Name and surname | Mgr. art. Rastislav Sedlačík, ArtD. |
Document type: | Research/art/teacher profile of a person |
The name of the university | Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava |
The seat of the university | Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, 814 37 Bratislava |
III.a - Occupation-position | III.b - Institution | III.c - Duration |
Arranger in Production of Projects and Exhibitions Section | Slovak National Gallery | 2012- 2021 |
External Teacher | Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava | 2012- 2015 |
Seller | Panta Rhei | 2010- 2011 |
IV.a - Activity description, course name, other | IV.b - Name of the institution | IV.c - Year |
Participation, implementation and preparation of exhibition projects as a production worker of national and international importance | Slovak National Gallery | 2012- 2021 |
Curatorial activity - Monkey jumping, Tomáš Klepoch, Matúš Maťátko, Zuzana Sabová | Tranzit Studios, Bratislava | 2011 |
Curatorial activity: exhibition Dominik Hlinka | Tranzit Studios, Bratislava | 2013 |
Curatorial activity: tEAMbuilding or First exhibition of 3EAM studio | Station Contemporary Art Gallery, Ul. G. 2022 Mallého 2, Bratislava | 2022 |
Brainstorming 3EAM_Painting as an actual expanded form (workshop & exhibition) | Nová Vlna a FOR MAAT o.z. in Trenčín | 2022 |
V.1.a - Name of the profile course | V.1.b - Study programme | V.1.c - Degree | V.1.d - Field of study |
Leading and teaching Studio 3EAM (3rd. Expanded stuidio of painting), AFAD | Painting | 1 | Visual arts |
Leading and teaching Studio 3EAM (3rd. Expanded stuidio of painting), AFAD | Visual Arts | 2 | Visual Arts |
Bachelor studies, Bachelor's Thesis, Consultation and Elaboration | Painting | 1 | Visual Arts |
Diploma Studies, Diploma Thesis, Consultation and Elaboration | Visual Arts | 2 | Visual Arts |
V.2.a - Name of the study programme | V.2.b - Degree | V.2.c - Field of study |
Bachelor studies, Bachelor's Thesis, Consultation and Elaboration | 1 | Painting |
V.5.a - Name of the course | V.5.b - Study programme | V.5.c - Degree | V.5.d - Field of study |
Otvorený systém I. / Open System I. | Painting | 1 | Visual Arts |
Otvorený systém II./ Open System II. | Visual Arts | 2 | Visual Arts |
Rastislav Sedlačík / LandSKaping 2015_2022 Collateral Damage - Rebirth Centre of Contemporary Art in Torun, Poland
Curators::Noro Lacko, Krzysztof Białowicz
Architecture of exhibition: Marcel Benčík, Norbert Lacko , Rastislav Sedlačík
Graphic design: Marcel Benčík
Mapping and digital support: Samuel Chovanec
Rastislav Sedlačík: ZA maľbou / Behind the Painting (collateral damage)
Curators: Mira Sikorová-Putišová and Norbert Lacko
Graphic design a co-architecture of exhibition: Marcel Benčík
Mapping and digital support: Samuel Chovanec
Krajina dneSKa, East Slovak Gallery, Košice, Slovakia
Curator: Norbert Lacko
Graphic design a co-architecture of exhibition: Marcel Benčík
2009 Jeune création européenne, Biennale of Contemporary Art, Villede Montrouge, Paris, France
2010 Jeune création européenne, Biennale of Contemporary Art, Klaipeda, LV
2010 Jeune création européenne, Bienále mladého európskeho umenia, Galéria mesta Bratislavy, SK
2010 Jeune création européenne, Biennale of Contemporary Art, Pecs — European Capitalof Culture 2010, Hungary
2010 Jeune création européenne, Galerieim Traklaus, Salzburg, Austria
2011 Jeune création européenne, Biennale of Contemporary Art, Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain
2011 Jeune création européenne, Biennale of Contemporary Art, Genova, IT
Curatoral Conception of Slovak Selection: Beáta Jablonská
Curatoral Conception: Lucia Gregorová Stach, Alexandra Kusá,
What is Contemporary Painting? Regional Gallery of Fine Art in Zlin, Czech Republic
Curatoral Conception of Slovak Selection: Beáta Jablonská
Do divočiny/ Into the wild. Schaubmarov Mlyn v Pezinku, Pezinok-Cajla, SNG, Bratislava
Curatoral Conception: Alexandra Tamásová
RS 18192020, Mestská Galéria v Rimavskej Sobote, Slovakia
Curator: Norbert Lacko
Xerox Poetry, Station Contemporary Art Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
Curator: Norbert Lacko
MestSKá krajina lab. Galéria Čin- Čin, Bratislava, Slovakia
Curator: Norbert Lacko
Graphic design a co-architecture of exhibition: Marcel Benčík
GREGOROVÁ-STACHOVÁ, Lucia: anotácia Rastislav Sedlačík. In: Maľba po maľbe. Eds. Lucia Gregorová-Stachová, Alexandra Kusá, Monika Mitášová. Bratislava : Slovenská národná galéria, 2010.
Jazdec / Revue súčasného umenia č. 31 štvrťročník IDe=48603&IDcheck=691378d03870d6dd2158f68eb6712dfa&view
FIŠEROVÁ, Michaela: V mierke 1:1. In: Profil (Kruh súčasného umenia Profil), 10, 2003, č. 3, s. 98-109
GERŽOVÁ, Barbora: Rastislav Sedlačík: Petržalka. In: katalóg k výstave Zoom Europa: Petržalka. Bratislava : Gandy Gallery, 2008.
Relácia 2020
Podporený autorský projekt na tvorivú činnosť z grantového systému FPU a MKSR Xerox poetry (colour your sun)
Podporený autorský projekt na tvorivú činnosť z grantového systému FPU a MKSR Postprodukt 20/21
Podporený autorský projekt na tvorivú činnosť z grantového systému FPU a MKSR Lapač 2019-20 (aktualizácia koncepcie maliarskej platformy) MestSKá krajina Lab.
Podporený autorský projekt na tvorivú činnosť z grantového systému FPU a MKSR Rastislav Sedlačík - Maľba, kresba, objekt, postprodukt 2004-2015
Podporený autorský projekt na tvorivú činnosť z grantového systému FPU Rastislav Sedlačík -
Factoryland/ LandSKaping/ Catcher zone (re-paint,, re-size, re-format, re-cycle, over-paint)
VIII.a - Name of the institution | VIII.b - Address of the institution | VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) | VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe) |
Jeune Creátion Européenne, Biennale of Contemporary Art | Ville de Montrouge, Paris | April 2010- June 2010 |