studio. The practical part of the output is the realisation of a work of art or a set of works of art, installation, multimedia expansions, which are presented on academy grounds, or in an external environment, gallery, institution, alternative exhibition space. The written part consists of at least 10 standard pages and is contextually connected with the practical part.
The defence of the bachelor's thesis and the state exam - of both the practical and the written part - take place after the introduction of the student to his or her head teacher. The student then presents the bachelor's thesis, answers the questions of the committee members and, in the framework of the public discussion, answers the questions of the evaluation committee composed of members from the internal and external environment, graduates, theoreticians; its chairman is designated by the rector of the academy. Subsequently, there is a public discussion between members of the commission and students of the ŠPI, which is an important part of the defence and a means of control of the verbal abilities of the argumentation. The discussion with those present is also important because of the feedback. Part of the defence is also a state exam based on the contents of the compulsory subjects Visual media problems (intermedia, sculpture) and Image analysis (intermedia, sculpture), which takes place in the form of a debate between the student and the committee on a predetermined thematic area.
The committee will decide on the results of the evaluation at a closed session of the examination committee. If a student has failed or has a tendency to change his/her evaluation, he/she has the right to one correction term. In case of failure in the second term, he/she will be expelled from the studies.
Finally, the output of the bachelor's thesis is publicly accessible to the professional and general public (at a academy-wide exhibition) or in the online space or Facebook, Instagram and the AFAD website.
More organisational rules:
An important part of the education methodology in the Intermedia study programme is the possibility of internships and supplementary internship, which within the framework of education bring students direct contact with a professional environment where they can gain practical experience (Kunsthalle, Slovak National Gallery, private galleries, etc.). For students, the internship is also an opportunity to gain new professional contacts and connections, as well as theoretical experience for application after graduation. At the same time, foreign student mobility is encouraged at foreign partner schools, where they are confronted with educational experiences in a different cultural and social environment and have the opportunity to become part of international artistic and cultural collaborative, participatory projects and networks. Part of the education in the Intermedia study programme is the possibility of an internal internship. Students have the opportunity to complete an internal study internship within another AFAD study programme and thus expand their skills and experience, which they are then able to apply in the Intermedia programme in the form of interdisciplinary expansions. Bachelor's degree students are integrated into the ongoing artistic and research projects at the AFAD as part of the wider educational process in the form of direct application to education or through exhibition, publication and other presentation activities, which is also supported by grant systems (especially KEGA - Cultural and educational grant agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of Slovak republic) and presentation of creative-artistic activity (especially FPU - Slovak Art Council, BRDS).
More organisational rules:
- individual parts of the study programme (modules, subjects and other relevant school and extracurricular activities, provided that they contribute to the achievement of the desired educational outcomes and bring credits) in the structure of compulsory, compulsory optional and optional subjects,
See pdf attachment of the Bedeker curriculum.
● Compulsory professional profile subjects – specialisation Intermedia
More info in the attachment in the pdf table of the Bedeker curriculum and in the ILP in AIS.
Studio I.: Studio of Spatial Communications+
Head of the studio: prof. Mgr. Anton Čierny
Assistant: Mgr. art. Jaroslav Kyša
Studio profile
SSC+ is aimed at:
- analysing the relationship between the 2D and 3D components of the work and the space in which the work is shown and related contexts;
- work with time-dependent media (video, film, audio...) and action forms (performance, happening...). It is oriented towards the investigation of past individual and social experience/memory and environmental issues. SSC+ is an interdisciplinary environment where we conduct a dialogue with the aim of fulfilling students' ideas of an intermedia work of art as a tool of personal statement and social reflection.
Studio II.: Studio vvv (visual, verbal, public/verejné)
Head of the studio: doc. Mgr. art. Martin Piaček, ArtD.
Assistant: Mgr. art. Dávid Koronczi
Studio profile
Studio vvv (visual, verbal, public/verejné) was founded in the fall of 2018 by artist and teacher Martin Piaček and graphic designer and artist Dávid Koronczi.
Studio vvv creates an inclusive and stimulating environment in which art is understood as a language, a commentary and an effort to contribute to the creation of the world. We perceive art as a useful and important part of the world, we constantly remind ourselves of its captivating, surprising potential and formal differences from other humanities and creative sciences or practices. The word "public" in the name of the studio refers to the orientation towards practice, solidarity, visions and proposals.
Studio III.: Studio of Intermedia
Head of the studio: Mgr. et. Mgr. art. Jana Kapelová, ArtD.
Assistant: Mgr. art. Roman Bicek
Studio profile
Creating intermedially means freely choosing a medium to express your own vision. And one's own vision, theme, can be acquired through self-knowledge. At the Studio of Intermedia, we take into account the individuality of each and every student. We work with the principles of respectful communication, personal responsibility, internal motivation and self-evaluation. We refer to mutual learning as sharing, exploring and experimenting. We are interested in the social status of art and how to work responsibly with it.
Intermedia Preparatory Course
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Peter Barényi, ArtD.
Subject profile
The subject is divided into two units. The first unit intended for students of other departments is focused on a short introduction to the creation of film and its characteristics, which are related to video art and work with the camera and editing. The second unit intended for students of the intermedia department consists of short three-week workshops focusing on: 1. Interactivity in art, 2. Working with the camera, 3. Working with sound and 4. video editing.
● Compulsory professional profile subjects – specialisation Sculpture
More information in the attachment in the pdf table of the Bedeker curriculum and in the ILP in AIS.
Studio IV.: Sculpture in architecture and virtual space
Hypertext characteristic: Creation in real and digital space
Head of the studio: prof. dr. hab. Mgr. art. Patrik Kovačovský
Studio profile
The current view of visual art naturally brings with it a reassessment of the approach to creation in classical disciplines, including sculpture. The teaching within the studio reflects the change in thinking and creation of authors, which is also based on developments in the field of digital technologies. The studio focuses on the combination of traditional approaches with contemporary technological possibilities with an expansions into other media. It is built as an experimental communication platform following the natural cooperation of architecture, sculpture and digital virtuality.
Studio V.: Sculpture focused on figurative and object creation
hypertext characteristic: Creation in classical material with a contemporary approach
Head of the studio: Mgr. art. Štefan Papčo, ArtD.
Studio profile
The artistic approach in the field of figurative and object sculpture has experienced a constant shift in recent years, especially on the international scene. Even if it is work with a classic material or form of processing, a contemporary approach and the search for new solutions in this area are important. The studio focuses on the mentioned approach and gives the possibility of a creative experiment in the field of classical media. Expansions to other media are also included.
Sculpture Preparatory Course: Preparatory studio for the first year
Head of the subject: currently acting teacher Mgr. art. Matej Rosmány, ArtD.
(teacher on maternity leave - assistant professor Mgr. art. Miroslava Podmanická, ArtD.)
Subject profile
The studio is run in terms of first contact. It gives students the opportunity to gain perspective and orientation within the context of contemporary art beyond the content of secondary education. Students can choose one semester in the preparatory studios of Intermedia or Photography. They complete the second semester in the Sculpture Preparatory Studio. After completing this studio, they are oriented to choose a medium.
Preparatory studio for the second year (specialisation Sculpture)
Head of the studio: Mgr. art. Štefan Papčo, ArtD.
Assistant: Juraj Rattaj
Studio profile
The basis for students of the second year is the mastery of basic spatial principles in various materials with a focus on stone and wood. Students acquire material skills through sketching and exercises aimed at creating the foundations of their programme. Emphasis is placed on the development of the ability to study and formulate their starting points, to define their own ideas and reasoning. After completing the subject, students have basic knowledge about spatial visual media. They will acquire theoretical knowledge and the necessary practical experience with the application of spatial art techniques in the creation of a sculptural work. They are able to soundly analyse current art problems and know the ways to solve them.
Bachelor's thesis (consultations, realisation)
Heads of the subject: prof. Mgr. Anton Čierny; Mgr. et Mgr. art. Jana Kapelová, ArtD.; prof. dr. hab. Mgr. art. Patrik Kovačovský; doc. Mgr. art. Martin Piaček, ArtD.
● Subjects replacing studio courses:
More information in the attachment in the pdf table of the Bedeker curriculum and in the ILP in AIS.
Laboratory: Visiting professor's studio - 1st grade
● Compulsory professional subjects
More information in the attachment in the pdf table of the Bedeker curriculum and in the ILP in AIS.
Drawing I, II. - for specialisation intermedia
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Marek Kvetan
Drawing I – II - for specialisation sculpture
Head of the subject: doc. M. Boďa, akad. mal.
Subject profile
Drawing as the basis of visual communication. To equip students with skills and techniques for expressing space and sculpture, allowing to transfer the spatial idea into 2D. To gain the knowledge and confidence necessary to improve their own creative efforts, as well as the recording of thoughts and feelings. Drawing in the context of a specific artistic discipline.
● Compulsory theoretical subjects:
More information in the attachment in the pdf table of the Bedeker curriculum and in the ILP in AIS.
Visual arts in the cultural context I - IV
Heads of the subject: Mgr. Norbert Lacko, PhD.; doc. Mgr. Ladislav Tkáčik, PhD.; Mgr., Mgr. art. Barbara Hodásová, PhD.; Mgr. Beáta Jablonská, PhD.; Mgr. Naďa Kančevová, PhD.
Introduction to study I, II
Head of the subject: doc. Mgr. Daniel Grúň, PhD.; teachers of KTDU and others
Issues of visual media (sculpture - intermedia) I, II
Head of the subject: doc. Mgr. Daniel Grúň, PhD.; Mgr. Ján Kralovič, PhD.
Image analysis (sculpture – intermedia) I, II
Head of the subject: doc. Mgr. Daniel Grúň, PhD.; Mgr. Ján Kralovič, PhD.
Issues of Slovak visual arts I, II
Head of the subject: Mgr. Ján Kralovič, PhD.
● Compulsory optional (professional) subjects
More information in the attachment in the pdf table of the Bedeker curriculum and in the ILP in AIS.
Figural modelling I. - VI. - (prerequisite for sculpture specialisation)
Head of the subject: doc. Rastislav Trizma, akad. soch.
Subject profile
The subject of modelling in the bachelor's degree is divided into four levels of teaching: 1. modelling according to an antique model - strengthening the ability to reproduce a model 1:1 in exact proportions, 2. modelling according to a live model - acquiring a monochrome view and "flipping" it, 3. modelling act 1:1 according to the live model, 4. head - portrait approx. 80 cm, reduction of detail acceptance of scale and light mode.
Project drawing I, II
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Marek Kvetan
Author drawing I, II
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Marek Kvetan
Drawing - sculpture III – VII (prerequisite for the specialisation sculpture)
Head of the subject: doc. M. Boďa, akad. mal.
Subject profile
Drawing as the basis of visual communication. To equip students with skills and techniques for expressing space and sculpture, allowing to transfer the spatial idea into 2D. To gain the knowledge and confidence necessary to improve their own creative efforts, as well as the recording of thoughts and feelings.
Drawing - sculpture VIII
Head of the subject: doc. Miloš Boďa, akad. soch.
Basics of computer modelling I, II
Head of the subject: RNDr. Pavol Bukoven
Basics of photography I, II
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Jana Ilková, ArtD.
3D designing I, II
Head of the subject: doc. Mgr. art. András Cséfalvay, ArtD.; MgA. Michal Žilinský
Professional workshop – 1st level
internal and external teachers
internal doctoral students of the department
(one-semester subject - possibility to enrol from the 2nd to 7th semester - maximum twice)
Technical-technological consultations
Heads of the subject: Mgr. art. Peter Barényi, ArtD., Pavol Mikulička, Mgr. art. Jaroslav Kyša, Mgr. art. Peter Tilajčík, Mgr. art. Maja Štefančíková, ArtD., internal teachers of the department
Digital sculpture I, II
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Richard Keťko; Mgr. art. Michal Horňák
Digital sculpture III, IV, V, VI
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Richard Keťko; Mgr. art. Michal Horňák
Critical reading
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Dávid Koronczi
Subject profile
The goal of the Critical Reading course is to present some of the contemporary philosophical discourses (posthumanism, decolonisation, xenofeminism,...) that artists naturally encounter during their practice.
Author's writing
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Dávid Koronczi
Subject profile
The goal of the subject Author's writing is one's own creative work with writing. The challenge for each and every one of the students is to work out one of the tasks that should strengthen the ability to work with text, imagination and self-confidence as an author. Through a selection of short assignments, students will try out some of the many forms of writing, such as poetry set to music, fiction and speculative writing, dramatic text and non-fiction writing.
Video clip and post-production
Head of the subject: Mgr. et Mgr. art. Peter Barényi, ArtD.
Subject profile
The subject is focused on the video clip, its history and different approaches to the creation of video clips. A condition for completing the course is also the production of one's own video clip.
Video report
Head of the subject: Mgr. et Mgr. art. Peter Barényi, ArtD.
Subject profile
The task of the subject is to teach students to correctly record works of art and conversations. The condition for completing the subject is the production of one's own report from the exhibition.
Interactivity of the work of art I. and II.
Head of the subject: external teacher
Subject profile
In the subject Interactivity of a work of art, students will learn about software development techniques, web technologies, databases, computer attacks, deep internet, microcontroller programming and, last but not least, current trends in the world of online art.
Project and production preparation I. and II.
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Maja Štefančíková, ArtD.
Subject profile
The subject is focused on preparatory processes related to the realisation of the work. The basic elements of a given subject are space, time, material, capital and the context between them. The goal is to gain experience in working with time, space and other factors that will become a supporting platform for the realisation of the work.
Sound I. and II.
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. František Király, PhD.
Subject profile
The aim of the course is to offer students basic techniques for working with sound in a digital environment (recording, cutting, editing), an overview of operating audio hardware (audio mix, microphones, sound cards, cabling) and getting to know the principles of analog sound synthesis. Gaining practical experience is in symbiosis with a brief overview of the history of music and sound art from the second half of the 20th century. Experimentation in the field of acoustics and sound in a digital environment. The subject includes the basics of the SuperCollider language and the first touch with algorithms in sound art. The subject uses open-source software.
Experimental materials I, II
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Jaroslav Kyša
Subject profile
With a creative approach, a kind of alchemical workshop, we try to think about the material as a thinking, involved entity. This subject tries to reverse the established chronology, which usually goes in the following order: idea and subsequent material realisation. By experimenting with the material, I want to lead students from the idea phase, which is conceptual thinking about the topic, through the very important phase of the laboratory process and verification of idea possibilities in physical space, to the result, which is the accumulation of these quantities. The result should be work that will be mastered not only in terms of ideas, but also in terms of materials, with an emphasis on experiment and process. An important part of the teaching process will be the real installation of individual works, their adjustment as well as the architecture of the exhibition, which aims to prepare students for artistic and exhibition practice.
Video camera
Head of the subject: Mgr. et Mgr. art. Peter Barényi, ArtD.
Subject profile
The main purpose of the subject is to familiarise students with the camera as a tool for creating a work of art. During the semester, students will gradually become familiar with the basic functions of the camera. After completing the subject, they should be able to record a simple video using a camera.
Video editing I. and II.
Head of the subject: Mgr. et Mgr. art. Peter Barényi, ArtD.
Subject profile
In the subject, students learn the basics of moving image processing in the Adobe Premiere Pro program. In the first semester, they will become familiar with the editing program and its basic functions. In the second semester, they will work on individual assignments under the guidance of the teacher.
Performance I. and II.
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Peter Tilajčík, ArtD.
Subject profile
The subject is dedicated to improvisation techniques, work with the body and developing imagination within the perception of the psychophysical apparatus. Definition of the concept of performance art and its concretization in the perspective of performing arts. The aim is to provide different dimensions of work through body, voice and presence.
Wood and stone processing technologies I, II
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Štefan Papčo, Art.D
Subject profile
The aim of the subject is to provide basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills in mastering the preparation of a model of a realistic or stylized head with regard to anatomical proportions and the subsequent realisation on a scale of 1:1 in the materials stone and wood.
Metal processing technologies - casting I, II
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Richard Ketko
Subject profile
The subject Metal II belongs to the group of subjects that function as direct support for work in the studio. Its content is to teach students to process metal from the basic form of semi-finished products to the desired form, using technologies such as MIG/MAG-TIG welding, bending, 3D rolling, induction heating and CNC plasma cutting in accordance with safety requirements.
Metal processing technologies - welding I, II
Head of the subject: Mgr. art. Richard Ketko
Subject profile
The subject Metal II belongs to the group of subjects that function as direct support for work in the studio. Its content is to teach students to process metal from the basic form of semi-finished products to the desired form, using technologies such as MIG/MAG-TIG welding, bending, 3D rolling, induction heating and CNC plasma cutting in accordance with safety requirements.
● Compulsory optional theoretical subjects
More information in the attachment in the pdf table of the Bedeker curriculum and in the ILP in AIS.
Foreign language I, II
English conversation – 1st level
Anatomy I, II (the subject is intended for the specialisation Sculpture as a prerequisite)
Psychological-philosophical probes behind the scenes of the present
Reading, writing, argumentation
Artistic personalities, places and genres
Philosophy of culture
Religion and art I, II
Philosophical hermeneutics
Phenomenological aesthetics I, II.
- profile courses of the relevant study path (specialisation) within the study programme, listed in the study plan table
- for each learning part/course the learning outcomes, related criteria and rules of their assessment so that the learning objectives of the study programme are met (they can be stated only in the Course information sheets, in the Learning outcomes section and in the Course completion requirements), listed in the Information document of subject
- prerequisites, co-requisites and recommendations for the design of the study plan, listed in the study plan table
- for each learning part of the study plan/course the applied educational activities (lecture, seminar, exercise, final work, project work, laboratory work, internship, excursion, field practice, professional practice, state exam, etc. or their combinations) suitable for achieving learning outcomes, listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject
- methods by which the educational activity is delivered – present, distant, combined (in accordance with the Course information sheets), listed in the Information document of subject
- outline/syllabus of the course, listed in the Information document of subject
- student workload ("extent" of individual courses and educational activities separately), listed in the Information document of subject
- credits allocated to each part based on the learning outcomes achieved and the workload involved, listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject
- the person responsible for the course (or a partner organisation/person ) with an indication of the contact details, listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject
- course teachers (or participating partner organisations/persons) (may also be mentioned in Course information sheets), listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject
- places where the courses are taught (if the study programme is delivered at several workplaces).
Building of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Drotárska cesta 44.
Also listed in the attachment in the pdf table. Bedeker curriculums.
- the number of credits for compulsory subjects required for the proper completion of the study/part of the study
128 ECTS without credits for defence and state examination,
- the number of credits for compulsory optional subjects and for optional subjects required for the proper completion of the study/completion of the study part at least 102 ECTS
Students must complete the prescribed compulsory subjects according to the study plan. During the course of study, students must complete at least 7 compulsory optional courses (in the case of two-semester and multi-semester courses, each semester is counted as one compulsory elective course).
- the number of credits for optional subjects necessary for the proper completion of the study/part of the study, students do not have to complete the optional subjects according to the study plan if they have enough credits for compulsory and compulsory optional subjects.
- number of credits for final thesis 10 ECTS and defence of final thesis and state exam 10 ECTS
- the number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies for artistic activities, except for the final work in art study programmes. Studio courses 70 ECTS
Bedeker and in ILP:
The decisive evaluation tool of educational results is the periodic semester evaluation at the committee level (the committee consists of teachers of the study programme, teachers from the Department of Theory and History of Art and includes experts from the external environment as well), which includes a mandatory presentation of the result of the students' Studio courses and at the same time its defence, which is followed by a discussion with the committee and also with all participating students and the professional public. Subsequently, the evaluation by the committee and verification by the school-wide committee consisting of members of the AFAD Pedagogical Board takes place. The school-wide committee is headed by the vice-rector for study affairs and takes place without the participation of students. To the school-wide committee, each head of a specialised studio will present the semester assignments, the course of teaching and the results of the students' works, while highlighting the exceptional results of the students, drawing attention to the poor results of the students and presenting the individual evaluations of the committee (from A to FX). Eventually, the results of the students' education are accessible to the professional and broad public (an exhibition of the whole academy in all AFAD buildings, other gallery and exhibition spaces, or as online presentations or on Facebook, Instagram and the AFAD website This creates a space for a wider confrontation of the results of education with the external subjects.
Evaluation of students and the possibility of correction procedures in relation to this evaluation.
The evaluation of study results and the possibility of correction processes are determined by the AFAD Study Regulations:
1. The evaluation of students' study results within the study of the subject is mainly carried out:
a) continuous control of study results in individual subjects during the teaching part of the study (for example, progress status, partial assignments, completion of a creative workshop, workshop, written tests, assignments for independent work, term papers, seminar paper, etc.), specified in more detail in the ILP (Information document of subject),
b) The state exam is a form of discussion with the commission and is part of the evaluation of the defence of the bachelor's thesis.
2. Grade evaluation is classified according to the classification scale determined by Decree no. 614/2002 Coll., while the qualification scale has six classification levels:
A – excellent (excellent results) = 1
B – very good (above average results) = 1.5
C – good (average results) = 2
D – satisfactory (acceptable results) = 2.5
E – sufficient (results meet the minimum criteria) = 3
FX - Insufficient (more work required) = 4
3. Within the Intermedia study programme, optional subjects, for example Short-term educational course and Professional field trip, are evaluated by passing the subject (passed/failed).
4. Students who have been evaluated with the grade of FX in professional, practical and theoretical subjects have the right to two correction dates as long as they fulfil the conditions of the continuous evaluation.
The evaluation of study results and the possibility of correction processes are determined by the AFAD Study Regulations:
Students can apply for the recognition of subjects they completed in another study programme at another university. Subjects completed at another university are recognised by the AFAD on the basis of a statement of study results prepared for students by the given university and by submitting an application on the prescribed form of the AFAD (exact instructions are contained in the Application for recognition of subjects form).
The conditions of recognition are described by the AFAD Study Regulations
and the Directive on the recognition of documents
The list of topics of the final theses of the Intermedia study programme is registered in AiS and will be made available at the request of the reviewers.
The topics of the final theses - bachelor thesis are generated individually for each student and are formulated by the thesis supervisor based on the students' previous studies and artistic orientation. They are approved by the main responsible teacher in charge of the study programme in AiS (Academic Information System). A detailed description of opposition, defence and evaluation of the final theses of the Intermedia study programme is described in point d) of this document.
- options and procedures for participating in student mobility are published on the AFAD website
– rules for abiding academic ethics and drawing consequences,
are included in the AFAD Codex of Ethics and in the Disciplinary Rules for AFAD students and published on the website:
Codex of Ethics:
Disciplinary rules for students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.
– procedures applicable to students with special needs,
covered by Internal Regulation 3/2020, Rector's directive to ensure a generally accessible environment for students with specific needs, which includes:
– Request by applicants with specific needs to modify the form and method of conducting the admission exams, taking into account their specific needs.
– Application for inclusion in the register of students with specific needs and consent to the evaluation of specific needs.
Through the website, applicants are notified in the conditions and instructions on the admission process about the possibility of submitting an application, and then the specific needs of applicants are approached individually, regarding the course of the admission process. Students are also informed via the website and the Support and Counselling Centre for AFAD students:
( about the possibility to submit an application, which will then be approved by the coordinator for students with specific needs and the vice-rector for study affairs. After the application is approved, a confirmation will be issued to students and then the individual possibilities of the process of making the educational process accessible will be discussed with them, about which the teachers of the study programme Intermedia will also be informed. In the case of specific requirements that the AFAD does not have at its disposal, it will promptly ensure correction and conditions for students.
– procedures for submission of report and appeals by students.
Students can submit impetus and appeals of various kinds in writing, by post, by e-mail or through physical mailboxes in the academy buildings:
– through the Support and Counselling Centre for AFAD students, which, based on a specific impetus or appeal, forwards the impetus to the AFAD Ethics Committee or the Study Affairs Commission of the AFAD Academic Senate or the vice-rector for study affairs.
– through the study officer, who will forward it to the vice-rector for study affairs.
- directly to the members (pedagogical or student representatives) of the Commission for Study Affairs AFAD AS, who, based on a specific initiative or appeal, will decide on the method of resolution.
- directly to the members of the Ethics Committee of the AFAD, who decide on the method of resolution based on a specific impetus or appeal.
In the structure according to decree no. 614/2002 Coll.
Separate attachment in pdf format.
The academic calendar is published on the AFAD website, in the study guide - Bedeker, in the Academic Information System - AiS. Students are also informed about the academic calendar and the current schedule and their publication or update through emails, as well as department website and Facebook.
The main responsible teacher:
Čierny, Anton, prof., Mgr. art.
Position: professor
Profile subject specialisation: intermedia
Studio: Studio of Spatial Communications +
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Responsible teachers:
Kovačovský, Patrik, prof. dr. hab, Mgr. art.
Position: professor
Profile subject specialisation: sculpture
Studio: Department of sculpture, object, installation
Sculpture in 3D virtual space and architecture
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Piaček, Martin, ArtD. doc., Mgr. art.
Position: associate professor
Profile subject specialisation: intermedia
Studio: Studio vvv (visual, verbal, public)
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Grúň, Daniel, doc., Mgr., PhD.
Position: associate professor
Profile subject specialisation: intermedia
Studio: Issues of visual media (sculpture - intermedia) I, II, Image analysis (sculpture - intermedia)
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Papčo, Štefan, ArtD., Mgr. art.
Position: Assistant Professor
Profile subject specialisation: sculpture
Studio: Sculpture, Preparatory studio for the second year
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Grúň, Daniel, doc., Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Barényi, Peter, Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Papčo, Štefan, ArtD, Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Piaček, Martin, ArtD. doc., Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kovačovský, Patrik, prof. dr. hab, Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Čierny, Anton, prof., Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kapelová, Jana, Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Podmanická, Mira, Mgr. art., ArtD.
(on maternity leave, current temp: Rosmány, Matej, Mgr. art., ArtD.)
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Koronczi, Dávid, Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Bicek, Roman, Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Štefančíková, Maja, Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Király, František, Mgr. art., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kyša, Jaroslav, Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Rastislav Trizma doc., akad. soch.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Richard Keťko, Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Rosmány, Matej,' Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Boďa, Miloslav, doc., akad. soch.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Rattaj, Juraj, odb. as., Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kralovič, Ján, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Lacko, Norbert, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Dobrovičová, Monika, PaedDr., Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Grúň, Daniel, doc., Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Jablonská, Beata, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kančevová, Naďa, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Máčaj, Peter, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Tkáčik, Ladislav, doc., Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Hodásová, Barbara, Mgr. Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kvetan, Marek, Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Jackuliaková, Dominika, Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
The characteristics of the topic of the final theses are created individually, taking into account the individual work of the ŠPI student.
Čierny, Anton, prof., Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kovačovský, Patrik, prof. dr. hab, Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Piaček, Martin, ArtD. doc., Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kapelová, Jana, Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Papčo, Štefan, ArtD, Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
See VUPCH in Ais.
Verešová, Veronika
E-mail address:
Mgr. Alexandra Smolková
E-mail address:
Kyša, Jaroslav, Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Tatarková, Mária, Ing.
Study officer and social scholarships
E-mail address:
Kozáková, Sylvia, Ing.
AiS administrator
E-mail address:
Jančařík, Tomáš, Mgr. art.
Career counselor
E-mail address:
Šarkan, Martin, Mgr., PhD.
Psychological counselor
E-mail address:
Link to the AFAD Support and Counseling Center:
Spaces for studio courses, workshops and specialised classrooms:
Profile subject Studio courses and all compulsory optional and optional subjects with the characteristics of practical professional subjects take place in studios, workshops, specialised classrooms and technological workplaces in a total area (1,298.95 m2). Studios, workshops and specialised classrooms are available to all bachelor's degree students of the Intermedia study programme for direct teaching (practical teaching, consultations and discussions of the teacher with students) and also for indirect teaching (individual work by students at the semester assignments or professional workshops). Technological workplaces (sound studio, LAB, plastering workshop, carving workshop, metal workshop, foundry workshop) are used by students according to the needs of the focus of their semester work and for assignments within professional practical subjects.
Studios: The Intermedia study programme has 5 studios and 2 preparatory courses, which are made up from the profile subjects of the study. Studios and preparatory courses have separate specialised rooms. As part of studio courses, students of bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees meet in one space and time. Depending on the current number of students in a given academic year and depending on the specialisation of the studio, there is approximately 6 m2 of space per student. Each of the studios has basic projection equipment (computer, data projector, speakers and Wi-Fi connection). Further equipment of the studios depends on its specific needs (inventory lists will be available for inspection by the accreditation commission during a physical visit to the school).
The studios are located in a building at Drotárska cesta 44 in Bratislava.
LAB and sound studio: The Intermedia study programme has one specialised classroom (the so-called LAB) where theoretical and professional subjects are taught with a focus on working with the camera, video editing, and sound. At the same time, the Intermedia preparatory course is taught in the classroom. The classroom is equipped with the necessary equipment for teaching during lectures and seminars (projector, speakers, DVD player, computers, printer), it has a blue background for teaching tricks in the video, tables and chairs for students to work on. The classroom has an area of 60.2 m2.
The space also includes a separate technology warehouse (area 10 m2) intended for teaching students (cameras, tripods, speakers, amplifiers, steady cam, DVD players, projectors, televisions, iPads, laptops, headphones, audio recording devices, cables... inventory lists will be available for inspection for the accreditation committee during a physical visit to the academy), which are necessary for the teaching of professional subjects in the bachelor's degree of the study programme Intermedia.
In another part of the LAB, there is a small soundproofed sound studio measuring 10 m2. It is equipped with a computer, mixer, microphone and speakers.
Material resources: the workplace provides the basic material resources for the Intermedia study programme. Technical equipment for working with video (camera, tripod, microphone, dictaphone, background, etc.), sound (mixer, microphones, headphones, etc.), hardware and software equipment (computers with programs needed for video editing and post-production, graphics creation, etc.). Materials necessary for the realisation of semester work or the final theses, students pay from their own resources, or the department from grant and research projects.
The specialised LAB workplace and sound studio are located in the school building (Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava).
Foundry workshop: study programme Intermedia specialisation Sculpture
Workshop worker/instructor: Mgr. art. Daniel Janec
Total area: approx. 155.3 m2
4 separate rooms: a) preparation of waxes and moulds, b) melting and drying of moulds, c) casting of metal, d) processing of castings
The workshop is equipped for the complete process of realisation and processing of metal castings
- Consultations and familiarisation with the technology and work procedure for the implementation of the work to material bronze, lead, tin, aluminium.
- Realisation of "blind" plaster forms.
- Realisation of silicone and lucoprene moulds according to the students' needs for subsequent casting to
a) wax,
b) gypsum,
c) epoxy and other two-component materials,
d) lead.
- Familiarisation with Health and Safety Principles when working with hot wax.
- Realisation of a wax model.
- Retouch of a wax model.
- Realisation of an inlet and ventilation system, necessary for casting into the material.
- Forming wax models and inlet systems into refractory material.
- Recycling of waxes – heating waxes in a steam boiler.
- Drying of heat-resistant forms and ridding forms of chemically bound water.
- Familiarisation with Health and Safety Principles when working with bronze.
- Melting and subsequent pouring of refractory forms with liquid bronze.
- Unpacking and cleaning of bronze castings with a high-pressure cleaner.
- Learning how to process a rough casting - chiselling a casting.
- Joining and welding of bronze castings with TIG and MIG/MAG welding technologies.
- Patination and surface treatment of bronze castings and copper alloys.
Access to the workshop is subject to health and safety requirements only in the presence of a workshop worker or relevant teacher.
Materials: the workplace provides the basic material resources of the study programme Intermedia specialisation Sculpture. Technical equipment for working with the mentioned material and technology is available to students during the professional subjects.
The specialised workplace – the foundry workshop – is located in the academy building (Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava).
Stucco workshop - lamination workshop: study programme Intermedia specialisation Sculpture
Workshop worker/instructor: Mgr. art. Richard Zozulák
Total area: approx. 92.5 m2
Division: plastering part, laminating part, warehouse, space for 3D printers
The processes in the stucco workshop are mainly focused on classic sculptural procedures, but also on contemporary ones, e.g. 3D printing. Mostly plaster models are created, laminated, modelled, or moulds are drawn from a variety of materials and objects, such as clay, plaster, plastics, etc. Types of moulds blind or wedge mould with subsequent casting of models or plastics, most often in plaster, concrete, artificial stone or other materials, e.g. epoxy 455, Acrystal and other alternative materials plus 3D printing and their combination depending on the assignment and requirements during the creation process. When processing epoxy resins, it is essential always to use an extraction device for extracting harmful vapours and for air circulation, and protective equipment such as respirators, gloves and goggles. Materials of this type are stored in a separate ventilated metal cabinet designed for this purpose.
In addition, silicone moulds are created in the workshop, which are used for more complex objects or when it is necessary to duplicate the casting or the resulting product many times. When casting from silicone moulds, the same applies as when casting plaster moulds.
Access to the workshop is subject to HEalth and Safety Principles (working with chemicals) only during the presence of a workshop worker or relevant teacher.
Materials: The workplace provides the basic material resources of the study programme Intermedia specialisation Sculpture. Technical equipment for working with the mentioned material and technology is available to students during professional subjects.
The specialised workplace - plastering workshop - laminating workshop are located in the academy building (Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava).
Carving workshop: study programme Intermedia specialisation Sculpture
Subject teacher: Mgr. art. Štefan Papčo, ArtD., assistant professor
Total area: approx. 67.7 m2
Division: carving part, space for CNC 3D milling machine, tool storage
The processes in the carving workshop are mainly focused on sculptural woodworking procedures.
In this space Materials course – wood is taught, which is focused on basic exercises and realisations of wood carving procedures in sculptural practice. The workshop is also intended for the preparation of basic constructions of objects and sculptures made of wood. It is also possible to finish workpieces from CNC 3D mills in the premises. In the workshop there are tables intended for holding material. In agreement with the teacher, other tools and equipment for processing the mentioned material are available in the storage.
Access to the workshop is subject to Health and Safety Principles only with the knowledge of the relevant teacher.
Materials: the workplace provides the basic material resources of the study programme Intermedia specialisation Sculpture. Technical equipment for working with the mentioned material and technology is available to students during professional subjects.
The specialised workplace – carving workshop – is located in the academy building (Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava).
Metal Workshop: study programme Intermedia specialisation Sculpture
Subject teacher: Mgr. art. Richard Ketko, assistant professor
Total area: approx. 81.1 m2
Division: part for welding, space for CNC plasma cutting, tool storage
The workshop is mainly focused on sculptural and construction methods of metal processing. Materials course - metal is taught in this space. It is focused on basic exercises in metal processing procedures for sculptural practice. The workshop is also designed for joining and welding ferrous and stainless steel, sheet metal and various profiles using TIG and MIG/MAG welding technologies. It is also possible to finish metal workpieces in the premises. In the workshop there are tables intended for holding material. In agreement with the teacher, other tools and equipment for processing the mentioned material are available in the storage.
Access to the workshop is subject to Health and Safety Principles only with the knowledge of the relevant teacher.
Materials: the workplace provides the basic material resources of the study programme Intermedia specialisation Sculpture. Technical equipment for working with the mentioned material and technology is available to students during professional subjects.
The specialised workplace - metal workshop - is located in the school building (Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava).
Lecture and seminar rooms: 5 + 5 rooms - total area approx. 362 m2. Each lecture room has appropriate technological equipment: computer, data projector, projection screen, audio equipment and Wi-Fi connection (inventory lists will be available for inspection for the accreditation committee during a physical visit to the academy).
Lecture and seminar rooms are located in the academy building (Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Bratislava).
Computer room: the computer room has appropriate technological equipment (inventory lists will be available for inspection for the accreditation committee during a physical visit to the academy).
The digital classroom is located in the school building (Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava).
Digital and analog classroom: a workplace with an area of approximately 50 m2 is used as a workplace for the post-production of semester work or assignments within professional subjects. Students, together with a teacher, have a scanner, a computer, Adobe programs and a special digital device at their disposal. The equipment serves students so that they can professionally ensure the post-production of their creative work and learn to use current technologies and apply them to their creative process.
Gallery Medium: total area approx. 150 m2. The Medium gallery is used for the presentation of students' creative activities, accompanying lecture and discussion forums, or for social activities of the AFAD students and confrontation with the external environment.
Communication and Visualisation Learning Centre in Kremnica: a historical building that is used for workshops, seminars and conferences. It has accommodation capacities (approx. 30 people) and lecture rooms. The centre also includes sufficient technical and technological equipment. The purpose of such a centre is in the opportunity to complete an intensive work week, which is part of studio courses. In the learning centre, students concentrate on the given topic in the form of block teaching or a specially prepared workshop, for example with students from the partner studio of a foreign university. The goal is to ensure interaction between schools and concentrated creative activity and inter-studio cooperation.
Future: AFAD plans to build a technology pavilion that will include the following centres: Centre for wood and stone processing, Centre for metal casting, Centre for surface treatment, Centre for model processing, Centre for printing, dyeing and textile processing, Centre for audiovisual production, Centre for 2D and 3D printing, Chemical-technological laboratory, Centre for photo processing, Centre for painting technologies and Centre for professional teaching and presentation.
Academic library and related reference libraries at workplaces, electronic library databases, online catalogues of books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, e-books, e-journals and access to important databases of world galleries and universities, general portals and databases:
Artotéka – data storage of art academies and AFAD own storages
Free internet connection – wi-fi in all academy buildings (Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Drotárska cesta 44, Koceľova 23 and the Communication and Visualisation Learning Centre in Kremnica)
AiS (Academic Information System), which contains ILP – Information Document of Subject - timetable - study plan of the study programme - all internal regulations and all internal letters related to the organisation of study.
Distance learning tools: MS Teams (used for distance learning and communication), Elearning Wiki (live database of study materials), e-mail, Information platforms: web, e-mails, Instagram, Facebook
Information channels: web, academy e-mails, Instagram, Facebook
The form and method of study is defined in the AFAD Study Regulations (Article 3, Forms and methods of study, points 5 to 8).
The AFAD mostly uses a combined method of education, which is indicated in the ILP (Information Document of Subject), even if the education takes place completely by distance. When changing the method of teaching a subject, its content is discussed in advance with the study programme guarantor and then with the vice-rector for academic affairs at a predetermined time (usually May–June of the previous academic year when the study plan and content of individual ILPs are checked for the next academic year). Complete distance education at the AFAD is implemented by order of the rector, especially in extraordinary situations (for example, when a state of emergency is declared).
The given study programme is defined as an academically oriented, artistic type of study, but at the same time the AFAD has created a mechanism for internships and supplementary internships, within which it cooperates with various types of institutions and companies in the local and foreign scene. In addition to permanent partners, cooperation with other partners is currently being approved. Procedures are published on the academy's website and study guide (bedeker).
The Gallery Medium and public external spaces of the academy serve for cultural and social events at the AFAD. The gallery space is primarily devoted to exhibition activities of students and teachers of the academy, at the same time it serves as a communication space for various types of lectures and discussions, which are also open to the general public, or other social activities of teachers, students, employees, but also graduates of the academy. As part of the open-call mechanism, the gallery spaces of the academy also present exhibition projects of our partners from abroad, or the results of our international cooperation. As part of international cooperation, projects of international significance are periodically prepared (for example, the Month of Photography, Šperk stret, Poster Triennale, Novum Foundation and others). Another important facility of the AFAD is the Communication and Visualisation Learning Centre in Kremnica, which the academy uses for creative workshops and block education. The learning centre has accommodation facilities, lecture rooms, digital technologies and material resources. The facility is intensively used for workshops, conferences, seminars and meetings with foreign partner educational institutions and stimulates internationalisation, interaction and concentrated creative activity in a group. Thanks to its favourable geographical location, the training centre is used for sports activities in nature as part of creative stays.
Students of the Intermedia study programme can mainly apply for Erasmus+ mobility programmes (projects KA103 and KA107), CEEPUS, programmes based on bilateral agreements and the possibilities of the National Scholarship Program focused on student, pedagogical and non-pedagogical mobility. In addition to standard mobilities, students also participate in other art and research projects, in which the AFAD creates joint international platforms with selected foreign partners and collaborates on specific artistic, exhibition, presentation, research and innovation tasks and projects. For the mobility of the study programme Intermedia and gaining international experience, the AFAD has created a wide network of partnerships in most countries of the European Union, partner countries outside the EU in Europe (Western Balkan countries, Ukraine, Georgia), Asia (China, Japan, India, Israel, Turkey ) and America (USA, Mexico). At the same time, students of the study programme Intermedia will have the opportunity to take advantage of a number of international workshops, lectures, seminars, educational courses and meetings of visiting foreign teachers at our school.
Equally important is the opportunity to complete a part of the study with a visiting teacher from abroad as part of the primary education. Foreign students at our academy, who come mainly as part of the Erasmus+ program, will contribute to building contacts and opportunities for future cooperation for our students. Students of the study programme Intermedia will have the opportunity to profit from the activities of important international networks of which the AFAD is a part (Cumulus, ELIA). The international presentation activities of students are also supported by embassies of the Slovak Republic and cultural institutes of the Slovak Republic abroad. In addition to study stays, art-research and presentation activities, students of the Intermedia study programme have the opportunity to apply for student and graduate internships in selected foreign institutions, companies and specialised or art studios of professional artists within the Erasmus+ program.
For a foreign stay, they can also travel as so-called "freemovers", that is, they contact the foreign institution themselves, outside the framework of the AFAD exchange programme. As freemovers, students can apply for a scholarship, for example through one of the SAIA programs. Participation in the school-wide selection process is a condition for applying for a study stay abroad through Erasmus+ and bilateral agreements and for Erasmus+ work placements. It applies to all types of foreign mobility that they must take place in accordance with the AFAD regulations and in coordination with the International office.
All options, instructions and rules are made available and updated in detail on the academy's website, and at the same time they are anchored in the AFAD's internal regulations - the rector's directive: Implementation of the ERASMUS+ program at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.
Complete information, instructions and the course of foreign mobility (from application to recognition of credits upon return):
(forms for individual study plan and recognition of mobility are available to students in AiS.)
Applicants for a bachelor's degree who apply for the Intermedia study programme with a specialisation in either Intermedia or Sculpture can only be accepted for studies based on successful completion of the admission process. A condition for admission to a bachelor's degree is to obtain a complete secondary or complete secondary professional education. AFAD sets additional conditions for admission to study individual study programmes in order to ensure that applicants with the necessary skills and qualifications are admitted to study. The specified conditions and the method of verifying their fulfilment must enable the selection of applicants who demonstrate the highest level of skills, abilities, and knowledge for studying in the individual study programmes of the AFAD.
The aim of the entrance exam is to check the level of knowledge, thinking, abilities and skills of applicants in terms of the special requirements that arise for applicants from the chosen bachelor's study programme.
Applicants have knowledge and skills related to the field of art in general, as well as specifically for the field they want to study - intermedia (specialisation or sculpture). During the admission process, they will demonstrate their creative ambitions, interest in contemporary art, thinking in context, critical thinking, and basic knowledge of art history.
They are able to use the diverse skills of the contemporary visual language (composition, plastic sensibility, work with photography, video, performative expressions, sensitivity to public space...) in their own work and adequately apply them when solving simple assignments. Applicants demonstrate creative abilities of artistic vision and own expression. They react flexibly and present their opinions, thereby demonstrating the ability to master the bachelor's degree in the Intermedia study programme. The admissions committee evaluates the level of the applicants' original expression, the skill of a creative approach, critical thinking and self-expression as determinants of creative growth and the applicants' ability to master the bachelor's degree. An individual interview with applicants ensures an inclusive form of admission process.
Course of the admission exams:
The admission exam for the bachelor's degree in Intermedia is a two-round exam. The tasks of applicants are evaluated in the first and second rounds of the entrance exam by the admissions committee appointed by the rector of the AFAD. The admissions committee is composed of teachers of the given study programme and a theoretician from the Department of Theory and History of Art of the AFAD.
The first round of the admission process is one day long and takes place face-to-face or remotely. It consists of an evaluation of a portfolio of applicants' works and a letter of motivation sent electronically or by post within a specified period according to the conditions of the AFAD. After evaluating the results of the first round, applicants who did not get enough points to advance to the second round will be rejected.
The second round of the admission process takes place face-to-face and lasts two days. In the second round of admission exams, applicants work on assignments (four assigned creative tasks) determined by the teachers of the study programme. The content of the tasks is published on the same day during which applicants have to work on them. Part of the second round of the admission exam is also an interview and a discussion between the applicant and the admissions committee about the submitted portfolio.
For the admission exams each study programme will determine the method of checking the level of knowledge by means of a theoretical test or an oral interview. In the second round, the admissions committee also evaluates each task as well as the interview with the applicant individually, while the ranking of the applicants is created based on the sum of the points from the individual members of the committee.
The results of the evaluation and the ranking of the applicants submitted by the admissions committee are evaluated by the academy-wide admissions committee, which ensures the verification of the results of the admission process. The rector of the AFAD decides on admission to the study programme of the AFAD. The decision on admission will be given to applicants in accordance with the law and regulations of the AFAD.
Admission documents include:
1. professional CV,
2. officially certified copy of the graduation certificate,
3. proof of payment of the fee for the admission process.
Admission process is:
● reliable – applicants must demonstrate the ability to independently solve assigned tasks, prove mastery of artistic means of expression and forms according to personal preferences in the portfolio (drawing, object, photo, video, animation, performance, concept, music, script, poetry, prose etc.),
● fair – collective evaluation of the results of the admission process by the committee, discussion of the applicants' works and discussion with the applicants is a guarantee of a fair evaluation of all applicants for a bachelor's degree,
● transparent – conditions, criteria, methods and procedures for accepting and selecting applicants are published on the academy's website and refined and updated every year.
The course of the admission procedure for bachelor's studies is regulated in detail by the Internal Regulation on the admission process at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava:
Criteria and requirements for applicants:
Requirements - portfolio:
AFAD provides for each applicant the possibility of an individual consultation:
Recently, the Intermedia study programme has registered an increased interest in the study of this programme, which includes a wide range of means of expression and allows applicants a specific choice of self-expression on the formal level. At the same time, the study programme enables several graduates of secondary grammar schools and secondary art schools, mainly in the fields of promotional art, animation, image and sound creation, etc. continuation in their previous study and its expansion through a wide range of professional subjects and studio courses. The intermedia study programme evaluated the results of the admission process for the last period as satisfactory, while the applicants met the established standards for admission. An inclusive approach during individual interviews with applicants shows their particular formal preferences (video art, installation, performance art, text art, etc.), as well as critical thinking and an increased level of social responsibility in the field of ecology, the environment, but also in the socio-economic - political areas.
AFAD provides students with several ways to express their opinions on the quality of studies, the fairness and correctness of the approach provided by the academy's pedagogues. They can turn to anyone from the academic senate or academy management, academy ombudsman or psychologist, even anonymously. The AFAD seriously deals with student initiatives and petitions. More serious issues are dealt with by the ethics council, which is guided by the approved codex of ethics. A powerful tool in the hands of students is also the regular student survey, organised and processed by the student section of AS.
The Department of Intermedia welcomes all student suggestions and deals with them with full seriousness. The high level of confidence of students and their willingness to articulate their needs is good feedback for us.
Graduates of the Department of Intermedia are welcome for repeated visits and invited to various group exhibitions. For current students, their out-of-school experience, practical advice and contacts from graduate internships, competitions and open calls, as well as help with arranging work or accommodation, are valuable.
Study regulations:,
Internal regulations on the admission process at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava:
Internal letter on completion of bachelor's/master's studies (which, after being updated in a given academic year, is published in AIS and at the same time sent via e-mail to students of the final year).
Internal regulation 3/2020, Rector's directive to ensure a generally accessible environment for students with specific needs:
Disciplinary rules for students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava: and published in AIS.
Internal regulations on tuition and fees:,,
Codex of Ethics:
Internal regulation of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava no. 5/2017 (Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of the AFAD):
Principles of the admission process at the AFAD:
Internal regulations and information on the realisation of the AFAD foreign mobilities:
Information regarding study and study organisation:
ECTS handbook:
Study organisation:
Files to download: