Name and surname | doc. Dipl.-Des. Zuzana Šebeková, ArtD. |
Document type: | Research/art/teacher profile of a person |
The name of the university | Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava |
The seat of the university | Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, 814 37 Bratislava |
III.a - Occupation-position | III.b - Institution | III.c - Duration |
freelancer - external technical and process designer (textile wallpapers) | Lydia in St.Petersburg GmbH, Halle/Saale, Nemecko | 2008 - 2009 |
Design and development of upholstery fabrics for the sector: automotive, office and living | Gerns und Gahler GmbH & Co.KG, Freilassing, Nemecko | 01.6.2008 – 31.5. 2009 | - part time | AFAD - Department of Textiles | 01.9.2013 – 31.8. 2016 |
Design and development of upholstery fabrics and prints for the automotive sector | EYBL Austria GmbH & Co.KG Krems a.d. Donau, Rakúsko | 01.11.2014 – 18.10. 2017 | | AFAD - Department of Textiles | 01.9.2016 – 31.08. 2021 |
University teacher in the position of assoc. prof. | AFAD - Department of Textiles | 01.09.2021 – 31.12.2021 |
assoc. prof. | AFAD - Department of Textiles | 01.01.2022 - to the present |
IV.a - Activity description, course name, other | IV.b - Name of the institution | IV.c - Year |
Course in programming, development and design of textile prints - ATELIER GRAVUR | Burg Giebichenstein Hochschule für Kunst und Design, Halle an der Saale, Nemecko | 2002 |
Jacquard fabric programming, development and design course - EAT DESIGN SCOPE VICTOR | Burg Giebichenstein Hochschule für Kunst und Design, Halle an der Saale, Germany | 2003-04 |
Course in programming, development and design of jacquard fabrics and textile prints - ARAHNE SE | AFAD Bratislava | 2010 |
Course in programming, development and design of jacquard knitwear - MS STOLL | Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås, Sweden | 2014 |
V.1.a - Name of the profile course | V.1.b - Study programme | V.1.c - Degree | V.1.d - Field of study |
Preparatory studio of textile design | Textiles | bachelor | Art |
V.5.a - Name of the course | V.5.b - Study programme | V.5.c - Degree | V.5.d - Field of study |
TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY I. | Textiles | Art | |
EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES I. | Textiles | Bachelor | Art |
EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES II. | Textiles | Master | Art |
SCREENPRINTING ON TEXTILES | Textiles | bachelor | Art |
2013_SLOW/SLOV* – theory, research and practice in contemporary design, SCD Satelit, Bratislava, 18.7. - 28.8. 2013
(+ reinstallation of the project and exhibition in the Salón Nitrianská Galérie, Nitra, 06.12.2013 – 26.01.2014)_ZYY
2014 _ŠEBEKOVÁ, Zuzana.'Textile Design, Craft and Research. Investigating the Role of Design, Material and Process Knowledge' In: BREUER, Gerda – OESTEREICH, Christopher (eds.): seriell - individual: Handwerkliches im Design. Weimar : VDG Weimar. with. 179 – 192_AEE
2015_PAMÄŤ TEXTILU/ MEMORY OF TEXTILE, 17th International Exhibition of Textile Miniatures, Umelka, Gallery of the Slovak Art Union, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4.6. - 22.6.2015 and reinstallation Galeria Mánes, Prague, Czech Republic 1.7. – 24.7. 2015_INVITATIONS
2017_ŠEBEKOVÁ, Zuzana. 2017. 'Technology in the context of textile production and design' In: LAPŠANSKÁ, Dana: Think fashion: technology and creativity in textile and fashion design. Bratislava: University of Fine Arts - KTT, 2017. p.8-41_ABD
2021_ŠEBEKOVÁ, Zuzana. 'Project Zero Impact'. In: BERNAT, Sara – DOMOSZLAI - LANTNER, Doris (eds.): Fashion forward Visegrad - Sustainable Fashion in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. (e-book), Fashion Forward, p. 96-98_AFA
2017_(RE)THINK FASHION – fashion design research. exhibition of author's work and work of doctoral students of the Clothing Design Studio, SCD Satelit, Bratislava, 09.06.2017-12.07.2017_ZYY
2017_NEAR AND FAR / NEARBY-FARAWAY, 19th International Exhibition of Textile Miniatures, Umelka, Gallery of the Slovak Art Union, Bratislava, Slovakia, 1.6. - 25.6.2017_INVITATIONS
2019_Barbora Peuch/Zuzana Šebeková: Generation F, fashion show and lecture, 07/11/2019 : Košice, Slovakia_ZYV
2018_ŠEBEKOVÁ, Zuzana. 2018. Beyond the Visual: Traditional Techniques and Materials as Inspiration in Contemporary Textile and Apparel Design, Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings. Interdisciplinary double conference IDENTITY SK and INSK – INTERIOR IN SLOVAKIA, UI FA STU, Bratislava 4–5 October 2018, Bratislava: SPEKTRUM STU. p.74-78_AFB
2020 and 2019_HUMAN BY DESIGN – probe into social and methodological innovations in design, exhibition, presentation of the ZERO IMPACT project in progress by students of the Atelier of Clothing Design and Creative Creation, MAK -Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria 03.04. – 07.06.2020 + SCD Satelit, Bratislava, 05.09.2019 – 30.10.2019_ZVZ and ZYY
2013_SLOW/SLOV* – theory, research and practice in contemporary design, SCD Satelit, Bratislava
- scientific collection and exhibition catalogue: ŠEBEKOVÁ, Zuzana; LAUKOVÁ ZAJÍČKOVÁ, Katarína; TRNOVSKÁ, Katarína (eds). 2013. Slow/slov* contemporary design theory, research and practice – Slow/slov* theory/research/practice in contemporary design. Bratislava: just plug_in. ISBN 978-80-971416-0-8, 189 p.
- article in a professional periodical: ŠEBEKOVÁ, Zuzana. 2013. slow/slov* practice, theory and research in contemporary design. Designum, no. 4, vol. 19, p. 44-49
- ČERNÁKOVÁ, Jana. Young designers with new ideas. 20.01. 2014, SME,
- The exhibition Slow/Slov will present new trends in design. 02.12. 2013, TASR/NitraDen,
- NÉMET, Jana: What happens when we slow down. 08.08. 2013, SME,
- DVORSKÝ, Miroslav. Slow-design for understanding current trends. 16.07. 2013, Drevársky magazín,
- Slow/Slov (exhibition). 17.07. 2013,
- Bratislava: Design exhibition SLOW/SLOV* – until 28.8., 15.08. 2013,
2014 _Textile Design, Craft and Research. Investigating the Role of Design, Material and Process Knowledge.
- book review: SCHELL Lena. 2020 … engagiert und austeitnis wirken … (18 Essays verknüpfen serielle und individuelle Gestaltung). Sprache für die Form – Forum für Design und Rhetorik, E-Journals, Doppelausgabe Nr. 16 und 17, Herbst 2020.
2015_ Lifestyle - current design trends: design of composite materials reinforced with natural fibers.
- Practical part of the dissertation - publicly presented on October 13, 2015 on the grounds of VŠVU and at exhibitions:
SHAPING (UN)COMMON GROUNDS, ArcInTex exhibition, TUE Eindhoven, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2014;
*SLOW/SLOV – design research in PhD projects, Bratislava Design Week, Bratislava, 2014;
(RE)THINK FASHION - fashion design research, SCD Satelit, Bratislava, 2017;
- interview about the author's work and research: LIPKOVÁ, Michala. 2016. Research into textiles - Research into textiles. (interview with Z. Šebeková). RUD (Craft, art, design) 03/2016, 16th year, ISSN: 1335-5457, p. 47-48
- exhibition catalogue: SHAPING (UN)COMON GROUNDS, ArcInTex exhibition (TUE Eindhoven Holland), Eindhoven : ArcInTex network, 2014
- Galeria Satelit presents research in clothing design. 12.06.2017 16:53, SITA/Slovenka,
Re_think Fashion (exhibition), 08.06. 2017,
2019_ Generation F (Šebeková/Peuch), EFA Fashionweek and Summit Košice
- interview about the work, pedagogical process with reproductions of the author's work: PAVLOVIČOVÁ Ľubica. 2020. Zero Impact – a contribution to designing the future (interview with Zuzana Šebekova) Designum, 1/2020, 26th year, ISSN: 1335-034x, pp. 26-34
- exhibition presentation of the work: ZERO IMPACT – Sustainable fashion in education. SCD Satellite, Bratislava, 2020
- SEDLÁKOVÁ, Katarína: Textile designers and their Zero impact, 19.02. 2020, Culture, PRAVDA,
- Ecological materials are beginning to rule the world, and Fashion Week in Košice was carried out in this spirit, 11.11. 2019, Diva sk,
2020+2019_HUMAN BY DESIGN, SCD Satelit, Bratislava + MAK, Vienna
- UFER, Julia: “Human by Design” / MAK Wien. 29.04. 2020, Creative Austria,
- OTOVÁ, Katarína: Human by Design Exhibition – Zero Impact Project. 05.09. 2019, Radio Slovakia, RTVS, SRO1 – radio news, min.: 20:57 - 21:29, audio interview, -1.mp3
- Human by Design. Ultrafialová - about visual art practically (zine), 25.03.2020,
- catalog: HUMAN BY DESIGN - probe into social and methodological innovations in design, Bratislava: Slovenské Centrum Dizajnu, 2020, ISBN: 978-80-8992-08-9
- The tour of the Human by Design exhibition will be broadcast by SCD live and online. 06.04. 2020,,
KEGA: 002VŠVU-4/2015 RE:THINK FASHION - design and creation in the context of the creative industry _ author and co-researcher of the project _ responsible researcher: prof. Acad. he had. Júlia Sabová _ 2015 – 2017
INTERREG ITMS: 305041W275 - Design & Innovation - Cross-border cooperation of design institutions in the digital age _ project co-researcher responsible for the partner workplace KTT VŠVU, 2018 – 2020
FPU no. 20-143-00913 - Sustainable fashion in education / Sustainable fashion in education _ author of the exhibition project _ 2020
FPU no. 21-142-06533 - Design research on the application of natural pigments and dyes _ FPU scholarship _ 2021
KEGA: 009VŠVU-4/2022 - new concepts and approaches to fashion _ author and deputy project leader _ responsible researcher: doc. Master of Art. Barbora Peuch, ArtD. _ 2022-2024
VII.a - Activity, position | VII.b - Name of the institution, board | VII.c - Duration |
Member of the WEAR SUSTAIN Knowledge Platform in the position of mentor | project financed under the HORIZONT 2020 program. | from 05/2017 |
Membership in the professional commission of the State Institute of Professional Education (ŠIOV) | working group for the creation of a new State Education Program (SEP) for schools of art industry ŠUP | 2018-2019 |
Registered external assessor of EC projects | for H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 and H2020-MSCA-RISE | from 2019 |
Member of the FashionSEEDS platform - Sustainability in Fashion Education | platform for the EU/EC funded project: Fashion Societal, Economic & Environmental Design-led Sustainability | from 01/2019 |
Chairperson of the matriculation committee (secondary level education in Arts/Crafts) | ŠUP Jozefa Vydru | from 2021 |
VIII.a - Name of the institution | VIII.b - Address of the institution | VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) | VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe) |
MIE - Magyar Iparműveszeti Egyetem (todayMOME) Budapest, Hungary | Zugligeti út 9, 1121 Budapest, Hungary | 09/2004-06/2005 | Erasmus - annual scholarship stay, study internship |
Atelier Clothing and Textile Design (AOTD), Faculty of Art and Design (FUD), University of J.E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem (UJEP) | Pasteurova 9, CZ- 400 96 Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic | 04.04.2018 - 06.04.2018 | pedagogical mobility, series of lectures and seminar under the name FAST FASHION (in cooperation with Mgr. art. Barbora Peuch ArtD.), contact: MgA. Jan C. Löbl |
Fraunhofer Institute for Material Mechanics Halle (IWM) - Abteilung für Naturstoff Composite | Walter-Hülse-Str. 1, DE-06120 Halle an der Saale, Germany | 2011/12, 10 months | Deutscher akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), doctoral research internship, contact: Dipl.-Phys. Andreas Krombholz |
Fraunhofer Institute for Material Mechanics Halle (IWM) - Abteilung für NNaturstoff Composite | Walter-Hülse-Str. 1, DE-06120 Halle an der Saale, Germany | 2013, 3 months | Deutscher akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), doctoral research internship, contact: Dipl.-Phys. Andreas Krombholz |
The Swedisch School of Textiles, University of Borås - Smart Textiles Design Lab (STDL) | Textilhögskolan, Högskolan i Borås, S-501 90 Borås, Sweden | 2014/2015, 9 months | National Scholarship Fund (NŠP), doctoral internship, contact: prof. Lars Hallnäs, prof. Delia Dumitrescu |
- organizational and curatorial activity of projects and exhibitions, workshops
- organizational activity related to the step of the studio and also professional subjects
- cooperation with foreign entities within the mobility of students and teachers
- preparation of opponent assessments for grant applications from domestic and foreign agencies
- conducting workshops at school
- organization of lectures by experts from the external environment of the school
- participation in symposia, conferences and workshops.