Study programme VUF3m.22Ho - Visual Arts
Study Grade of study - II. - master, study form - full time, study type - Single degree study
Document type: Description of the study programme
The name of the university Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava
The seat of the university Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, 814 37 Bratislava
Institution body for approving the study programme:
Temporary AFAD Accreditation Board
Date of the study programme approval or the study programme modification:
Reference to the results of the latest periodic review of the study programme by the institution:
Visual arts
Reference to the assessment report of the application for accreditation of the study programme under § 30 of Act no. 269/2018 Coll.:, v=8X0Q4WO0#pr%20bc%20DU
1. - Basic information about the study programme
a) - Name of the study program and its number according to the register of study programmes.
Visual Arts - 184611
b) - Degree of higher education and ISCED-F education degree code.
master's degree (2nd level); 767
c) - Place(s) of delivery of the study programme.
Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, 814 37 Bratislava, Drotárska cesta 44, 811 02 Bratislava, Koceľova 23, 821 08 Bratislava
d) - Name and number of the field of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, or a combination of two fields of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, ISCED-F codes of the field/fields.
0213 Fine Arts
e) - Type of the study programme: academically oriented, professionally oriented; translation, translation combination study programme (listing the specializations); teaching, teaching combination study programme (listing the specializations); artistic, engineering, doctoral, preparation for regulated profession, joint study programme, interdisciplinary studies.
academically oriented, artistic
f) - Awarded academic degree before the name
Mgr. art.
g) - Form of study.
full time
h) - In the case of joint study programmes, cooperating institutions and the range of study obligations the student fulfills at each of the given institutions (§ 54a of the Act on Higher Education Institutions).

No joint study programme.

i) - Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered.
Slovak language and English language
j) - Standard length of the study expressed in academic years.
2 academic years
k) - Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students), the actual number of applicants and students.
planned number of students in both academic years in total 110 (of which 50% planned in one year), actual number of applicants 70 and number of students 55 (planned number admitted to 1st year)
2. - Graduate profile and learning objectives
a) - The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The main goal of the education of the study programme is artistic creation, which includes a whole set of activities: from the artistic concept, theory, research, to the realisation of an original work of art as an autonomous attitude of artists and evaluation of their talent. At the time of completion of the study programme, students are capable of conceptual and coordination activities and international confrontation. They can create innovatively and experimentally, they can use the entire range of technological procedures and media resulting from the content of the study programme. With their creative work and attitudes, they significantly participate in the formation and development of culture and society. At the time of completion of the study programme, students are able to purposefully use a wide range of media to their advantage and through them create strategies for their artistic growth and influence on the cultural development of society. They can critically analyse the current cultural mindset of society in a social, economic, historical and political context. Students are able to creatively use a wide range of technical and technological tools and equipment, from analog to highly sophisticated digital ones. They understand the devices used in terms of their usefulness for their creative work and are able to create tasks and requirements for the service staff. They are able to work independently with digital tools and are constantly learning about them as part of their artistic focus.

Main education outcomes:

Graduates can, either as individuals or as members of creative collectives, create a challenging autonomous work of art in the context of contemporary visual art. Graduates are able to understand, critically analyse, evaluate and interpret the content of an artistic and professional text, the problems raised in it and their broader meanings. They are able to analyse, interpret and present their work in a foreign language, and at the same time, thanks to their language and communication skills, they are able to employ themselves and work in an international context as part of artistic research projects. Graduates are able to critically assess their abilities so that they are motivated to achieve their own professional goals, which they can identify and autonomously evaluate for their own benefit and growth. Graduates have the skills and competences of independent economic functioning in society. They can choose an appropriate form of artistic operation for their creative activities (SZČO, s. r. o., O.Z., etc.) and use the possibilities of supporting grant and residency structures in the local and foreign environment. Graduates are capable of active social interaction. They can support and initiate team cooperation and take responsibility for it. They respect the otherness and uniqueness of people and cultures, establish and maintain relationships in their personal and professional life, and are able to evaluate their ethical and social connections. With their artistic and civic attitude, graduates actively contribute to the protection of the environment and cultural heritage not only for themselves, but also for future generations. Graduates understand citizenship, democracy, social justice, foreign cultures, the rights of other persons, different cultural needs and values. They can critically perceive the functioning of churches, self-government and the state. Graduates can analyse the causes and consequences of regional and global problems. The specific contribution of AFAD graduates is increased sensitivity to shared public space, both physical and virtual, as well as critical reflection of its visual aspects. They perceive the role of the media in society, including internet platforms and social networks, responsibly and, based on their qualifications, co-create this environment in accordance with relevant international obligations and national legislation.

b) - The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.

Graduates have the qualification for employment in a wide range of artistic and cultural operations in the local and foreign environment, in public or private organisations. They can work as independent visual artists with exhibition practice, members of creative artistic teams (also with overlap within other fields, e.g. architecture, film, design), pedagogically in educational institutions (Art School, Secondary Art School, Art Academy, gallery education, lecturing activities and lifelong learning), experts in cultural institutions (galleries, museums, theatres, cultural and creative centres), employees in local self-governments (departments of culture, education, popularisation of culture, cultural institutions abroad), creative workers in industrial and other commercial operations (advertising and marketing agencies, creative production in the creative industry).

c) - Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favorable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

Mandatory only for regulated professions. The Visual Arts study programme is not a programme requiring the conditions of a regulated profession.

3. - Employability
a) - Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability.

Visual Arts is a new study programme in which the AFAD has prepared a structure according to which it will gather and monitor data and evaluation reports on the employability of future graduates:

a. Survey for graduates (work in the field, area, form). The survey is created and monitored by the Academic Senate of the AFAD.

b. Visibility monitoring (exhibition, reviews, professional and public media of graduates, as well as students). (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)

c. Statistical information from the offices of labour. (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)

d. Information from relevant institutions and external experts (e.g. Slovak National Gallery, Kunsthalle, city and regional galleries and other cultural institutions). (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)

b) - If applicable, indicate the successful graduates of the study programme.

The study programme is a new study programme preceded by the study programmes: painting; sculpture, object, installation; printmaking and other media; photography and new media; intermedia and applied art. Upon request, the AFAD will submit to the evaluation the outputs of successful graduates, which are regularly monitored by the AFAD through media monitoring (TASR) and on the basis of its own monitoring through the AFAD Office for Quality.

c) - Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback).

At this point, we do not present feedback from employers, as employer representatives are members of the AFAD Temporary Accreditation Board.

4. - Structure and content of the study programme
a) - The institution describes the rules for the design of study plans within the study programme.

The study plan of the new study programme is developed by the guarantor of the study programme on the basis of group working meetings with the teachers providing the given study programme, but also with other teachers who should participate in teaching in the given study programme. A representative of the student part of the academic community is part of the working meetings, and an expert from an external environment may also be invited.

The proposal of the study plan is submitted by the guarantor of the study programme for discussion to the Board of guarantors, which is also attended by the vice-rector for study affairs. The guarantor of the study programme will consider incorporating the comments of the Board of Guarantors and then submit the study plan as part of the study programme description for further processes of approving a new study programme within the internal system of ensuring the quality of education at the AFAD.

b) - The institution compiles the recommended study plans for individual study paths.

In the Visual Arts study programme, profile subjects have a specific character in the form of Studio courses. Studio courses are the most important credit component of the study programme in terms of content, difficulty of output and time allocation. Studio courses are divided into specialisations according to the media specification: Painting; Sculpture; Printmaking; Digital Arts; Photography; Intermedia; Glass, ceramics, jewellery. A mandatory component of the profile subjects of the study programme is the profile theoretical subject, the most important one regarding its scope and content: Interpretation frameworks of contemporary art, which prepares students in the field of theory and interpretation of contemporary art and at the same time reflects all the mentioned media specialisations. Studio courses and the main theoretical subject Interpretation frameworks of contemporary art are a mandatory basis for every student of the Visual Arts study programme. Successful completion of the Studio courses ends with the defence of the diploma thesis, and successful completion of the Interpretation Frameworks of Contemporary Art subject ends with a state theoretical exam. See more detailed information in the table below: Study plan.

The Visual Arts study programme is complemented by a group of compulsory optional subjects, which are divided into professional practical and professional theoretical subjects. These subjects provide a foundation towards media specialisation and at the same time deepen interdisciplinarity with respect to the world of art and culture. There are also subjects that improve language preparation in the field of contemporary art and culture and in the field of soft skills such as knowledge of copyright law, marketing in art and the skills in project and grant activities. Training in the field of soft skills is also planned in the form of block teaching and professional workshops for the up-to-date information and knowledge from practice.


A complementary group to the compulsory basis and compulsory optional subjects are optional subjects, through which students have the opportunity to transfer to other study programmes at the AFAD, such as design, architecture and restoration. This group also includes a subject enabling real practice in an external environment aimed at a wider field of cultural professions. Optional subjects are enriched by a number of subjects that, through workshops, courses, excursions and in the form of short-term education, respond dynamically to current topics of visual art by using renowned practitioners from the artistic and cultural environment, or as part of the school's internationalisation with foreign educators and practitioners.


More organisational rules:

Part of the education in the Visual Arts study programme is the possibility of internships and supplementary internships on the local and foreign scene, which, as part of the education, bring students direct contact with a professional environment in which they gain practical experience and skills. The internship is also an opportunity for students to gain new professional contacts and connections, as well as theoretical experience with benefits after graduation. At the same time, foreign mobility in the form of internships at foreign partner schools is encouraged, where they are positively confronted with educational experiences in a different cultural and social environment. They also confront their artistic work in the international field and have the opportunity to become part of international artistic and cultural networks.

As part of the wider educational process, master's students are integrated into ongoing research projects at the AFAD in the form of direct application to education or through publication and other presentation activities, which are also supported by grant systems (especially KEGA - Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic) and through the presentation of creative and artistic activity (especially FPU - Slovak Art Council).


More organisational rules:

The decisive evaluation tool of educational results is the periodic semester evaluation at the committee level (the committee consists of teachers of the study programme, teachers from the Department of Theory and History of Art and includes experts from the external environment as well), which includes a mandatory presentation of the result of the students' Studio courses and at the same time its defence, which is followed by a discussion with the committee and also with all participating students and the professional public. Subsequently, the evaluation by the committee and verification by the school-wide committee consisting of members of the AFAD Pedagogical Council takes place.

In the result of students' semester works of Studio courses, the partial results of education not only from the profile subject Studio, but also from professional and theoretical subjects in the given semester or in the previous semester of the given study programme, are combined. The summaries of the semester evaluation are discussed and analysed at the meetings of the AFAD Pedagogical Board with the AFAD management, at which the positives and also the negatives of setting the results of the teaching process are identified.

Eventually, the results of the students' education are accessible to the professional and broad public (an exhibition of the whole academy in all AFAD buildings, other gallery and exhibition spaces, or as online presentations or on Facebook, Instagram and the AFAD website This creates a space for a wider confrontation of the results of education with the external subjects.

c) - The study plan generally states:

- different parts of the study programme (modules, courses, and other relevant school and extracurricular activities, if they contribute to the achievement of the required learning outcomes and allow to obtain credits) in the structure of compulsory, compulsory optional and optional courses, listed in the study plan table

- profile courses of the relevant study path (specialisation) within the study programme, listed in the study plan table

- for each learning part/course the learning outcomes, related criteria and rules of their assessment so that the learning objectives of the study programme are met (they can be stated only in the Course information sheets, in the Learning outcomes section and in the Course completion requirements), listed in the Information document of subject

- prerequisites, co-requisites and recommendations for the design of the study plan, listed in the study plan table

- for each learning part of the study plan/course the applied educational activities (lecture, seminar, exercise, final work, project work, laboratory work, internship, excursion, field practice, professional practice, state exam, etc. or their combinations) suitable for achieving learning outcomes, listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject

- methods by which the educational activity is delivered – present, distant, combined (in accordance with the Course information sheets), listed in the Information document of subject 

- outline/syllabus of the course, listed in the Information document of subject

- student workload ("extent" of individual courses and educational activities separately), listed in the Information document of subject 

- credits allocated to each part based on the learning outcomes achieved and the workload involved, listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject

- the person responsible for the course (or a partner organisation/person ) with an indication of the contact details, listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject

- course teachers (or participating partner organisations/persons) (may also be mentioned in Course information sheets), listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject

- places where the courses are taught (if the study programme is delivered at several workplaces).

Realisation of subjects: building of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Drotárska cesta 44

Compulsory subjects - Studio courses: specialisation sculpture, object, installation: Sculpture in architecture and virtual space, specialisation printmaking: Studio of free printmaking, Studio of illustration and printmaking, Studio of free and colour printmaking, specialisation digital arts: Studio – Guide to the Galaxy, specialisation photography: Studio laboratory of photography, Studio photography, reality, construction, Studio of photography & critical practice, specialisation intermedia: Studio of spatial communications+, Studio vvv (visual, verbal, public), Studio of Intermedia, specialisation glass, ceramics, jewellery: Studio S+M+L_XL – metal and jewellery, Studio of ceramics, Studio of glass.

Compulsory optional and optional subjects: Drawing - sculpture I., II., Drawing - printmaking I., II., Specific problems of printmaking techniques I., II., Urban space, Creation of a photographic book I. II., Technology of historical photography I. , II., Video report, Chapters from the history of Slovak and Czech glass of the 20th century I., II., Current trends in ceramics I., II.

Realisation of subjects: the building of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18

Compulsory subjects - studio courses: specialisation painting: Fourth studio; Studio 3EAM


Compulsory subjects – theoretical: Diploma seminar I., II., Interpretation frameworks of contemporary art I., II., III.,

Compulsory optional and optional subjects: TECHNO - logic I., II. – 2nd level, Chapters from contemporary photography, Theory of photography I., II., Applied art in text and context I., II.,

Chapters on the theory of collecting I., II., Reading, writing, argumentation - 2nd level, Artistic personalities, places and genres - 2nd level, Curatorial studies I. and II., Sociology and art, Figures and ideas of French aesthetics of the last twenty years, Philosophy of culture, Philosophical hermeneutics, Visual data of cultural heritage I., II. - Level 2, Copyright law, English Conversation - Level 2, Design and Build - Level 2, Introduction to Chinese Culture and Language - Level 2

Realisation of subjects: the building of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Koceľova 23

Compulsory subjects - studio courses: specialisation painting: Studio of Painting, Drawing - painting I., II.

d) - The institution states the number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies and other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study.
For the entire study, students must obtain at least 120 credits (ECTS), including credits for the theoretical state exam 6 credits (ECTS) and the thesis defence 10 credits (ECTS). Student must complete the prescribed compulsory subjects according to the study plan, which include the profile subject Studio courses (studio courses consists of 17 specialised Studios: Sculpture in architecture and virtual space; Studio of free printmaking; Studio of illustration and printmaking ; Studio of free and colour printmaking; Studio – Guide to the Galaxy; Studio laboratory of Photography; Studio photography, reality, construction; Studio of Photography & Critical practice; Studio of spatial communications +; Studio vvv (visual, verbal, public); Studio of Intermedia; Studio S+M+L_XL – metal and jewellery; Studio of Ceramics; Studio of Glass; Fourth studio; Studio of Painting; Studio 3EAM) and profile theoretical subject Interpretation frameworks of contemporary art I., II., III. Profile subjects Studio courses and Interpretive frameworks of contemporary art are multi-semester subjects that are continuous from the beginning to the end of the study and continuation in them is conditional on successful completion of the previous semester (more information in the AFAD Study Regulations). When repeating the Studio courses, students must repeat the profile subject Studio courses in the exact same specialised Studio where they failed to get the credits in the following academic year. The conditions for evaluating study results and re-enroling unsuccessfully completed courses are described in the AFAD Study Regulations, Article 17 and Article 18. For each semester, students must enrol in subjects with such a credit value and in such composition (compulsory, compulsory optional and optional) that they can meet the conditions for continuing their studies at each stage of the study review. (the structure and credit allocation of compulsory subjects in different semesters and recommended compulsory optional and optional subjects with credit allocations are detailed in the table of the Study Plan of the Visual Arts study programme). In order to obtain a sufficient number of credits for the study, students choose compulsory optional subjects, which they must complete during their studies in at least three semesters of study. Students freely choose the composition of compulsory optional and optional subjects. In one semester, students should optimally complete so many subjects (compulsory, compulsory optional and optional) to achieve a total of 30 credits (ECTS). In each academic year of study, students are obliged to enrol in and successfully complete subjects in the sum of at least 40 credits (ECTS), except for: a) the last academic year of study, b) the academic year in which they repeat the subject of Studio Courses, c) the academic year in which they only take the state exam and/or defence of the diploma thesis, d) in the case where they enrol for studies only starting from the summer semester of the relevant academic year. If students do not complete courses worth at least 40 credits (ECTS) in the relevant academic year, this will be considered a failure to meet the requirements arising from the AFAD Study Regulations, and students will be excluded from studying at the AFAD in accordance with § 66 par. 1 letter c) of the Law. In the academic year in which students plan to complete their studies, they enrol in subjects with such a number of credits that by acquiring them they meet the conditions for completing their studies. Completion of the study programme in the standard length assumes that students acquire 60 credits (ECTS) for each academic year (optimally 30 credits (ECTS) for each semester). If students change the pace of their studies, they do not have to get 60 credits per academic year, but the length of their studies in the Visual Arts study programme must not exceed the standard length by more than two years (§ 65, paragraph 2 of the Law). Profile subject Studio courses, or specialized Studio student choose already in the application form for master's studies in the Visual Arts study programme. During the summer semester of the 1st year of master's studies, students can apply for an internal internship based on the conditions of the internal internship (the form of the application for an internal internship is in AiS - Academic Information System). Students apply for an internal internship using the following approval process: the application is approved by the teacher of the receiving studio, and then the request is sent to the teacher of the studio where the student was accepted for master's studies, and the vice-rector for study affairs gives the final approval. In the application, students shall state the name of the specialised Studio of internal internship in the Visual Arts study programme or the name of the specialised Studio in another study programme at the AFAD, if their choice is justified by the interdisciplinary nature of the art project and students, after approval, will complete it during the summer semester of the 1st year of the master's study. As long as the interdisciplinarity of the students' artistic project in a given semester is not conditioned by an internal internship, students, in the case of their interest or need to expand their knowledge within the artistic direction, have the opportunity to complete the optional subject Additional Studio in another specialised Studio in the Visual Arts study programme or in any other study programme at teh AFAD. The condition for starting the final thesis is the completion of the 1st and 2nd semesters of Studio courses in the first year of the master's degree. At the beginning of the third semester within the Studio courses, the supervisor creates the topic of the final thesis in an intensive discussion with the student, and during this semester the student works on artistic research, which is an important part of the diploma thesis. The student presents the artistic research at the completion checks in front of the teachers of the Visual Arts study programme. Progress presentations are accessible to all AFAD students. In the fourth semester of the 2nd year of the master's degree, students continue in the subject Diploma thesis (consultations, elaboration) in the realisation of the final thesis. The final thesis of the master's study of the Visual Arts study programme is a diploma thesis, which contains a practical and written part forming one thematic unit. The diploma thesis has one supervisor (the head teacher of the specialised Studio), who supervises the practical part of the diploma thesis, and one supervisor - consultant (art historian or theoretician, philosopher, esthetician or other approved professional), who consults with the student on the written part of the diploma thesis. The supervisor and the supervisor-consultant usually conduct joint consultations with the graduate, which are a supplement to the individual consultations of the supervisor with the graduate or supervisor-consultant with the graduate. The practical part of the thesis consists of the realisation of an artwork or a set of artworks. The written part of the diploma thesis contains a work of at least 20 standard pages, the content of which relates to the practical part of the diploma thesis and its context (historical, contemporary, territorial and interdisciplinary). Another part is the documentation of the practical part of the thesis and written information about the final thesis. The condition for students to register for the defence of the final thesis is to obtain all the necessary credits for the compulsory subjects Studio courses and Diploma thesis (consultation, elaboration) - a total of 57 credits (ECTS). Another condition for students to register for the defence of the final thesis is the completion of a sufficient number of compulsory optional and optional subjects and the acquisition of at least 110 credits (ECTS). The theoretical state exam is one of the conditions for completing the Visual Arts study programme. The condition for students to register for the theoretical state exam is to pass and obtain 15 credits (ECTS) for all three semesters of the profile theoretical subject Interpretation frameworks of contemporary art. Students are informed in advance about the conduct and content of the state examination by an electronic internal letter on the completion of the master's degree (by email and at the same time it is published in AiS). The process of the theoretical state exam is as follows: the student chooses the state eams questions to be answered by random drawing. After the questions have been drawn, the student has the right to prepare an answer during the next 15 minutes, under the supervision of the state exam commission. After the preparation, the student's answer is followed by a discussion, where the student answers the questions and reacts to the comments of the members of the examination committee. The state exam and discussion are public, and the evaluation of the examination board is not public. If the student is evaluated with the grade of FX, he/she has the right to one correction term. If the student is evaluated with the grade FX even in the correction term of the theoretical state exam, he/she is excluded from the study due to failure to meet the conditions of completion of the Visual Arts study programme. The defence of the diploma thesis takes place in front of the examination committee, whose chairman and members are appointed by the rector. The commission is composed of professors and associate professors of the Visual Arts study programme, teachers of the Department of Theory and History of Art, and external experts in the field of art history and theory, professional artists or teachers from other local or foreign art academies. The diploma thesis is evaluated by one opponent, who must comment on both parts of it (practical and written part) and propose an evaluation of the diploma thesis. Further evaluation is proposed by the supervisor in the relevant supervisor report. The resulting evaluation is determined by the consensus of all members of the examination committee and can confirm the evaluation proposals of the opponent and supervisor or change the evaluation. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the commission is decisive. The course of the defence is public, but the examination committee's decision on its results takes place at a closed session of the examination committee. Students who failed to defend their diploma thesis have the right to one correction term. If studens do not defend the work within the correction term, they will be expelled from the studies for failure to meet the conditions for completing the Visual Arts study programme. The course of the thesis defence is as follows: - the head teacher of the studio briefly introduces the student, - the student presents his/her thesis (both its practical and written part); the practical part of the thesis is a work of art or a set of works of art that must be physically presented - displayed in the academy premises or in an external environment (galleries, alternative spaces, public space, etc.), - the opponent (in the case of absence, the secretary) will read the opponent's an opinion in which he/she comments on both parts of the thesis, - the student answers the questions of the committee members or the questions formulated in the opponent's opinion, - as part of the discussion, the student answers other questions of the members of the committee and the public present. The student's discussion with committee members and the public is an important part of the thesis defence (verification of verbal skills and argumentation skills and feedback on the thesis). Additional rules are published in the AFAD Study Regulations: Rules for repeating studies and rules for extending, interrupting studies:
e) - For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:

The exact structure of credits for different parts of the study is in the table of the study plan below.

– The number of credits for compulsory subjects required for proper graduation is 82 credits (ECTS).

– The number of credits for compulsory optional subjects and optional subjects required for proper completion of the studies is at least 22 credits (ECTS). In order to obtain a sufficient number of credits for the study, students choose compulsory optional subjects, which they must complete during their studies in at least three semesters of study.

– The number of credits required for the proper completion of the studies is at least 120 credits (ECTS) for the entire master's study, including credits for the theoretical master's state exam 6 credits (ECTS) and the thesis defence 10 credits (ECTS).

– The number of credits for the final thesis (subject: Diploma thesis, consultations, elaboration) 12 credits (ECTS) and for the defence of the final thesis 10 credits (ECTS) necessary for proper graduation.

– The number of credits required for the proper completion of studies for artistic activities, except for the final work in the study programme Visual Arts (subject Studio courses) 45 credits (ECTS).

f) - The institution describes the rules for verification of learning outcomes, students assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment.

Rules for verification of education outcomes:

The decisive evaluation tool of educational results is the periodic semester evaluation at the committee level (the committee consists of teachers of the Visual Arts study programme, teachers from the Department of Theory and History of Art and includes experts from the external environment as well), which includes a mandatory presentation of the result of the students' Studio courses and at the same time its defence, which is followed by a discussion with the committee and also with all participating students and the professional public. Subsequently, the evaluation by the committee and verification by the school-wide committee consisting of members of the AFAD Pedagogical Council takes place. The academy-wide committee is led by the vice-rector for study affairs and takes place without the participation of students. To the academy-wide committee, each head of the specialised Studio will present the semester assignments, the course of education and the results of the students' works, while highlighting the extraordinary results of the students and drawing attention to the poor results of the students and presenting the individual evaluations of the committee (from A to FX). After the presentation of the educational results in the given specialised Studio, a professional discussion takes place. In the result of students' semester works of Studio courses, the partial results of education not only from the profile subject Studio, but also from professional and theoretical subjects in the given semester or in the previous semester of the Visual Arts study programme, are combined. Eventually, the results of the students' education are accessible to the professional and broad public (an exhibition of the whole academy in all AFAD buildings, other gallery, museum and exhibition spaces, in public space, in church monuments, or as online presentations or on Facebook, Instagram and the AFAD website

Evaluation of students and the possibility of corrective procedures in relation to this evaluation.


1. The evaluation of students' study results within the study of the subject is mainly carried out:

a) continuous control of study results in individual subjects during the teaching part of the study (for example, progress status, partial assignments, completion of a creative workshop, workshop, written tests, assignments for independent work, term papers, seminar paper, etc.), specified in more detail in the ILP (Information document of subject),

b) an exam for the given period of study, in the case of the profile theoretical subject Interpretive frameworks of contemporary art, is a commission exam with the participation of at least two examining teachers.


2. Grade evaluation is classified according to the classification scale determined by Decree no. 614/2002 Coll., while the qualification scale has six classification levels:

A – excellent (excellent results) = 1

B – very good (above average results) = 1.5

C – good (average results) = 2

D – satisfactory (acceptable results) = 2.5

E – sufficient (results meet the minimum criteria) = 3

FX - Insufficient (more work required) = 4

3. Within the Visual Arts study programme, optional subjects, for example Short-term educational course and Professional field trip, are evaluated by passing the subject (passed/failed).


4. Students who have been evaluated with the grade of FX in professional, practical and theoretical subjects have the right to two correction dates as long as they fulfil the conditions of the continuous evaluation. If students were evaluated with the grade FX from the Studio courses and Diploma thesis (consultations, elaboration) and met the conditions of the interim evaluation, they are entitled to one correction term. When repeatedly enrolling in any subject, including Studio courses and Diploma thesis (consultations, preparation), students have the right to only one correction date.

g) - Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies.

Students can apply for the recognition of subjects they completed in another study programme at another university. Subjects completed at another university are recognised by the AFAD on the basis of a statement of study results prepared for students by the given university and by submitting an application on the prescribed form of the AFAD (exact instructions are contained in the Application for recognition of subjects form). Recognition of subjects is bound for a period of 5 years from their completion. The recognition of subjects is assessed by the teacher or the main responsible teacher of the study programme Visual Arts who ensures its teaching, based on a list of study results and a comparison of the ILP or otherwise described educational content of the given subject. Based on the proposal of the guarantor of the Visual Arts study programme, the vice-rector for study affairs recognises completed subjects. In the master's degree, credits obtained for completing a subject in the bachelor's degree cannot be recognised. As a rule, subjects with an E grade are also not recognised. The statement of study results and the decision on the recognition of subjects become part of the student's personal study documentation, maintained by the AFAD.

h) - The institution states the topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list).

The Visual Arts study programme is a new study programme and therefore we do not list the topics of the final theses.

i) - The institution describes or refers to:

The topics of the final theses - diploma thesis are generated individually for each student and are formulated by the thesis supervisor based on the students' previous studies and artistic orientation. They are approved by the main responsible teacher in charge of the study programme in AiS (Academic Information System). A detailed description of opposition, defence and evaluation of the final theses of the Visual Arts study programme is described in point d) of this document.

- options and procedures for participating in student mobility are published on the AFAD website 


– rules for abiding academic ethics and drawing consequences,

are included in the AFAD Codex of Ethics and in the Disciplinary Rules for AFAD students and published on the website:

Codex of Ethics: 

Disciplinary rules for students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. 

– procedures applicable to students with special needs,

covered by Internal Regulation 3/2020, Rector's directive to ensure a generally accessible environment for students with specific needs, which includes:

– Request by applicants with specific needs to modify the form and method of conducting the admission exams, taking into account their specific needs.

– Application for inclusion in the register of students with specific needs and consent to the evaluation of specific needs.


Through the website, applicants are notified in the conditions and instructions on the admission process about the possibility of submitting an application, and then the specific needs of applicants are approached individually, regarding the course of the admission process. Students are also informed via the website and the Support and Counselling Centre for AFAD students:

( about the possibility to submit an application, which will then be approved by the coordinator for students with specific needs and the vice-rector for study affairs. After the application is approved, a confirmation will be issued to students and then the individual possibilities of the process of making the educational process accessible will be discussed with them, about which the teachers of the study programme Conservation and Restoration will also be informed. In the case of specific requirements that the AFAD does not have at its disposal, it will promptly ensure correction and conditions for students.


– procedures for submission of impetus and appeals by students.

Students can submit impetus and appeals of various kinds in writing, by post, by e-mail or through physical mailboxes in the academy buildings:

– through the Support and Counselling Centre for AFAD students, which, based on a specific impetus or appeal, forwards the impetus to the AFAD Ethics Committee or the Study Affairs Commission of the AFAD Academic Senate or the vice-rector for study affairs.

– through the study officer, who will forward it to the vice-rector for study affairs.

- directly to the members (pedagogical or student representatives) of the Commission for Study Affairs AFAD AS, who, based on a specific initiative or appeal, will decide on the method of resolution.

- directly to the members of the Ethics Committee of the AFAD, who decide on the method of resolution based on a specific impetus or appeal.


In the specific resolution of the impetus and appeal, joint resolution of all the named components or their representatives is not excluded.


Study programme: Visual arts

Field of study: Art

Degree of study: 2.

Form of study: full-time

Standard length of study: 2 years

Academic title: Master of Arts – Mgr. art.

5. - Course information sheets of the study programme
In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll.

Separate attachment in pdf format.

6. - Current academic year plan and current schedule
(or hyperlink).

The Visual Arts study programme is a new study programme.

The current schedule of the academic year is determined by the AFAD rector after consultation with the AFAD vice-rectors no later than June 30 of the current year (AFAD Study Regulations, Article 7, Point 5).

The academic calendar is published on the AFAD website, in the study guide - BEDEKER, in the Academic Information System - AiS. Students are also informed about the academic calendar and the current schedule and their publication or update through emails, Instagram and Facebook.

7. - Persons responsible for the study programme
a) - A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details).

Weisslechner Karol, prof., akad. arch.

Position: professor, head of department

Specialisation of the profile subject glass, ceramics, jewellery:

Studio S+M+L_XL – metal and jewellery

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

b) - List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (they may also be listed in the study plan).

Responsible teachers of the profile subject: Studio of the study programme: Visual arts

Kovačovský Patrik, prof. dr. hab., Mgr. art.

Position: professor

Specialisation of profile subject sculpture, object, installation:

Studio Sculpture in architecture and 3D virtual space

E-mail address:,

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Piaček Martin, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: associate professor, chairman of the Academic Senate of the AFAD

specialisation of the intermedia profile subject:

Studio vvv (visual, verbal, public)

E-mail address:,

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Hojstričová Jana, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: associate professor, vice-rector for study affairs

specialisation of the profile subject photography:

Studio photography, reality, construction

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Cséfalvay, András, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Function: associate professor

specialisation of profile subject: digital arts:

Studio Guide to the Galaxy

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Other teachers providing the profile subject: Studio of the study programme: Visual arts

Csudai, Ivan, prof., akad. mal.

Position: professor

specialisation of the profile subject painting:

Fourth studio

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Kosziba, Klaudia, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: associate professor, head of department

specialisation of the profile subject painting:

Studio of painting

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Hoffstadter, Ján, doc., akad. soch.

Position: associate professor, head of department

specialization of profile subject sculpture, object, installation:

Studio "Even flat sculpture" - S.O.S.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Jančovič, Robert, prof., akad. mal.

Position: professor

specialisation of the profile subject printmaking:

Studio of free printmaking

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Paľo, Ľuboslav, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: associate professor

specialisation of the profile subject printmaking:

Studio of illustration and printmaking

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Kolenčík, Vojtech, doc., akad. mal.

Position: associate professor

specialisation of the subject printmaking:

Studio of free and color printmaking

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Stacho, Ľubomír, prof., Mgr. Ing.

Position: professor

specialisation of the profile subject photography:

Studio laboratory of photography

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Saparová, Silvia, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: associate professor

specialisation of the profile subject photography:

Studio about photography

E-mail address:,

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Čierny Anton, prof., Mgr.

Position: professor

specialisation of the intermedia profile subject:

Studio of spatial communications +

Email address

Hyperlink to the person's record in the Register of University Employees

Piršč, Daniel, doc., MgA.

Position: associate professor

specialisation of the profile subject glass, ceramics, jewellery:

Studio of Ceramics

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Illo, Patrik, doc., Mgr. Art.

Position: associate professor

specialisation of the profile subject glass, ceramics, jewellery:

Studio of glass

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:


Other teachers providing the theoretical profile subject: Interpretations of contemporary art of the study programme: Visual arts

Grúň, Daniel, doc., Mgr., PhD.

Position: associate professor

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Koklesová, Bohunka, doc., Mgr., PhD.

Poistion: associate professor

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

c) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme.

Separate attachment in pdf format.

d) - List of teachers of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (may be a part of the study plan).

Jablonská, Beata, Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Pašteková, Michaela, Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Kralovič, Ján, Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Lutherová, Seneši, Silvia, Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:


Vargová, Emőke, doc., Mgr.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Boďa, Miloslav, doc., akad. soch.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:


Oslej, Štefan, Mgr. art.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Špirec, Martin, Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Augustovič, Peter, akad. mal.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Ličková, Dominika, Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Stefanović, Triaška, Olja, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Blaško, Juraj, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Križanová, Blaško, Janka, Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

The teacher is currently on parental leave and is currently represented by: Mgr. art. Kitti Baráthová

Barényi, Peter, Mgr. art., ArD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Macho, Pavol, doc., Mgr. art.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Nováková, Markéta, Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Lacko, Norbert, Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Zervan, Marián, prof., PhDr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Karul, Róbert, Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Tkáčik, Ladislav, doc., Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Moravčíková, Silvia, Mgr.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

Dobrovičová, Monika, PaeDr., Mgr., PhD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Pišteková, Danica, Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees: 

Cziráková, Zhang, Daniela, Mgr., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:

e) - List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details).

The Visual Arts study programme is a new study programme and the thesis topics are generated individually for each student.

Kovačovský Patrik, prof., dr. hab., Mgr. art.

E-mail address:,

Weisslechner Karol, prof. akad. arch.

E-mail address:

Piaček Martin, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hojstričová Jana, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Cséfalvay, András, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Csudai, Ivan, prof., akad. mal.

E-mail address:

Kosziba, Klaudia, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Hoffstadter, Ján, doc., akad. soch.

E-mail address:

Jančovič, Robert, prof., akad. mal.

E-mail address:

Paľo, Ľuboslav, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Kolenčík, Vojtech, doc., akad. mal.

E-mail address:

Stacho, Ľubomír, Prof., Mgr., Ing.

E-mail address:

Saparová, Silvia, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

Čierny Anton, prof., Mgr.

E-mail address:

Piršč, Daniel, doc., MgA.

E-mail address:

Illo, Patrik, doc., Mgr. Art.

E-mail address:

f) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors of final theses.

The scientific/artistic-pedagogical characteristics of the supervisors of final theses are registered in AiS and will be made available at the request of the reviewers.

g) - Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme (name and contact details).

Martins da Silva Revická, Viktória, Bc.

E-mail address:

h) - Study advisor of the study programme (indicating contact details and information on the access to counseling and on the schedule of consultations).

Kyša, Jaroslav, Mgr. art.

Study advisor

E-mail address:

Triaška Stefanović, Olja, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Study advisor

E-mail address:

Individual consultation appointment via e-mail.

i) - Other supporting staff of the study programme – assigned study officer, career counselor, administration, accommodation department, etc. (with contact details).

Šmalová, Iveta, Ing.

Study officer and student accommodation coordinator

E-mail address:

Kozáková, Sylvia, Ing.

AiS administrator

E-mail address:

Jančařík, Tomáš, Mgr. art.

Career counselor

E-mail address:

Šarkan, Martin, Mgr., PhD.

Psychological counselor

E-mail address:

8. - Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a) - List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centers, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).

List and characteristics of the classrooms of the Visual Arts study programme:

Profile subject Studio Courses and all compulsory optional and optional subjects with the characteristics of practical professional subjects take place in studios and workshops with a total area of ​​4047 m2. Studios and workshops are available to all master's degree students of the Visual Arts study programme for direct teaching (theoretical and practical education, consultations and discussions of the teacher with students) and indirect teaching (individual student work on a semester assignment or final thesis). Students use the workshops as needed for the focus of their semester or final work, or for assignments within professional practical subjects. Material storages are also an infrastructural part of studios and workshops.

Studios (rooms): A profile subject consisting of 16 Studios taught by 16 heads of studio together with 16 assistants/assistant professors. Each Studio has 1 designated room. Studio Courses take place in a vertical scheme, where bachelor's, master's and doctoral students meet in the same space and time. Depending on the current number of students in a given academic year and depending on the specialisation in the Studio, there is approximately 2 m2 of space per student. The standard equipment of the Studio is basic projection equipment (computer and data projector + wifi connection). Further equipment of the Studios depends on their specific needs (inventory lists will be available for inspection by the accreditation committee during a physical visit to the academy).

The studios are located in all three academy buildings (Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Drotárska cesta 44, Koceľova 23).

Digital classroom: approx. 60 m2. The digital classroom has appropriate technological equipment (inventory lists will be available for inspection by the accreditation committee during a physical visit to the academy).

The digital classroom is located in the academy building (Drotárska cesta 44).

Workshops and laboratories (rooms): Foundry, Plastering workshop, Carving workshop, Forming workshop for metal casting, Metal workshop, Screen printing workshop, Printing workshop, Etching workshop, Photo chambers, Photographic studio, Plaster workshop, Glass modelling workshop, Smelter, Editing classroom (editing room), Workshop painting technology, CNC-milling machine. Students have the opportunity to use workshops linked to other study programmes. Students book work in the workshop in the form of a request and for the time determined by the responsible workshop worker. In the reserved time, students can work on their semester assignments and final theses. At the same time, the workshop worker is responsible for protecting the health and safety of students' work and also fulfils the function of a supervisory worker in the operation and use of technical and technological equipment and material. The workshops are intended for the implementation of semester and final works and at the same time serve for the teaching of practical professional subjects.

Material resources: The academy provides basic material resources for the Visual Arts study programme. Paper, wood, plaster, clay, basic chemicals for the photo chamber, graphic printing and others are available to students. For materials necessary for the realisation of semester work or the final thesis students pay from their own resources, or the academy from grant and research projects.

The workshops are located in the academy buildings (Drotárska cesta 44 and Koceľova 23).

Lecture and seminar rooms: 5 + 5 rooms - total approx. 362 m2. Each lecture room has the appropriate technological equipment: computer, data projector, projection screen, audio equipment and Wi-Fi connection (inventory lists will be available for inspection by the accreditation committee during a physical visit to the academy).

Lecture and seminar rooms are located in the school building (Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18).

Medium Gallery: total approx. 150 m2. The Medium Gallery is used for the presentation of students' creative activities, accompanying lectures and discussion forums, or for social activities of the school's students.

The Kremnica Communication and Visualisation Learning Centre is a historical building that is used for organising workshops, seminars and conferences. It has accommodation capacities (approx. 30 people) and lecture rooms. The centre also includes sufficient technical and technological equipment. The purpose of such a centre is the opportunity to pass an intensive work week, which is part of studio courses. In the teaching centre, students concentrate on the given topic in the form of block teaching or a specially prepared workshop, for example with students from a partner studio of a foreign university. The idea is interaction between schools and concentrated creative activity and inter-studio cooperation. 

Future: The AFAD plans to build a Technology Pavilion, which will include the following centres: Wood and Stone Processing Center, Metal Casting Center, Surface Treatment Center, Model Processing Center, Printing, Dyeing and Textile Processing Center, Audiovisual Production Center, 2D Center and 3D printing, Chemical-technological laboratory, Centre for photo processing, Centre for painting technologies and Centre for professional teaching and presentation.

b) - Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).

a. Academic library and related reference libraries at workplaces, electronic library databases, online catalogues of books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, e-books, e-journals and access to important databases of world galleries and universities, general portals and databases:

-         For example, SpringerLink, Slovenská národná bibliografia

-         For example Metropolitan museum in New York, University of Cambridge

-         For example minedu, EU, Slov-lex 


b. Artotéka – data storage of art academies and AFAD own storages


c. Free internet connection – wi-fi in all academy buildings (Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Drotárska cesta 44, Koceľova 23 and the Communication and Visualisation Learning Centre in Kremnica)


d. AiS (Academic Information System), which contains:

  • ILP – Information Document of Subject
  • timetable
  • study plan of the study programme
  • all internal regulations and all internal letters related to the organisation of study. 


e. Distance learning tools: MS Teams (used for distance learning and communication), e-mail


f. Information channels: web, school emails, Instagram, Facebook  

c) - Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.

The form and method of study is defined in the AFAD Study Regulations (Article 3, Forms and methods of study, points 5 to 8).

The AFAD mostly uses a combined method of education, which is indicated in the ILP (Information Document of Subject), even if the education takes place completely by distance. When changing the method of teaching a subject, its content is discussed in advance with the study programme guarantor and then with the vice-rector for academic affairs at a predetermined time (usually May–June of the previous academic year when the study plan and content of individual ILPs are checked for the next academic year). Complete distance education at the AFAD is implemented by order of the rector, especially in extraordinary situations (for example, when a state of emergency is declared).

d) - Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

The given study programme is defined as an academically oriented, artistic type of study, but at the same time the AFAD has created a mechanism for internships and supplementary internships, within which it cooperates with various types of institutions and companies in the local and foreign scene. In addition to permanent partners, cooperation with other partners is currently being approved. Procedures are published on the academy's website and study guide (bedeker).

e) - Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

The Gallery Medium and public external spaces of the academy serve for cultural and social events at the AFAD. The gallery space is primarily devoted to exhibition activities of students and teachers of the academy, at the same time it serves as a communication space for various types of lectures and discussions, which are also open to the general public, or other social activities of teachers, students, employees, but also graduates of the academy. As part of the open-call mechanism, the gallery spaces of the academy also present exhibition projects of our partners from abroad, or the results of our international cooperation. As part of international cooperation, projects of international significance are periodically prepared (for example, the Month of Photography, Šperk stret, Poster Triennale, Biela noc and others). Another important facility of the AFAD is the Communication and Visualisation Learning Centre in Kremnica, which the academy uses for creative workshops and block education. The learning centre has accommodation facilities, lecture rooms, digital technologies and material resources. The facility is intensively used for workshops, conferences, seminars and meetings with foreign partner educational institutions and stimulates internationalisation, interaction and concentrated creative activity in a group. Thanks to its favourable geographical location, the training centre is used for sports activities in nature as part of creative stays.

f) - Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.

Students of the Visual Arts study programme can mainly apply for Erasmus+ mobility programmes (projects KA103 and KA107), CEEPUS, programmes based on bilateral agreements and the possibilities of the National Scholarship Program focused on student, pedagogical and non-pedagogical mobility. In addition to standard mobilities, students also participate in other art and research projects, in which the AFAD creates joint international platforms with selected foreign partners and collaborates on specific artistic, exhibition, presentation, research and innovation tasks and projects. For the mobility of the study programme Visual Arts and gaining international experience, the AFAD has created a wide network of partnerships in most countries of the European Union, partner countries outside the EU in Europe (Western Balkan countries, Ukraine, Georgia), Asia (China, Japan, India, Israel, Turkey ) and America (USA, Mexico). At the same time, students of the study programme Visual Arts will have the opportunity to take advantage of a number of international workshops, lectures, seminars, educational courses and meetings of visiting foreign teachers at our school.

Equally important is the opportunity to complete a part of the study with a visiting teacher from abroad as part of the primary education. Foreign students at our academy, who come mainly as part of the Erasmus+ program, will contribute to building contacts and opportunities for future cooperation for our students. Students of the study programme Visual Arts will have the opportunity to profit from the activities of important international networks of which the AFAD is a part (Cumulus, ELIA). The international presentation activities of students are also supported by embassies of the Slovak Republic and cultural institutes of the Slovak Republic abroad. In addition to study stays, art-research and presentation activities, students of the Visual Arts study programme have the opportunity to apply for student and graduate internships in selected foreign institutions, companies and specialised studios within the Erasmus+ program.


All options, instructions and rules are made available and updated in detail on the academy's website, and at the same time they are anchored in the AFAD's internal regulations - the rector's directive: Implementation of the ERASMUS+ program at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.

Complete information, instructions and the course of foreign mobility (from application to recognition of credits upon return):

(forms for individual study plan and recognition of mobility are available to students in AiS.)

9. - Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a) - Required abilities and necessary admission requirements.

Applicants know how to navigate in the artistic and theoretical foundations of their work, have knowledge of the history of art, analytical thinking, reasoning in contexts and skills that they can use in their work and use them adequately. Applicants can demonstrate the creative abilities of artistic vision and authorial expression. They react flexibly and present their opinions, thereby demonstrating the ability to master the Master's degree in the Visual Arts study programme.

b) - Admission procedures.

Admission interviews for the master's degree last one day and are held in front of the admissions committee, which is made up of responsible teachers. Applicants must submit a portfolio of their works, a letter of motivation and a CV, and must present their artistic profile for the master's degree. It is assumed that within the given degree of study. It is assumed that applicants will already demonstrate artistic maturity and should be heading towards a distinct artistic personality with the ability to formulate their themes in combination with a practical, artistically mastered work. Such applicants are accepted transparently in front of the entire committee composed of teachers of the given study programme. One theoretician who primarily teaches on another study programme is also a member of the commission. The results of the admission interviews are discussed at the Rector's Advisory Board and recorded in the report. Criteria and requirements for applicants are published on the academy's website and are updated annually. The updating of criteria and requirements is also related to the development of art, to the development of certain technical or technological skills. The commission evaluates applicants' level of talent and their ability to master the master's degree. An individual interview with the applicant ensures an inclusive form of admission procedure.


Admission exams are:

- Reliable – applicants must demonstrate the results of their bachelor's degree studies in their work portfolio and must demonstrate maturity for studies in the interview in front of the committee.

- Fair – collective evaluation of the results of admission interviews, discussion of applicants' works and discussion with applicants is a guarantee of a fair assessment of all applicants.

- Transparent – ​​conditions, criteria, methods and procedures for accepting and selecting applicants are published on the academy's website and refined and updated every year.


The AFAD provides the possibility of an individual consultation for each applicant: 

Internal regulation on the admission process at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (link to internal regulation): 

Criteria and requirements for applicants:

10. - Feedback on the quality of provided education
a) - Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality.

The Visual Arts study programme is a new study programme. The AFAD has developed tools for monitoring and obtaining evaluation of students' opinions and feedback from students and graduates on the quality of the study programme and its improvement.


1. The academy presents semester and final works through the AFAD End Semester Exhibition and Diploma Fest, where all students, regardless of the quality of the output, are presented in the form of a school-wide exhibition or diploma exhibitions on the academy grounds or in other galleries and cultural institutions, or in a public space. The End Semester Exhibition and Diploma Fest are made available to a wide professional and general public.


2. Student survey (Operation of the academy, Teaching of theoretical and professional subjects, Teaching in studios). The survey is conducted and evaluated by representatives of the student part of the AFAD Academic Senate and the Education Commission of the AFAD Academic Senate.


3.Written suggestions by post, e-mail and to the physical mailboxes of the AFAD vice-rectors, AFAD Academic Senate, AFAD Ethics Committee, AFAD Study Office and International Office.

b) - Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

The results of student and graduate feedback and related measures to improve the quality of the study programme will be described in the Internal Regulation for the Internal System of Quality Assurance of Higher Education at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.

c) - Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

The results of student and graduate feedback and related measures to improve the quality of the study programme will be described in the Internal Regulation for the Internal System of Quality Assurance of Higher Education at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.

11. - References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student
(e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.).
  1. Study regulations:

published in AIS,

2. Internal regulation on the admission procedure at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design:

3. Internal letter on the completion of master's studies (which, after being updated in a given academic year, is published in AIS and at the same time sent via e-mail to students of the final year.)

4. Internal regulation 3/2020, Directive of the rector on ensuring a generally accessible environment for students with specific needs:,

5. Disciplinary rules for students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava

published in AIS

6. Internal regulations on tuition and fees:,

7. Codex of ethics:

8. Internal regulation of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava no. 5/2017 (Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of the AFAD):

9. Principles of the selection procedure at the AFAD:,,,

10. Internal regulations and information on the implementation of the AFAD foreign mobility:,

11. Information regarding study and study organisation:

ECTS handbook:

Study organisation: