Study programme | RTMb.14 - Restoration Work |
Study | Grade of study - I. - bachelor, study form - full time, study type - Single degree study |
Document type: | Description of the study programme |
The name of the university | Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava |
The seat of the university | Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, 814 37 Bratislava |
No joint study programme.
AFAD – Department of Conservation and Restoration as a full member of ENCoRE (European Network of Conservation-Restoration Education) respects the rules of the organization and follows its recommendations in the field of conservation-restoration educational programme. It adheres to strict conditions for the structure of the educational programme and implements it in regard to the ratio of theory and practice, as well as to the required ratio of the number of students per teacher.
The main educational goal of the study programme Conservation and Restoration in the bachelor's degree is based on a comprehensive understanding of the issue of restoration, which students acquire through the necessary theoretical knowledge and manual skills. Bachelor's studies in the 1st and 2nd year are within preparatory studios primarily based on developing the fundamentals of the students' artistic skills in the field of traditional techniques of painting and sculpture disciplines and craft habits cultivated in symbiosis with thinking. The acquired knowledge and skills represent an essential foundation for the restoration of works of art in the further process of education. During this period, students also acquire a general overview of basic restoration and technological issues of various restoration specializations. Subsequently, in the 3rd and 4th year of study, student learn the basic principles of the restoration process, acquire practical skills and knowledge in the field of restoration and conservation of artworks of various material nature, also in the field of restoration research, as well as knowledge of the philosophy and methodology of monument protection. Based on their preferences, at the beginning of the 3rd year, students choose in which of the specialized studios they will deepen their restoration skills - they can choose among the Studios of both 2D and 3D disciplines.
In the fifth, sixth and seventh semesters, students complete their studies in three Studios (or Laboratories) of their choice, present in the department, following the principle of rotation (one semester = one studio). They choose from five specialized studios and one laboratory: Studio of Stone Sculptures and Stone Elements of Architecture Restoration, Studio of Wooden Sculptures Conservation and Restoration, Studio of Artwork on Paper and Photography and Other Media Restoration, Studio of Textile Conservation and Restoration, Studio of Painting Conservation and Restoration, Laboratory of Wall Paintings Conservation and Restoration.
Students' individual orientation is expressed within the bachelor's thesis in the eighth semester, which is realized in one of the three studios completed during the rotation in the previous semesters.
The programme of the Studios and the Laboratory is formed by the concept of the head teacher. At the bachelor's degree, the studies consist of creative participation in the teacher's assignments and individual dialogue with students. The main purpose of the studies is to acquire general foundations in a whole set of specialized activities: from various types of non-destructive and destructive research methods, including chemical-technological research, through the restoration itself to the development of two-stage restoration documentation. Students are led to the highest artistic and ethical responsibility and become familiar with the autonomous role of the restorer in the structure of monument protection, gallery and museum practice.
Based on the studies following the principle of rotation in several specialized studios, graduates master practical skills and knowledge in the field of restoration and conservation of artworks of different material nature, as well as restoration research. They know how to use technologies and materials according to the focus of the specialized Studio of the Department of Conservation and Restoration. Moreover, graduates have knowledge of the history of fine arts and architecture, aesthetics and the theory of art and architecture. They are able to creatively use the acquired skills and knowledge and also maintain contact with developments in their discipline. They know how to take a stand and present attitudes in the field of culture, organize their further professional growth and cooperate with other professions in the realization of restoration work. Graduates are usually employed in team restoration projects, or continue a subsequent master's degree study, since generally, all bachelor's degree graduates apply for a master's degree as it is a regulated profession.
Main education outcomes:
ENCoRE for the bachelor's degree in the field of conservation-restoration, within the framework of mastering certain parameters of skills, knowledge and competences, assumes level EKR 6, as defined by the partner international association E.C.C.O. (European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organizations) in the publication Competences for Access to the Conservation-Restoration Profession © E.C.C.O. 2011 – European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organizations A.I.S.B.L. / Confédération Européenne des Organizations de Conservateurs-Restaurateurs A.I.S.B.L.; Susan Corr, (coordinator) and co-authors, 2nd edition ISBN 978-92-990010-7-3, p. 35-38 (Available at:
Graduates of the study programme Conservation and Restoration in the the bachelor's degree have a level of manual skill and sufficient problem-solving skills to handle technical tasks in the field of conservation-restoration of artworks. A critical understanding of theories and principles enables the individual to work in conservation-restoration field in a specific limited area under the supervision of a professional conservator-restorer. Graduates master the basic restoration skills and knowledge necessary for chemical-technological and restoration research and its evaluation, elaboration of a proposal for restoration, as well as the restoration realization and its detailed documentation. They can apply them creatively when performing the restoration profession as part of team restoration projects, or when continuing their studies according to the master's study programme. Graduates have knowledge of the philosophy and methodology of the restoration process, general knowledge of the history of fine arts and architecture, as well as of the theory of art, aesthetics and the history of culture. They are able to carry out restoration research, to restore works of art and use the entire range of technological procedures and materials resulting from the focus of the study programme. Students are able to cooperate in professional activities with other professions, maintain contact with developments in their discipline, adopt and present positions in the field of material culture, follow appropriate practices in accordance with the professional, ethical, legal, economic and ecological framework of their profession and present their activity also in a foreign language. Graduates are able to critically assess their abilities so that they re motivated to achieve their own professional goals, which they can identify and autonomously evaluate for their own benefit and growth.
Graduates have the skills and competences for independent economic functioning in society. They can choose an appropriate form of artistic operation for their creative activities (SZČO, s. r. o., O. Z., etc.) and use the possibilities of supporting grant and residency schemes in the local and foreign environment. They can lead technical procedures within clearly defined areas of conservation-restoration and are able to take responsibility for technical tasks that are not complex. Even though they are able to manage technical equipment and take over basic management duties, they do not yet reach the qualification level to be able to oversee the entire conservation restoration process. With their level of competence, they are able to manage technical workers who have a lower qualification level.
The type of education that the AFAD provides under the name of Restoration corresponds to the content to which the profession, which is also internationally and globally predominantly referred to as Conservator or Conservator-Restorer, appertains.
The possibilities of employment of a graduate of the bachelor's degree of the Restoration study programme are in practice partially limited by two laws: Law no. 49/2002 Coll. and Law no. 200/1994 Coll.
- Law no. 49/2002 Coll. (Law on the protection of the monument fund) in § 33 Restoration of a cultural monument par. 7, stipulates that: Restoration of cultural monuments can be carried out by a) a member of the Chamber of Restorers or b) a university within the study programme Restoration carried out in the field of study Restoration.
- Law no. 200/1994 Coll. (Law of the National Council of the Slovak Republic on the Chamber of Restorers and on the execution of restoration activities of its members) in § 4 par. 2 to 3 stipulates that the restoration of artworks of painting, sculpture or applied art that are collection objects or are national cultural monuments may only be carried out by restorers who are members of the chamber, unless a special regulation states otherwise. § 5 par. 2 letter d) specifies that a person can be listed in the list of members of the chamber if they have the education according to § 5a and at least three years of professional experience. § 5a in par. 1 stipulates that: "Minimum requirements for restoration education according to § 5 par. 2 letter d) is a second-level art university restoration education completed by successfully passing the state final exam (...), which lasted at least five years of full-time study or at least six years of total study, of which at least four years of full-time study."
The statutory text of the above-mentioned legal provisions defines the field of activity for the graduate of the bachelor's degree study programme Restoration in the execution of the profession. As independent restorers, they can participate in the restoration of only those objects and works of fine art that are not collection objects or are not listed as a national cultural monument. Bachelor's degree graduates also find employment as assistant restorers in restoration collectives led by a restorer with membership in the Chamber of Restorers, whether in the private sector or in institutions for the protection of monuments, museums and galleries. Within the institutions, a bachelor's degree graduate can be employed as a Conservation and Restoration Technician (in the Slovak statistical classification employment listed within the group Professional and technical workers in galleries, museums, libraries and archives - 3433008). In this way, graduates are able to participate in restoration projects in the full range of their complexity, from restoration research to restoration realisation. They can also find employment in planning departments or outreach activities.
Restoration is a regulated profession, conducting of which is conditioned by the fulfillment of the qualification requirements of education and professional experience.
To ensure qualified care of cultural heritage and to represent the restoration profession, protect its interests and profession honor, the National Council of the Slovak Republic established the Chamber of Restorers through Law No. 200/1994 Coll. The Chamber of Restorers is a self-governing, non-political professional association, bringing together all restorers registered in the list of members of the Chamber (§ 5, paragraph 1) managed by the Chamber. In fulfilling these tasks, the chamber enters into relations with state administration bodies, local governments, professional organizations and other legal entities (
Conservation and Restoration is a study programme in which the AFAD has prepared a structure according to which it will gather and monitor data and evaluation reports on the employability of future graduates:
a. Survey for graduates (work in the field, area, form). The survey is created and monitored by the Academic Senate of the AFAD.
b. Visibility monitoring (exhibition, reviews, professional and public media of graduates, as well as students). (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)
c. Statistical information from the offices of labour. (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)
d. Information from relevant institutions and external experts (e.g. Slovak National Gallery, city and regional galleries, museums and other cultural institutions). (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)
The discipline of restoration has been taught at the AFAD since the school was founded in 1949. Since then, the AFAD has also been the only university in Slovakia that offers university degree education in the field of restoration. During its long period of existence, the discipline of restoration at the AFAD, founded under direction of the Czech restorer prof. Karel Veselý, trained a number of high-quality experts, while the graduates of the first years belong to the founding generation of restoration in Slovakia (e.g. Mária Spoločníková, Dorota Filová, Vladimír Úradníček and others). The absolute majority of the teaching staff of the Department of Restoration came from among the graduates of this discipline at the AFAD, thus preserving the continuity between the different generations of restorers. Graduates also initiated the creation of the Chamber of Restorers in 1994. Currently, all graduates of the study programme who have successfully established themselves in restoration practice, are registered in the list of members of the Chamber of Restorers (
At this point, we do not present feedback from employers, since representatives of the professional association Chamber of Restorers are members of the AFAD Accreditation Board.
The study plan of the study programme is developed by a team of responsible teachers of the study programme on the basis of group working meetings, together with other teachers who participate in teaching in the given study programme. The working meetings also include representatives of the students of the study programme, who present student suggestions for the study plan, or the opinions of students from the AFAD survey regarding the study plan of the bachelor's degree are evaluated at the working meeting.
The proposal of the study plan is then submitted by the main responsible teacher of the study programme Restoration for discussion to the AFAD Programme Board, which is chaired by the vice-rector for academic affairs. The AFAD Programme Board also includes a representative of the student part of the academic community and an external expert from the field of restoration.
The main responsible teacher of the study programme will consider incorporating the suggestions of the Programme Board and subsequently submit the study plan as part of the study programme description for further study programme approval processes within the internal system of ensuring the quality of education at the AFAD.
The four-year bachelor's degree consists of two equal parts divided into two-year blocks. In both, studio courses are the most important credit component of the study programme in terms of content, difficulty of output and time allowance.
The four-year bachelor's degree consists of two equal parts divided into two-year blocks. In both, studio courses are the most important credit component of the study programme in terms of content, difficulty of output and time allowance.
• The first part - including the first and second year of study - can be described as preparatory, aimed at developing skills in the field of traditional techniques of painting and sculpting disciplines, also taking into account the needs of restoration practice. In accordance with admission exams for bachelor's studies, in which applicants are admitted to one study programme (i.e. without distinguishing painting or sculpture specialisation), the concept of the first part of the study is also oriented. In the first year, every student must take the Preparatory Course of Painting and the Preparatory Course of Sculpture - both courses have a time allowance of one semester. In the second year, instead of courses, students have a focus subject within the studio courses and must complete one semester in the Painting training studio for restorers and one semester in the Sculpture training studio for restorers.
Simultaneously in the first and second year, in the form of lectures, students also acquire a general overview of the basic restoration and technological issues of different restoration specialisations and restoration research.
By completing the first two years of study, students thus acquire the identical practical and theoretical basis, which forms the starting point for their further studies. During this period, in addition to developing and establishing their artistic skills, students have the opportunity to decide the direction of their further studies. In the 2nd year, at the very end of the fourth semester, based on proven abilities and their own preferences, they choose in which specialised Studios they want to develop their professional growth and skills during the next two years. Theoretical lectures focused on different specialisations of restoration also help students to make the optimal choice.
• In the second part - carried out in the third and fourth year of study based on their choice - students primarily acquire practical skills and knowledge in the field of restoration and conservation of artworks of various material nature, as well as restoration research. Studio courses of both basic fields pass according to the specialisations represented by different studios, or so-called Laboratory that replaces studio courses.
Students complete the fifth, sixth and seventh semester in three different Studios or Laboratories of their own choice, based on the principle: one semester = one Studio/Laboratory. Students have the opportunity to choose from five specialised Studios and one Laboratory: Studio of Stone Sculptures and Stone Elements of Architecture Restoration, Studio of Wooden Sculptures Conservation and Restoration, Studio of Artwork on Paper and Photography and Other Media Restoration, Studio of Textile Conservation and Restoration, Studio of Painting Conservation and Restoration, Laboratory of Wall Paintings Conservation and Restoration. The individual focus of students is defined during the preparation of bachelor's thesis in the eighth semester, which is realised in one of the three Studios completed during the previous semesters.
The programme of the different Studios and the Laboratory is formed by the concept of the head teacher. At the bachelor's degree, the study consists primarily of work on studio assignments, which are continuously consulted in the form of an individual dialogue between a teacher and a student. At the same time, the head teachers complement the studio courses with theoretical lectures devoted to various issues within their own specialisation. The main part of the studio assignments consists of the restoration of historical artefacts - monuments that come from various sources: galleries, museums, private collections, churches, public spaces, etc.; in the case of wall paintings, they are part of immovable monuments. The assignment may consist of an individual work intended for restoration or a complete set of works or, on the contrary, several unrelated works, depending on the nature, character or extent of damage and the expected difficulty of restoration/conservation work on selected monuments. In the case of more monumental monuments (e.g. altarpieces, large-format paintings, wall paintings, stone sculptural groups, etc.), students can participate in the ensemble by comprehensive restoration of a selected part of the ensemble, or only by selected actions within the framework of cooperation with other students participating in the restoration of such a work. The assignment also takes into account the difficulty of realisation of the specific restoration issue, which must be adequate to the students' abilities and level of study. Suitable works for restoration as part of studio courses are provided by the head teacher of the Studio/Laboratory. If the nature of the restored artefact requires it (e.g. its multi-material composition), for the success and complexity of the professional intervention, inter-studio cooperation will naturally be created; in the case of other specific needs, the responsible teacher ensures cooperation with the external subjects. The intention to include the widest possible spectrum of different issues in the specialisation during studies in the given Studio or Laboratory is also followed by the selection of works for restoration or various additional exercises.
The main purpose of studying in the different Studios and the Laboratory is to acquire general basis in a whole set of specialised activities: from various types of non-destructive and destructive research methods, including chemical-technological research, through the restoration realisation itself to the preparation of two-stage restoration documentation in accordance with Law no. 49/2002 Coll. as amended.
A mandatory component of the profile subjects of the study programme is a professional subject, the most important one in regards of the scope and content: Restoration research I – VIII, which prepares students comprehensively in the chemical-physical-technological areas of restoration research. The complexity of training in other fields of theoretical and practical skills of future restorers is complemented by other mandatory professional subjects: Technological copy I - VIII, Drawing I - VII, Introduction to restoration I - IV, Restoration documentation I - VI, Photography basics for restorers, Introduction to law and protection of cultural heritage, Creative stay in country.
A comprehensive base of knowledge from historical and art studies focused on the history of art from the earliest times to the present, as well as on specific areas of the selected study programme, is provided by an extensive set of compulsory theoretical subjects: Visual arts in a cultural context I - IV, Introduction to studies I - II, Issues of visual arts techniques (restoration - monument care) I - II, Image analysis (restoration - iconography) I - II, Issues of Slovak visual arts I - II.
Successful completion of Studio courses and successful completion of theoretical subjects ends with the defence of the bachelor's thesis in the bachelor's and state exams. See more detailed information. in the table in the appendix: Study plan.
The study programme Restoration is supplemented by a group of compulsory optional subjects, which are divided into professional practical, which expand the basis for one's own specialisation, and theoretical subjects, which deepen the overlaps between the world of art and culture with philosophy, aesthetics, religion or psychology. The content also includes subjects that improve language training in the field of art and culture.
A complementary group of compulsory basis and compulsory optional subjects are optional subjects, through which students have the opportunity for extension to other study programs at the AFAD. This group also includes a subject enabling direct practice in an external environment. Optional subjects are enriched by a number of subjects that, through workshops, courses, field trips and in the form of short-term education, respond dynamically to current art topics by including renowned professionals from the artistic and cultural scene, or as part of the school's internationalisation through foreign teachers and practitioners.
From the 4th to 7th semester of the bachelor's studies, if students are interested or need to expand their knowledge with another framework of another restoration specialisation, they have the opportunity to take the optional subject Additional Studio in another specialised Studio or Laboratory in the study programme Restoration.
More organisational rules:
Part of the education in the study programme Restoration is the possibility of a work internship and additional work internship in the local and foreign scene, which within the framework of education bring students direct contact with a professional environment in which they acquire practical experience and skills. The internship is also an opportunity for students to gain new professional contacts and connections, as well as theoretical experience with applicability after graduation.
At the same time, foreign mobility for students is encouraged in the form of internships at foreign partner schools, where they are positively confronted with educational experiences in a different cultural and social environment. They also confront their work on the international scene and have the opportunity to become part of international artistic, restoration and cultural networks.
Within the broader educational process bachelor's degree students are integrated into ongoing research projects at the AFAD in the form of direct application to teaching or through publication and other presentation activities, which are also supported by grant systems (especially KEGA – Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic).
More organisational rules:
The decisive evaluation tool of educational results is the periodic semester evaluation at the committee level (the committee consists of teachers of the study programme, teachers from the Department of Theory and History of Art and includes experts from the external environment as well), which includes a mandatory presentation of the result of the students' Studio courses and at the same time its defence, which is followed by a discussion with the committee and also with all participating students and the professional public. Subsequently, the evaluation by the committee and verification by the school-wide committee consisting of members of the AFAD Pedagogical Council takes place.
In the result of students' semester works of Studio courses, the partial results of education not only from the profile subject Studio, but also from professional and theoretical subjects in the given semester or in the previous semester of the given study programme, are combined. The summaries of the semester evaluation are discussed and analysed at the meetings of the AFAD Pedagogical Board with the AFAD management, at which the positives and also the negatives of setting the results of the teaching process are identified.
Eventually, the results of the students' education are accessible to the professional and broad public (an exhibition of the whole academy in all AFAD buildings, other gallery, museum and exhibition spaces, in public space, in church monuments, or as online presentations or on Facebook, Instagram and the AFAD website This creates a space for a wider confrontation of the results of education with the external subjects.
- different parts of the study programme (modules, courses, and other relevant school and extracurricular activities, if they contribute to the achievement of the required learning outcomes and allow to obtain credits) in the structure of compulsory, compulsory optional and optional courses, listed in the study plan table
- profile courses of the relevant study path (specialisation) within the study programme, listed in the study plan table
- for each learning part/course the learning outcomes, related criteria and rules of their assessment so that the learning objectives of the study programme are met (they can be stated only in the Course information sheets, in the Learning outcomes section and in the Course completion requirements), listed in the Information document of subject
- prerequisites, co-requisites and recommendations for the design of the study plan, listed in the study plan table
- for each learning part of the study plan/course the applied educational activities (lecture, seminar, exercise, final work, project work, laboratory work, internship, excursion, field practice, professional practice, state exam, etc. or their combinations) suitable for achieving learning outcomes, listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject
- methods by which the educational activity is delivered – present, distant, combined (in accordance with the Course information sheets), listed in the Information document of subject
- outline/syllabus of the course, listed in the Information document of subject
- student workload ("extent" of individual courses and educational activities separately), listed in the Information document of subject
- credits allocated to each part based on the learning outcomes achieved and the workload involved, listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject
- the person responsible for the course (or a partner organisation/person ) with an indication of the contact details, listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject
- course teachers (or participating partner organisations/persons) (may also be mentioned in Course information sheets), listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject
- places where the courses are taught (if the study programme is delivered at several workplaces).
Realisation of subjects: building of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Drotárska cesta 44
Compulsory subjects - Studio courses: Studio of Stone Sculptures and Stone Elements of Architecture Restoration, Studio of Wooden Sculptures Conservation and Restoration, Studio of Artwork on Paper and Photography and Other Media Restoration, Studio of Textile Conservation and Restoration, Studio of Painting Conservation and Restoration.
Compulsory subjects – subjects replacing Studio courses: Laboratory of restoration of wall paintings; Laboratory: Studio of the visiting professor.
Compulsory professional subjects: Restoration research I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII; Technological copy I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII; Drawing I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII; Introduction to restoration I, II, III, IV; Restoration documentation I – VI; Photography basics for restorers; Introduction to the law and protection of cultural heritage;
Compulsory theoretical subjects: Issues of visual art techniques (restoration - monument
protection) I, II;
Compulsory optional subjects - professional: Historical photographic techniques I, II; Historical photography theory and practice I, II; Printmaking techniques for paper restorers I, II, III; Properties of wood; Professional workshop – 1st level.
Compulsory optional subjects - professional (Textile restoration module): Theory of textile materials and weaves; Textile technology III; History of clothing III; Historical designs I, II, III, IV; Textile technology IV; Analysis of textile materials and weaves; Issues of visual art techniques I, II; Historical textile techniques I, II.
Optional subjects – Basics of computer modelling I, II; Modelling in the program MAYA I, II; Computer image processing (Photoshop); Vector graphics (Illustrator); Basics of layout (InDesign); Photography basics I, II; Screenprinting on Fabric; Marketing for artists I, II; Graphic space and object I, II; Bioart and Nature art I, II; Basics of design work I, II; Model building technologies I, II; Model building technologies III, IV; Model building technologies V, VI; Painting and decorative glass processing techniques III, IV; Video clip and post-production.
Realisation of subjects: the building of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18
Compulsory theoretical subjects: Visual arts in a cultural context I, II, III, IV;
Introduction to studies I, II; Image analysis (restoration - iconography) I, II;; Issues of Slovak visual arts I, II.
Compulsory optional subjects - theoretical: Foreign language I, II; English conversation – 1st level; Psychological-philosophical probes behind the scenes of the present.
Optional subjects: Open system I, II; Design and build – 1st level; Dramaturgy of artistic material I, II; Introduction to Chinese culture and language - 1st level;
Realisation of subjects: specialised facility of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Kremnica, Štefánikovo nám. 18/10
Mandatory professional subject: Creative stay in the country;
Realisation of subjects: field trips and others
Optional subjects – Professional field trip: Venice Biennale – 1st level; Professional field trip – 1st level; Short-term educational course – 1st level;
The exact structure of credits for different parts of the study is in the table of the study plan in the appendix.
Study programme: Restoration
Field of study: Art
Degree of study: 1.
Form of study: full-time
Standard length of study: 4 years
Academic degree: Bachelor - Bc.
Language: the primary language of the programme is Slovak and partly English.
Exact information about languages are given in the Information document of subjects.
Separate attachment in pdf format.
The current schedule of the academic year is determined by the AFAD rector after consultation with the AFAD vice-rectors no later than June 30 of the current year (AFAD Study Regulations, Article 7, Point 5).
The academic calendar is published on the AFAD website, in the study guide - BEDEKER, in the Academic Information System - AiS. Students are also informed about the academic calendar and the current schedule and their publication or update through emails, Instagram and Facebook.
The person responsible for the delivery, development and quality of the study programme: Restoration and the main responsible teacher providing the profile subject: Studio
Kvasnica Boris, prof., akad. mal.
Position: professor, head of studio
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration:
Studio of Artwork on Paper and Photography and Other Media Restoration
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Other teachers providing the study programme:
Gabriel Strassner, doc. Mgr. art.
Position: Associate Professor, head of the studio
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Studio of Stone Sculptures and Stone Elements of Architecture Restoration
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Jana Karpjaková Balážiková, doc. Mgr. art.
Position: Associate Professor, head of the studio
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Studio of Wooden Sculptures Restoration and Conservation
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Ľuba Wehlend, akad. mal., ArtD.
Function: position of Associate Professor, head of the studio
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Studio of Painting Restoration
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Sylvia Birkušová, doc. Mgr. art.
Position: Associate Professor, head of the studio
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Studio of Textile Conservation and Restoration
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Responsible teachers of the profile subject: Studio of the study programme: Restoration
Xénia Bergerová, doc. Mgr. art., ArtD.
Position: Associate Professor, head of the studio
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Preparatory Painting Course
Studio of Painting Preparation for Conservators and Restorers
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Jakub Huba, Mgr. art.
Position: head of the studio
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Preparatory Sculpture Course
Studio of Sculptural Preparation for Conservators and Restorers
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Gabriel Strassner, doc. Mgr. art.
Position: Associate Professor, head of the studio
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Studio of Stone Sculptures and Stone Elements of Architecture Restoration
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Jana Karpjaková Balážiková, doc. Mgr. art.
Position: Associate Professor, head of the studio
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Studio of Wooden Sculptures Restoration and Conservation
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Ľuba Wehlend, akad. mal., ArtD.
Function: position of Associate Professor, head of the studio
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Studio of Painting Restoration
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Sylvia Birkušová, doc. Mgr. art.
Position: Associate Professor, head of the studio
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Studio of Textile Conservation and Restoration
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Janka Blaško Križanová, Mgr. art., ArtD.
Position: position of Associate Professor
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Studio of Artworks on Paper and Photography and Other Media Restoration
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Paul-Bernhard Eipper, Dipl. Rest. Dipl. – Rest. dr.
Position: assistant professor
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Studio of Painting Restoration
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Ján Sikoriak, Mgr.
Position: assistant professor, head of the laboratory
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Laboratory of Wall Painting Restoration
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Dávid Čársky, doc. Mgr.
Function: Associate Professor
Specialisation in the profile subject of Restoration
Drawing - restoration I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Other teachers of the theoretical profile subject of the study programme: Restoration
Zuzana Machatová, Mgr. art., PhD.
Subject name: Restoration research I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII
Position: assistant professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Ivan Pilný, Mgr., Mgr. art.
Subject name: Restoration documentation I, II, III, IV, V, VI
Position: assistant
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Hodásová Barbara, Mgr., Mgr. art., PhD.
Subject name: Issues of visual art techniques (restoration - preservation of monuments) I, II
Position: assistant professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Separate attachment in pdf format.
Subject name: Technological copy I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII
doc. Mgr. art. Gabriel Strassner
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
prof. Boris Kvasnica, akad. mal.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Ľuba Wehlend, akad. mal., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
doc. Mgr. art. Sylvia Birkušová
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Mgr. Ján Sikoriak
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
doc. Mgr. art. Jana Karpjaková Balážiková
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Mgr. art. Jana Dušková
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Mgr. art. Janka Blaško Križanová, ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Mgr., Mgr. art. Ivan Pilný
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Subject name: Introduction to restoration I, II, III, IV
doc. Mgr. art. Gabriel Strassner
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
prof. Boris Kvasnica, akad. mal.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Ľuba Wehlend, akad. mal., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
doc. Mgr. art. Sylvia Birkušová
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Mgr. Ján Sikoriak
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
doc. Mgr. art. Jana Karpjaková Balážiková
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Mgr. art. Jana Dušková
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Mgr. art. Janka Blaško Križanová, ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Mgr., Mgr. art. Ivan Pilný
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Paul-Bernhard Eipper, Dipl. Rest. Dipl. – Rest. dr.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Subject name: Creative stay in the country
Mgr. art. Jakub Huba
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Subject name: Theory of textile materials and weaves
Subject name: Textile technology III, IV
Mgr. art. Ingrid Ondrejičková Soboslayová
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Subject name: Issues of visual art techniques (textiles) I, II
Mgr. Eva Hasalová
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Subject name: Historical designs I, II, III, IV
Mgr. art. Jana Zaujecová, ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Subject name: Historical photography theory and practice I, II
Mgr. art. Janka Blaško Križanová, ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Subject name: Photography basics for restorers I, II
Mgr. art. Peter Ančic
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Theoretical subjects:
Kralovič, Ján, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kančevová, Naďa, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Máčaj, Peter, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Hodásová, Barbara, Mgr. Mgr. art., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Grúň, Daniel, doc., Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Lacko, Norbert, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Zervan, Marián, prof., PhDr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Karul, Róbert, M.Sc., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Tkáčik, Ladislav, doc., Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Dobrovičová, Monika, PaedDr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Final theses topics are specified individually for each student.
Boris Kvasnica, prof., akad. mal.
E-mail address:
Gabriel Strassner, doc. Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Jana Karpjaková Balážiková, doc. Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
Ľuba Wehlend, akad. mal., ArtD.
E-mail address:
Sylvia Birkušová, doc. Mgr. art.
E-mail address:
The scientific/artistic-pedagogical characteristics of the supervisors of final theses are registered in AiS and will be made available at the request of the reviewers.
Mgr. art. Janka Blaško Križanová, ArtD.
E-mail address:
Individual consultation appointment via e-mail.
Tatarková, Mária, Ing.
Study officer and social scholarships
E-mail address:
Kozáková, Sylvia, Ing.
AiS administrator
E-mail address:
Jančařík, Tomáš, Mgr. art.
Career counselor
E-mail address:
Šarkan, Martin, Mgr., PhD.
Psychological counselor
E-mail address:
Link to the AFAD Support and Counseling Center:
List and characteristics of the classrooms of the study programme Restoration:
Profile subject Studio courses and all compulsory optional and optional subjects with the characteristics of practical professional subjects take place in studios and workshops with a total size of 1,034 m2. Studios and workshops are available to all students of the bachelor's and master's degrees of the study programme Restoration for direct education (theoretical and practical courses, consultations and discussions of a teacher with students) and also indirect education (individual work of students on a semester assignment or final thesis). Students use the workshops as needed, according to the focus of their semester or final work, or for assignments within professional practical subjects.
Studios (rooms): Profile subject consisting of eight Studios, taught by ten heads of studios together with five assistants/assistant professors. Studio courses have a vertical structure, where bachelor's, master's and doctoral students meet in the same space and time. Further equipment of the Studios depends on their specific needs (inventory lists will be available for inspection during a physical visit to the school of the accreditation committee).
The studios are located in the building at Drotárska cesta 44.
Lecture room approx. 40 m2. In the lecture room there is a data projector and a computer used for lectures (inventory lists will be available for inspection during a physical visit to the academy of the accreditation committee). The room is located on the 2nd floor.
Workshops and laboratories (rooms): Students have at their disposal a laboratory where they carry out professional work related to research on restored works, as well as assignments related to the theoretical diploma thesis. A microscope room where a microscope is installed also serves similar purposes.
Material resources: individual studios provide themselves with the material necessary for restoration and work in the studios. For professional subjects such as copying, sculpting and painting preparation, the material is provided by a combination (finances from the academy budget, studio budget, but the students themselves also contribute). Part of the funding is also obtained from grants.
The workshops are located in the school buildings (Drotárska cesta 44).
Lecture and seminar rooms: 5 + 5 rooms - total approx. 362 m2. Each lecture room has the appropriate technological equipment: computer, data projector, projection screen, audio equipment and Wi-Fi connection (inventory lists will be available for inspection during a physical visit to the academy of the accreditation committee).
Lecture and seminar rooms are located in the school building (Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18).
Medium Gallery: total approx. 150 m2. The Medium Gallery serves for the presentation of students' creative activities, accompanying lectures and discussion forums, or for social activities of the AFAD students.
The Kremnica Communication and Visualisation Learning Centre - is a historical building that serves for workshops, seminars and conferences. It has accommodation capacities (approx. 30 people) and lecture rooms. The centre also disposes of sufficient technical and technological equipment. The purpose of such a centre is the opportunity to pass an intensive work week, which is part of studio courses. In the training centre, students concentrate on the given topic in the form of block education or a specially prepared workshop, for example with students from a partner studio of a foreign university. The idea is interaction between academies and concentrated creative activity and inter-studio cooperation.
- Academic library and related reference libraries at workplaces, electronic library databases, online catalogues of books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, e-books, e-journals and access to important databases of world galleries and universities, general portals and databases:
- Artotéka – data storage of art academies and AFAD own storages
- Free internet connection – wi-fi in all academy buildings (Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Drotárska cesta 44, Koceľova 23 and the Communication and Visualisation Learning Centre in Kremnica)
- AiS (Academic Information System), which contains: ILP – Information Document of Subject, timetable, study plan of the study programme, all internal regulations and all internal letters related to the organisation of study.
- Distance learning tools: MS Teams (used for distance learning and communication), e-mail
- Information channels: web, school emails, Instagram, Facebook (Facebook of the Department of Restoration) (Facebook of the Studio of Textile Restoration) (Instagram of the Laboratory of Photography Restoration) (Instagram of the Studio of restoration of stone sculptures and stone articles of architecture KR VŠVU) (Instagram of the Studio of Easel and Panel Painting Restoration)
The form and method of study is defined in the AFAD Study Regulations (Article 3, Forms and methods of study, points 5 to 8).
The AFAD mostly uses a combined method of education, which is indicated in the ILP (Information Document of Subject), even if the education takes place completely by distance. When changing the method of teaching a subject, its content is discussed in advance with the study programme guarantor and then with the vice-rector for academic affairs at a predetermined time (usually May–June of the previous academic year when the study plan and content of individual ILPs are checked for the next academic year). Complete distance education at the AFAD is implemented by order of the rector, especially in extraordinary situations (for example, when a state of emergency is declared).
The given study programme is defined as an academically oriented, artistic type of study, but at the same time the AFAD has created a mechanism for internships and supplementary internships, within which it cooperates with various types of institutions and companies in the local and foreign scene. In addition to permanent partners, cooperation with other partners is currently being approved. Procedures are published on the academy's website and study guide (bedeker).
The Gallery Medium and public external spaces of the academy serve for cultural and social events at the AFAD. The gallery space is primarily devoted to exhibition activities of students and teachers of the academy, at the same time it serves as a communication space for various types of lectures and discussions, which are also open to the general public, or other social activities of teachers, students, employees, but also graduates of the academy. As part of the open-call mechanism, the gallery spaces of the academy also present exhibition projects of our partners from abroad, or the results of our international cooperation. As part of international cooperation, projects of international significance are periodically prepared (for example, the Month of Photography). Another important facility of the AFAD is the Communication and Visualisation Learning Centre in Kremnica, which the academy uses for creative workshops and block education. The learning centre has accommodation facilities, lecture rooms, digital technologies and material resources. The facility is intensively used for workshops, conferences, seminars and meetings with foreign partner educational institutions and stimulates internationalisation, interaction and concentrated creative activity in a group. Thanks to its favourable geographical location, the training centre is used for sports activities in nature as part of creative stays.
Students of the study programme can mainly profit from the mobilities of the Erasmus+ programme (projects KA103 and KA107), CEEPUS, programmes based on bilateral agreements and options. To carry out the mobility of the study programme, the AFAD has created a wide network of partnerships in most countries of the European Union, partner countries outside the EU in Europe (Western Balkan countries, Ukraine, Georgia), Asia (China, Japan, India, Israel, Turkey) and America (USA, Mexico).
All possibilities, instructions and rules are made available and updated in detail on the academy's website, and at the same time they are anchored in the AFAD's internal regulations - the rector's directive: Implementation of the ERASMUS+ programme at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.
Complete information, instructions and the process of foreign mobility (from application to recognition of credits upon return):
(forms for individual study plan and recognition of mobility are available to students in AiS.)
Criteria and requirements for applicants are available on the academy's website:
The AFAD provides for all applicants the possibility of an individual consultation, for which they can sign up online, with the option of choosing from several teachers and doctoral students. The AFAD also provides collective consultations and presentations of study options. They take place during open doors day at the AFAD, or directly by agreement with secondary schools (both live and by distance).
Internal regulation on the admission process at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (link to internal regulation):
The entire procedure and conditions of the admission process are published on the academy's website:
The results of the admission process for the last period.
Admissions in the academic year 2021/2022, starting in the academic year 2022/2023
Number of applicants in the first round of admissions: 27
Advanced to the second round: 23
Accepted students: 12
The academy presents semester and final works through the End Semester Exhibition, where all students, regardless of the quality of the output, are presented in the form of a school-wide exhibition. The End Semester Exhibition is open to a wide professional and general public.
Student survey (Operation of the academy, Teaching of theoretical and professional subjects, Teaching in studios). The survey is conducted and evaluated by representatives of the student part of the AFAD Academic Senate and the Education Commission of the AFAD Academic Senate.
Written suggestions by post, e-mail and to the physical mailboxes of the AFAD vice-rectors, the AFAD Academic Senate, the AFAD Ethics Committee, and the Study Affairs Office and International Office of the AFAD.
The results of feedback from students and graduates and related measures to improve the quality of the study programme are described in the Internal Regulation for the Internal System of Quality Assurance of Higher Education at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.
Study regulations: + published in AIS
Study guide:
Internal letter on completion of bachelor's studies (which, after being updated in a given academic year, is published in AIS and at the same time sent via e-mail to students of the final year.)
Internal regulations on the admission process at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava:
Internal regulation 3/2020, Rector's directive to ensure a generally accessible environment for students with specific needs:
Disciplinary rules for students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava: and published in AIS.
Internal regulations on tuition and fees:,,
Codex of Ethics:
Internal regulation of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava no. 5/2017 (Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of the AFAD):
Principles of the admission process at the AFAD:
Internal regulations and information on the realisation of the AFAD foreign mobilities:
Information regarding study and study organization:
ECTS handbook:
Study organization:
Files to download: