Name and surname | prof. akad. mal. Júlia Sabová |
Document type: | Research/art/teacher profile of a person |
The name of the university | Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava |
The seat of the university | Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, 814 37 Bratislava |
III.a - Occupation-position | III.b - Institution | III.c - Duration |
Textil designer | Texicom | 1983 - 1985 |
subject teacher in textiles | Secondary School of Applied Arts in Bratislava | 1986-1987, 1990-1993 |
university teacher, assistant professor, head of the studio | Academy of Fine Art and Design Bratislava | 1994-2003 |
university teacher, associated professor, head of the department, head of the studio | Academy of Fine Art and Design Bratislava | |
university teacher, professor, head of the department, head of the studio | Academy of Art and Design Bratislava | 2003-2013 |
IV.a - Activity description, course name, other | IV.b - Name of the institution | IV.c - Year |
Two-year study: Art intervention - art therapy in the process of socialization, re-education, upbringing and treatment | Terra Therapeutica | 2020-2022 |
V.1.a - Name of the profile course | V.1.b - Study programme | V.1.c - Degree | V.1.d - Field of study |
Fashion study studio | Textaie art | bachelor's | Art |
Fashion design studio | Design | master | Art |
Doctoral consultations | Fine art | Doctoral's degree | Art |
Bachelor's thesis (consultations, drafting) | textile art | bachelor's | Art |
Diploma thesis (consultations, elaboration) | Design | Master | Art |
V.2.a - Name of the study programme | V.2.b - Degree | V.2.c - Field of study |
Textile art (head of the responsible teachers) | bachelor's | Art |
V.5.a - Name of the course | V.5.b - Study programme | V.5.c - Degree | V.5.d - Field of study |
Textile technology II. - basics of sewing | Textil art | bachelor | art |
Constructions of cuts I., II., III., IV. | textil art | bachelor | art |
Clothing modeling and technology I., II., III., IV. | textil art | bachelor | art |
Experimental modeling of cuts I., II. | textil art | master | design |
FIBER, FACTURE, FEELING together with Katarína Zavarska 16/10/1993 – 15/11/1993 Bat-Yam Museum Tel Aviv, Israel
LE SALON DE LA MODE ÉTHIQUE fashion show within the ethical fashion fair, October 2006 invitation, catalog, poster Paris, France
SPIRIT OF MOZART – MODE PERFORMANCE Bratislava – Zlín – Prague 2006 MAK museum Vienna, Austria
Premiere vision - ETHICAL FASHION February 2007 static installation Paris, FrancePremiere vision - ETHICAL FASHION February 2007 static installation Paris, France
Visual Inspiration and Personal Quests 2013 Tallinn: Gallery of the National Library of Estonia in Tallinn Estonia, Latvia Riga,: “Riga Art Space” Moscow, Republic of Russia, : Slovak Institute Moscow Helsinki, Finland,: Tampere Hall
Nearby-Faraway: 19th international exhibition of textile miniatures; Artist, Gallery of the Slovak Art Union. ZVY, Author's output; 19 international exhibition of textile miniatures, 1.6. - 25/06/2017, Bratislava, SR
Clothing from the Geometria collection - collection of the Slovak Museum of Design (SMD), Slovak Design Center (SCD), Bratislava
Planet of hats, Virtual reality - universe in virtual reality, TEXTILE ART OF TODAY, Danubiana, Slovakia, Pesti Vigadó Gallery Budapest, Hungary, exhibition curator and exhibitor catalog: /textile-art-of-today_katalog-2018.pdf
Let it sew!, (participation in the exhibition), Slovak National Gallery, ZVY, 6.4. - 20/08/2017; Bratislava, Slovakia
(Re) Think Fashion (exhibition concept and curation); Satellite: gallery of the Slovak Design Center, ZYY, 9.6. - 12.7.2017 : Bratislava, SR
BOXES 5.5. – 1.6. 2003 curator: PhDr. Eva Trojanová Galéria NOVA Bratislava, Slovak Republic "Boxes of Júlia Sabová, RUD no. 2/2003, p. 18-19 Association TXT: Diary SME: html
FROM CREATION 2008 Júlia Sabová, Rasťo Trizma curator: PhDr. Katarína Hubová Gallery PF 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic "Klobooks", Fashion Review No. 1/2008, p. 55 "PF 01 Júlia Sabová and Rasťo Trizma", SME No. 247, year 8, dated 14.12.2007, page 8 " Júlia Sabová and Rasťo Trizma together", SME, 12 September 2008, p. 10 VIVA RADIO, 14/09/2008, interview - Fashion creation behind the iron curtain, Z. Šujanová, Madam Eva, 01/2020, p.56-6, 17/12/2019, News and media holding, a. pp., ISSN: 1338-1008
SPIRIT OF MOZART – MODE PERFORMANCE Bratislava – Zlín – Prague joint presentation with students October 2006 organizer: VŠVU, Bratislava and Tomas Bata University, Zlín Museum W.A. Mozart and the Duškovs Prague, Czech Republic "Spirit of Mozart Prague-Paris-Vienna", Designtrend No. 28, 2006, pp. 46-48, CZ "Spirit of Mozart", Bulletin 12 - Design Center of the Czech Republic, 2006 p. 5, CZ "Inspiration by Mozart", TextilŽurnál no. 11/2006, p.53, CZ "Mozart inspired students", Kultúra a servis, 4.11.2006, p.19, CZ ZRKADLENIE - Rádio Devín, Slovak Radio, 14.2.2006, interview
Planet of hats, Virtual reality - universe in virtual reality, TEXTILE ART OF TODAY, Danubiana, Slovakia, Pesti Vigadó Gallery Budapest, Hungary - CT art, Events in culture, 21/04/2019, available online: /porady/1097206490-udalosti-v-kulture/219411000120421/video/689773?fbclid=IwAR1CfuSscrJwyIcR3AR3p4VQsma2K0zqsUKFeBRG_d0pfORtz9c3ewkCnGo - TA3, Studio Kultúra from October 2, 2018, 20 minutes, online recording of the exhibition: /relacia/15158/theatre-nitra-reacts-to-changes-Bratislava-musical-celebrations-white-night-in-Bratislava-souvenir-from-Florence-to-Bratislava-in-the-heart-of-sculpture-jan-tapak-renaissance -textilneho-umenia-audiokniha - Czech Television, ArtZóna, 23/10/2018 ČT2, Available online:, article -TxEQbKRzXQeOQ, TxEQbVENKA1 2018/38, available online: 7069316257821/2207068679591218 - PRAVDA magazín, článok (SK), dostupné online:;DDhEV2YuzNCO0Ac1D8nkDXM~-.bps.a.2209326229365463/2209326486032104 - Radio Prague International auf Deutsch, Textilkunst aus der ganzen Welt in Südmähren, 04/05/2019, available online:
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CLOTHES OVER TIME 01.08.2011 – 20.10.2011 organizer: ÚĽUV in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Slovakia, Norges Husflidslag and Norsk Institutt for Bunad og Folkedrakt curator: Adriena Pekárová invitation, catalog Court of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic Bratislava, Slovak republic _ "Dressing in time", RUD no. 4/2011, p. 40 – 44 "Dressing in time", RUD no. 3/2011, p. 34 – 35 -dressing-in-case/
KEGA: 002VŠVU-4/2015 RE:THINK FASHION - design and creation in the context of the creative industry _ responsible researcher: prof. Acad. he had. Júlia Sabová _ 2015 – 2017
INTERREG ITMS: 305041W275 - Design & Innovation - Cross-border cooperation of design institutions in the digital age _ project co-investigator, 2018 – 2020
KEGA: 009VŠVU-4/2022 - new concepts and approaches to fashion_ co-researcher of the project _ responsible researcher: doc. Master of Art. Barbora Peuch, ArtD. _ 2022-2024
VII.a - Activity, position | VII.b - Name of the institution, board | VII.c - Duration |
Head of the department of textile creation | Academy of Art and Design | 2002-doteraz |
member of the Artistic Council of VŠVU | Academyof Art and Design | 2015-doteraz |
member of the academic senate of VŠVU | Academy of Art and Design | 2002-2006, 2014-2018 |
Member of the board of directors | Academy of Art and Design | 2015-2019 |
member of the Scientific and Artistic Council | Tomáš Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic | 2009-2021 |
VIII.a - Name of the institution | VIII.b - Address of the institution | VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) | VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe) |
Sapienza University of Roma, Italy | P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma | 19.-23. mája 2015 | |
Ján Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem | Pasteurova 3544/1, Ústí nad Labem-centrum, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem | 2011 | |
Tomáš Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic | nám. T. G. Masaryka 5555, 760 01 Zlín | 2010 | |
Univerzita Tomáše Bati in Zlín | nám. T. G. Masaryka 5555, 760 01 Zlín | 2009 |
-consultations with study applicants
- curatorship and organization of public tours and presentations of student work
- organization of professional domestic and international workshops.
- preparation of opponent's opinions for VŠVU and other universities and institutions, for all 3 levels of higher education and for habilitation and inauguration procedures.
- Chairman of the professional international commission Top Styl Designer, Styl Kabo from 2003-2005
- Member of the professional international commission TEXTILE ART OF TODAY 2018-2021
- membership in the association of textile artists TXT