Study programme VUde.14 - Fine Art
Study Grade of study - III. - doctoral, study form - external, study type - Single degree study
Document type: Description of the study programme
The name of the university Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava
The seat of the university Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, 814 37 Bratislava
Institution body for approving the study programme:
AFAD Accreditation Board
Date of the study programme approval or the study programme modification:
1. - Basic information about the study programme
a) - Name of the study program and its number according to the register of study programmes.
Visual arts study code 12192
b) - Degree of higher education and ISCED-F education degree code.
3rd degree of study – doctoral, ISCED-F code 864
c) - Place(s) of delivery of the study programme.
Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, 814 37 Bratislava Other places where the study program is carried out: Drotárska cesta 44, 811 02 Bratislava, Koceľova 23, 821 08 Bratislava
d) - Name and number of the field of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, or a combination of two fields of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, ISCED-F codes of the field/fields.
Department: Art, code 8202
e) - Type of the study programme: academically oriented, professionally oriented; translation, translation combination study programme (listing the specializations); teaching, teaching combination study programme (listing the specializations); artistic, engineering, doctoral, preparation for regulated profession, joint study programme, interdisciplinary studies.
academically oriented, artistic
Awarded academic degree after the name
g) - Form of study.
h) - In the case of joint study programmes, cooperating institutions and the range of study obligations the student fulfills at each of the given institutions (§ 54a of the Act on Higher Education Institutions).

There is no common study program.

i) - Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered.
Slovak and English language
j) - Standard length of the study expressed in academic years.
4 academic years.
k) - Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students), the actual number of applicants and students.
k) Capacity of the study program planned number of students a maximum of 20 in each year of study approx. 5, actual number of students 16. Number of applicants 4 in the academic year 2021/2022 and of those 3 accepted.
2. - Graduate profile and learning objectives
a) - The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The goals of education in the third degree of the Fine Arts study program are the development of advanced methods of artistic research based on a deeper knowledge of its current state and its connection with knowledge from other areas with an emphasis on the application of research outputs in cultural and social practice. Doctoral studies at AFAD focus on acquiring current knowledge in the field of art and science and on supporting independent artistic-scientific research and creative activity in the field of art (fine arts, design, architecture and restoration), mastering the methods of independent artistic research, which in itself combines artistic and research methods and the subsequent dissemination and application of the results of such research in artistic, pedagogical, cultural and social practice. The goal of artistic research or research through art is the acquisition of new knowledge based on sensitive, self-reflective and critical perception and analysis, which is carried out by the artist in the course of creation, and the output of this activity can be a work of art, an architectural work, a design work and a work in the field of restoration. but also a set of texts or methodologies. Through the methods of artistic research, the student is able to discover completely new knowledge and connections, which he can use for innovations in the field of art, education, creative industry, communal development or work with the public. During his studies, the doctoral student cultivates not only his artistic but also pedagogical skills through the management of professional subjects, courses and workshops, and as a member of research teams he also participates in research tasks within the framework of domestic and foreign grants. She presents her research results at national and international events and participates in mobility programs where she strengthens her communication and presentation skills in a foreign language. The graduate is able to study independently and acquire professional knowledge from the studied field as a basis for his own artistic research. Can choose and justify appropriate research methods and connect theoretical analyzes with practical procedures with the search for visual strategies with an emphasis on innovative and experimental approaches and creative activity so that the research itself and its outputs are an original contribution to the current state of knowledge in the field and expand its boundaries . He is aware of the ethical dimension of his own work and its impact on society and the environment. He is able to solve the most demanding tasks and reflect on the discussed current topics. He is able to participate in the formation of new trends and concepts in the field of art, independently search for and address suitable partners for research tasks in a national and international environment, who can be experts in the visual arts, but also in other scientific disciplines, which supports the interdisciplinary nature of research and generates new thinking and innovative solutions when implementing an art, design, architectural or restoration project. He can independently present and argue the results of research to the professional community in a national and international environment, and in a wider context he is able to perceive the importance of cultural policy and actively participate in the formation of its strategies.

b) - The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.

A graduate of the third stage of study of the Fine Arts study program is ready to act as an autonomous creator in artistic practice, while the outputs of his research reach a significant national and international level; apply as a leader or member of national and international artistic collectives, design and architectural studios and collectives of restorers; member of national and international multidisciplinary research and creative teams, in which the input of the principles and methods of artistic research in the solution of research and creative projects is desirable; educator in an academic environment; professional worker or consultant in organizations, institutions or private companies interested in using the methods and outputs of artistic research; leader or member of collectives in a wide range of activities within the creative industries;

c) - Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favorable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

The fine arts study program in the doctoral degree is not linked to a regulated profession.

3. - Employability
a) - Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability.

AFAD has prepared a system structure according to which it will accumulate and monitor data and evaluation reports on the applicability of graduates:

- Survey for graduates (work in the field, field, form). The survey is created and monitored by the Academic Senate of AFAD. In addition, the AFAD Support and Counseling Center cooperates in the survey.

- Visibility monitoring (exhibition, reviews, professional and public media of graduates as well as students). (Monitored by the Quality Office.)

 - Statistical information from employment offices. (Monitored by the Quality Office.) - Information from relevant institutions and external experts (e.g. Slovak Design Center, Slovak National Gallery, Kunsthalle, design (automotive), architectural research and development companies operating internationally, international festivals, national, city, regional galleries and other cultural institutions (Monitored by the Quality Office.)

-Discussions with graduates (Monitored by the Quality Office.)

- Monitoring of graduate activities. (Monitored by the Quality Office.)

b) - If applicable, indicate the successful graduates of the study programme.

doc. Dipl. Des. Zuzana Šebeková, ArtD.

Mgr. art. Viera Devečková, ArtD.

doc. Mgr. art. Olja Triaška Stefanović, ArtD.

Mgr. art. Seija-Maija Laurinen-Czinege, ArtD.

Mgr. art. Miroslav Trubač, ArtD.

Mgr. art. Dominik Hlinka, ArtD.

akad. mal. Ľuba Wehlend, ArtD.

Mgr. art. Beáta Gerbocová, ArtD.

Mgr. art. Žofia Babčanová, ArtD.

Mgr. art. Michal Tornyai, ArtD.

Dipl. Des. Klemens Rossnagel, ArtD. šéf Audi Design Research

doc. Mgr. art. Pavol Bálik, ArtD.

Mag. arch. Kristína Gumulák Rypáková, ArtD.

Ing. arch. Jakub Kopec, ArtD.

c) - Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback).

At this point, we do not present feedback from employers, as employer representatives are members of the AFAD Accreditation Board.

4. - Structure and content of the study programme
a) - The institution describes the rules for the design of study plans within the study programme.

The university will describe the rules for creating study plans in the study program. The study plan of the study program at the doctoral degree is developed by a group of pedagogues of the study program on the basis of joint working meetings, which are preceded by discussions with other adviser, consultant advisors and other pedagogues who participate in teaching in the given study program. Representatives of the student part of the academic community of doctoral studies can also be part of working meetings. The proposal of the study plan is submitted by the main supervising pedagogue or the designated pedagogue of the study program for discussion and approval to the Trade Union Commission of AFAD, where there are also representatives from the external environment. The main pedagogue in charge of the study program will consider incorporating the comments of the Trade Union Council and then submit the study plan as part of the study program description to other study program approval processes within the internal system of ensuring the quality of education at AFAD, namely the AFAD Program Board and the AFAD Accreditation Board.

b) - The institution compiles the recommended study plans for individual study paths.

In the Fine Arts study program in the doctoral degree of study in an external form, the study plans are built on three basic parts/modules. The study consists of a study part (study module of compulsory subjects), an artistic and scientific-research part (artistic and scientific-research module), a pedagogical part (pedagogical module). The three basic modules are supplemented by a group of optional subjects. The study module of the doctoral studies consists of compulsory subjects built on the form of seminars, colloquiums, individual consultations with co-tutor and advisor-consultant, which include individual study of professional literature. The composition of the study module is structured in such a way as to cover all areas that are essential for acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and competences of a doctoral student. The subject "Doctoral consultations I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII" takes place in the form of regular consultations of the doctoral thesis with a supervisor and a consultant supervisor. The doctoral student acquires the ability to discuss, argue, connect the context of practical work with theoretical and historical reflection. It encourages the creation of an author's clearly formulated work output. "Artistic research - practice I, II, III" focuses on testing and comparing one's own procedures and strategies of artistic creation with the procedures of other relevant artists and checking their results. "Methodology of writing the written part of the dissertation" familiarizes students with the basic rules and procedures that lead to successful completion of the written part of the dissertation. "Colloquium I, II" is a presentation of the work in progress of the dissertation in front of members of the trade union council, supervising teachers, advisors, consultant advicors and experts from practice and academia from the domestic and international context. It is a critical examination of the research potential, methods and progress of the given project. Students deepen their presentation and argumentation skills and receive valuable feedback on the partial results of their research. "Dissertation examination" is a state examination where the doctoral student presents the elaboration of the artistic (practical) and first part of the written part of the dissertation and in the form of a debate is to demonstrate theoretical knowledge from the three areas of the studied discipline, which are formulated in the individual study plan of the doctoral student and approved by the supervisor and the supervisor's consultant trade union commission. Dissertation" is a defense of the final thesis. More information in the ILP of subjects and in the study plan of Guide:


The artistic-scientific module of the doctoral study consists of individual or team artistic, scientific, publication, grant and other research work of the doctoral student, which is related to the topic of the dissertation. The doctoral student is expected to be active on the contemporary art scene and to confront the results of his research in practice through his participation in domestic and foreign exhibitions, conferences and other professional events. He can become a member of the decision-making teams of research and non-research projects implemented at AFAD (Especially KEGA, VEGA, APVV, FPU...), or use the possibilities of artistic residencies, work internships and mobility.

The artistic research of the doctoral studies is professionally guaranteed by the supervisor, but he also evaluates it and assigns it a credit rating according to the valid study plans. More info in the curriculum table. The pedagogical module contains opportunities for direct pedagogical activity within the lower levels of study at AFAD or within partner schools abroad. Part of the pedagogical activity is also other professional pedagogical activity such as opposing semester theses or final theses, organizing exhibitions, workshops and conferences connected to the pedagogical activity of the doctoral student. Elective subjects can be chosen by the student from the offer of doctoral study elective subjects at AFAD. Some key theoretical subjects of the master's degree are also included in the course offer. If the student did not complete the given subject during his master's studies, he can choose the given subject to expand his theoretical knowledge. The choice of subjects from other universities is also supported, especially for the expansion of knowledge within the discipline, which the doctoral student can use in the artistic research itself. Doctoral studies take place under the supervision of a supervisor and a trade union committee. The details of the course of study and the completion of individual study units (subjects) are regulated by the Individual Study Plan, which is drawn up by the supervisor in cooperation with the consultant supervisor and doctoral student based on the terms of the curriculum. The individual study plan is submitted for comments and approval to the relevant trade union committee. Fulfillment of the Individual Study Plan is assessed and evaluated by the advisor and the consultant advisor in the annual evaluation of the doctoral student, while the doctoral student must complete the study module and the evaluation of the artistic-scientific module and the pedagogical module is also part of it. An important part of the study is the presentation, confrontation and discussions of all doctoral students of the given year with supervisors and consultant supervisors, members of union commissions and invited guests from the academic environment of partner schools and possibly also their doctoral students at colloquiums, which at the same time provide an evaluation and comparison platform of the level of development of artistic research.

c) - The study plan generally states:

-        individual parts of the study program (modules, subjects and other relevant school and extracurricular activities, provided that they contribute to the achievement of the desired educational outcomes and bring credits) in the structure of compulsory, compulsory optional and optional subjects,

-        Listed in the attached appendix - a table of the curriculum from Guide

-        in the study program, the profile subjects of the respective course of study (specializations) are indicated,


Listed in the attached appendix - a table of the curriculum from Guide.


- for each educational part/subject, it defines the educational outcomes and the related criteria and rules for their evaluation so that all the educational objectives of the study program are met (they can only be listed in the Information Sheets of the subjects in the Education Results section and in the Subject Completion Conditions section),

Listed in ILP

- prerequisites, co-requisites and recommendations when creating a study plan,

Listed in ILP

for each educational part of the study plan/subject, it determines the educational activities used (lecture, seminar, exercise, final thesis, project work, laboratory work, internship, excursion, field practicum, professional practice, state examination and others, or their combinations) suitable for achieving educational outcomes,

Listed in the ILP and in the attached appendix - a table of the curriculum from Guide.

- methods by which the educational activity is carried out - face-to-face, distance learning, combined (in accordance with the Subject Information Sheets),

Listed in ILP

- subject outline/syllabi, [1]

Listed in ILP

- student workload ("scope" for individual subjects and educational activities separately),[2]

Listed in the ILP and in the attached appendix - a table of the curriculum from Guide.

- credits allocated to each part based on the educational outcomes achieved and the related workload,

Listed in the ILP and in the attached appendix - a table of the curriculum from Guide.

- the person securing the subject (or partner organization and person) with contact details,[3]

Listed in the ILP and in the attached appendix - a table of the curriculum from Guide.

- teachers of the subject (or participating partner organizations and persons) (can also be listed in the IL of the subjects),

Listed in the ILP and in the attached appendix - a table of the curriculum from Guide.

- place of the subject (if the study program is carried out at several workplaces).

Realization of subjects:

building of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, Drotárska cesta 44

building of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18

building of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, Koceľova 23

[1] During the assessment, the teachers providing the subject will allow the working group access to the study materials of the subject and the content of individual educational activities. 

[2] We recommend reporting the workload related to both contact and non-contact teaching in accordance with the ECTS Users' Guide 2015.

[3] For example when ensuring professional practice or other educational activity carried out outside the university.

d) - The institution states the number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies and other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study.
For the entire course, the student must obtain a minimum of 180 credits (ECTS), including credits for the dissertation examination of 20 credits (ECTS) and the defense of the dissertation 30 credits (ECTS). The student must complete the prescribed compulsory subjects of the study module for 72 ECTS: Methodology of writing the written part of the dissertation, Artistic research - practice I, II, III, Artistic research – theory I, II, III, Colloquium I, II, Doctoral consultations I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII Within the art-science module, he must obtain at least 48 credits during his studies, and for the pedagogical module he must obtain at least 10 credits during his studies. In one semester, he should optimally complete so many subjects to reach 30 credits. In each academic year of study, the student is obliged to enroll and successfully complete courses in the sum of at least 40 credits (ECTS), except for: a) the last academic year of study, b) the academic year, in which he is only supposed to take the state exam and/or the defense of the diploma thesis, c) of the case when he enrolls for studies starting from the summer semester of the relevant academic year. d) Other rules are published in the AFAD Study Regulations: Rules for repeating studies and rules for extending, interrupting studies: website:
e) - For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:

For individual study plans, the university will state the conditions for completing individual parts of the study program and the student's progress in the study program in the structure: the number of credits for compulsory subjects required for the proper completion of the study/completion of part of the study, Prescribed compulsory subjects of the study module for 72 ECTS. Within the art-science module, he must obtain at least 48 credits during his studies, and for the pedagogical module he must obtain at least 10 credits during his studies.

-  the number of credits for compulsory optional subjects required for the proper completion of the study/completion of part of the study, curriculum table from Guide.

-  the number of credits for optional subjects required for the proper completion of the study/completion of part of the study, table of the curriculum from Guide.

-  the number of credits for the final thesis and the defense of the final thesis required for the proper completion of the studies, 20 credits for the dissertation exam (ECTS) and 30 credits (ECTS) for the dissertation defense.

-  the number of credits required for the proper completion of the studies/completion of the part of the study for artistic performances, except for the final work in art study programs. Within the art-science module, he must acquire at least 48 credits during his studies For the dissertation exam 20 credits (ECTS) and the defense of the dissertation 30 credits (ECTS), which include a practical part as an artistic performance.

f) - The institution describes the rules for verification of learning outcomes, students assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment.

Rules for verification of educational outcomes: The decisive verification tool of the educational results is the mandatory presentation of the partial results of the doctoral student's artistic research within Colloquium I and II, evaluation at the committee level (the committee consists of members of the Departmental Committee, pedagogues of the Fine Arts study program, pedagogues from the Department of Theory and History of Art and is expanded to include experts from an external environment). The trade council (members are also experts from the external environment) approves the annual evaluations of doctoral students, which include verbal evaluations of advisor, an overview of completion of the artistic-scientific and pedagogic module. The results of the elaboration of the artistic research within the dissertation are publicly presented at the dissertation exam, just like in the activities of the art-science module, and the defense of the dissertation is also a condition of public presentation and confrontation in an external environment.

The rules are published:

g) - Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies.

A student can apply for the recognition of subjects he completed in another study program at another university. Subjects completed at another university are recognized by AFAD for the student on the basis of a statement of study results prepared for the student by the given university and by submitting an application on the prescribed form of AFAD (exact instructions are included in the given form Application for recognition of subjects). Recognition of subjects is bound for a period of 5 years from their completion. The recognition of subjects is assessed by the teaching pedagogue or the main supervisor of the Fine Arts study program, who ensures its teaching on the basis of a statement of study results and a comparison of the ILP or otherwise described educational content of the given subject. Based on the draft of the main ensuring study program, the vice-rector for studies recognizes completed subjects. As a rule, courses with an E grade are also not recognized. The statement of study results and the decision on the recognition of courses becomes part of the student's personal study documentation, maintained by AFAD.

h) - The institution states the topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list).

The list of theses is in the AIS database.

i) - The institution describes or refers to:

The university will describe or refer to:

- rules for submitting, processing, opposing, defending and evaluating final theses in the study program, within the doctoral studies, applicants apply for admission interviews with an annotation of the doctoral project, on a specific topic written by the supervisor and consultant supervisor. During the entire study, the doctoral student must work on a given topic, which culminates in the defense of the dissertation,

- possibilities and procedures for participating in student mobility,

- rules for observing academic ethics and drawing consequences,

- procedures applicable to students with special needs,

 - procedures for submission of initiatives and appeals by the student. Students can submit initiatives and appeals of various kinds in writing, by post, by e-mail or through physical mailboxes in the school buildings:

– through the Support and Counseling Center for AFAD students, which, based on a specific initiative or appeal, forwards the initiative to the Ethics Committee of AFAD or the Commission for Study Affairs AFAD or the vice-rector for studies.

– through the study officer, who will forward it to the vice-rector for studies.

- directly to the members (pedagogical or student representatives) of the Commission for Study Affairs AFAD, who, based on a specific initiative or appeal, will decide on the method of resolution.

- directly to the members of the Ethics Committee of AFAD, who decide on the method of resolution based on a specific initiative or appeal. In the specific resolution of the initiative and appeal, joint resolution of all the named components or their representatives is not excluded.

5. - Course information sheets of the study programme
In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll.

Separate attachment.

6. - Current academic year plan and current schedule
(or hyperlink).

The current schedule of the academic year is determined by the AFAD rector after consultation with the AFAD vice-chancellors no later than June 30 of the current year (AFAD Academic Regulations, Article 7, Point 5). The academic calendar is published on the AFAD website, in the study guide - BEDEKER, in the Academic Information System - AiS. Students are also informed about the academic calendar and the current schedule and their publication or update through emails, Instagram and Facebook.

7. - Persons responsible for the study programme
a) - A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details).

Kvasnica Boris, prof., Position: professor, head of studio

Specialization on restoration Studio of restoration of works of art on paper and other media

Profile subjects - supervisors of doctoral studies:

PhD consultations,

Artistic research – practice

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Other teachers providing the study program:

Piaček, Martin, ArtD. doc., Mgr. art.

Position: docent

Specialization visual arts Studio vvv (visual, verbal, public)

Profile subjects - supervisors of doctoral studies:

PhD consultations,

Artistic research – practice

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the register of university employees:


Hojstričová Jana, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: docent

Specialization fine art Studio photography, reality, construction

Profile subjects - supervisors of doctoral studies:

PhD consultations,

Artistic research - practice

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Klein Štefan, prof., Ing. Acad. sculpture.

Function: professor

Specialization design Studio transport design

Profile subjects - supervisors of doctoral studies:

PhD consultations,

Artistic research - practice

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Halada, Vít, doc. Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: docent, head of the studio

Specialization architectural creation Studio of Architecture II

Profile subjects - supervisors of doctoral studies:

PhD consultations,

Artistic research – practice

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:

b) - List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (they may also be listed in the study plan).

Profile subjects - supervisors of doctoral studies:

PhD consultations,

Artistic research - practice

Hájek, Petr, prof. Ing. Mgr. Acad. arch.

Position: professor, head of department

Specialization architectural creation Studio Virtual studio

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:

Halada, Vít, doc. Mgr. art., ArtD.

 Position: docent, head of the studio

 Specialization architectural creation Studio of Architecture II

E-mail address:

 Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Studený, Ján, doc. Ing. Acad. arch. Mgr. PhD.

Position: docent, head of the studio

Specialization architectural creation Studio of architecture III A3

E-mail address:

 Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Shawkat, Sabah, Assoc., Ing., PhD.

 E-mail address:

 Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


doc. Mgr. art. András Cséfalvay, ArtD.

Position: docent

Specialization fine art digital art Studio Guide to the Galaxy

 E-mail address:

Register of university employees:


Jokelová Sylvia, doc., Mgr. art.

Position: docent, vice-rector for grant and project activities

 Design specialization Studio of experimental design

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Klein Štefan, prof., Ing. Acad. sculpture.

 Function: professor

Specialization design Studio transport design

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Chrenka Ferdinand, doc., Acad. sculpture.

 Position: docent

Design specialization Industrial design studio

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Debnár Miroslav, doc., Mgr.

Position: docent, head of the Department of Design

Specialization design Interior design studio

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Stefanović, Triaška, Olja, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

 Position: docent

Specialization fine art Studio photography and critical practice

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Stacho, Ľubomír, prof., Mgr. Ing.

Function: professor

 Specialization fine art Studio - Laboratory of photography

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Hojstričová Jana, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: docent

Specialization fine art Studio photography, reality, construction

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Saparová, Silvia, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: docent

Specialization fine art

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Jančovič, Robert, prof.,

 Function: professor

Specialization in visual arts.

Studio of free graphics

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Palo, Ľuboslav, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: docent

Specialization fine art Studio of illustration and graphics

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Kolenčík, Vojtech, doc., acad. painter.

Position: docent

 Specialization fine art Studio of free and color graphics

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Makar Róbert, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: docent Specialization fine art

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Čierny, Anton, prof., Mgr. art.

Function: professor

Specialization visual arts Spatial communication studio +

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the register of university employees:


Kovačovský, Patrik, prof. dr. hab, Mgr. art.

Function: professor

 Specialization fine art Sculpture in 3D virtual space and architecture

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the register of university employees:

Piaček, Martin, ArtD. doc., Mgr. art.

 Position: docent

Specialization visual arts Studio vvv (visual, verbal, public)

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the register of university employees:

Csudai, Ivan, prof. Acad. painter.

Function: professor

Specialization fine art Studio - Fourth studio

E-mail address:

 Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Kosziba, Klaudia, doc., Mgr. art. , ArtD.

Position: docent, head of department

Specialization visual arts Atelier of painting

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Vargová Emőke, doc. Mgr.

Position: docent

 Specialization: fine art

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:

Kvasnica Boris, prof., acad. painter

Position: professor, head of studio

Specialization in restoration. Studio of restoration of works of art on paper and other media

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Gabriel Strassner, doc. Mgr. art.

Position: docent, head of the studio

Specialization in restoration. Studio of restoration of stone sculptures and stone elements of architecture

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Jana Karpjaková Balážiková, doc. Mgr. art.

 Position: docent, head of the studio

Specialization restoration; Studio of restoration of wooden sculpture

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Sylvia Birkušová, doc. Mgr. art.

Position: docent, head of the studio

Specialization in restoration Textile restoration studio

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Janka Blaško Križanová, doc. Mgr. art., ArtD.

 Position: docent, head of the studio

 Specialization in restoration; Photo restoration studio

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Sabová, Júlia, prof., acad. painter.

Position: professor, head of the department, head of the Clothing Design Studio

Specialization design Clothing design studio

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Cepková, Blanka, doc., MA

Position: docent, head of the Studio of Textile Creation in Space Design

 specialization Studio of textile creation in space

E-mail address:

 Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Fulková, Mária, doc., MA

Position: docent, head of the Textile Design Studio

Specialization design Textile design studio

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Šebeková, Zuzana, doc., Dipl. des., ArtD.

Position: docent

 Specialization design

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


prof. Karol Weisslechner acad. arch.

Function: professor, head of the department, head of the studio

Specialization fine arts ATELIER S+M+L_XL – METAL AND JEWELRY

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


doc. Mgr. art. Patrik Illo

Position: docent, head of the GLASS STUDIO,

Specialization fine art Studio Glass

 E-mail address:

 Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


doc. MgA. Daniel Piršč

Position: docent, head of the Ceramics studio,

Specialization fine arts Ceramics studio

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:

doc. Mgr. Palo Macho

Position: docent, head of the preparatory course of the SKLO studio

Specialization fine art Preparatory course Atelier GLASS

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Stankoci Stanislav, prof., acad. painter.

Specialization design Atelier Identity

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Benčík Marcel, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: docent, vice-rector for international cooperation

Specialization design Studio Space

E-mail address:

 Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Bálik Pavol, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

Position: docent, head of Atelier Typo Design

 specialization Atelier TypoLab

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


doc. Mgr. art. Ján Šicko, ArtD.

Position: docent

Specialization design Studio Multimedia

E-mail address:

 Register of university employees:


Pedagogical advisors, consultants for the written part of the dissertation examination Doctoral consultations:

Zervan, Marián, prof., PhDr., PhD.

Function: professor

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Mitášová, Monika, prof. Ing. arch., PhD.

Position: professor

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Kolesár, Zdenko, prof., PhDr., PhD.

Position: Professor

E-mail address:

 Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Grúň, Daniel, doc., Mgr., PhD.

 Position: docent

E-mail address:

 Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Koklesová, Bohunka, doc., Mgr., PhD.

 position: docent

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Hodasová, Barbora, Mgr., Mgr. art., PhD.

Function: functional position of docent


Hyperlink to record a person in the register of university employees:


Tkáčik, Ladislav, doc. Mgr. , PhD.

position: docent

Research Center - Visual Studies Section



Kralovič, Ján, Mgr., PhD.

Position: assistant professor

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Lacko, Norbert, M.Sc., PhD.

Position: assistant professor

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Jablonská, Beata, Mgr., PhD.

Position: assistant professor

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Seneši Lutherová, Silvia Mgr., PhD.

Position: assistant professor

e-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Kančevová, Naďa, Mgr., PhD.

Position: Assistant Professor

E-mail address:

 Hyperlink to record a person in the register of university employees:


Karul, Róbert, M.Sc., PhD.

Function: external teacher

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:

c) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme.

 Separate attachment.

d) - List of teachers of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (may be a part of the study plan).

Pedagogues of compulsory subjects and optional subjects, the exact description of the subject in the curriculum table.

Zervan, Marián, prof., PhDr., PhD.

Function: professor

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Mitášová, Monika, prof. Ing. arch., PhD.

Position: professor

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Kolesár, Zdenko, prof., PhDr., PhD.

Position: Professor

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Grúň, Daniel, doc., Mgr., PhD.

Position: docent

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Koklesová, Bohunka, doc., Mgr., PhD.

position: docent

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Hodasová, Barbora, Mgr., Mgr. art., PhD.

Function: functional position of docent


Hyperlink to record a person in the register of university employees:


Tkáčik, Ladislav, doc. Mgr., PhD.

position: docent

Research Center - Visual Studies Section


Hyperlink to record a person in the register of university employees:


Kralovič, Ján, Mgr., PhD.

Position: assistant professor

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Lacko, Norbert, M.Sc., PhD.

Position: assistant professor

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Jablonská, Beata, Mgr., PhD.

Position: assistant professor

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Seneši Lutherová, Silvia Mgr., PhD.

 Position: assistant professor

 e-mail address:

 Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Kančevová, Naďa, Mgr., PhD.

Position: Assistant Professor

 E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the register of university employees:


Karul, Róbert, M.Sc., PhD.

Function: external teacher

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:


Dobrovičová, Monika, PaedDr. Mgr., PhD.

Position: Assistant Professor

E-mail address:

Hyperlink to record a person in the Register of University Employees:

e) - List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details).

The list is identical to the list of advisers:

Hájek, Petr, prof. Ing. Mgr. Acad. arch. E-mail address:

Halada, Vít, doc. Mgr. art., ArtD. E-mail address:

Studený, Ján, doc. Ing. Acad. arch. Mgr. PhD. E-mail address:

 Shawkat, Sabah, Assoc., Ing., PhD. E-mail address:

doc. Mgr. art. András Cséfalvay, ArtD. E-mail address:

Jokelová Sylvia, doc., Mgr. art. E-mail address:

Klein Štefan, prof., Ing. Acad. sculpture. E-mail address:

Chrenka Ferdinand, doc. , Acad. sculpture. E-mail address:

Debnár Miroslav, doc., Mgr. E-mail address:

 Stefanović, Triaška, Olja, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD. E-mail address:

Stacho, Ľubomír, prof., Mgr. Ing. E-mail address:

Hojstričová Jana, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD. E-mail address:

 Saparová, Silvia, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD. E-mail address:

 Jančovič, Robert, prof., acad. he had. E-mail address:

 Palo, Ľuboslav, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD. E-mail address:

Kolenčík, Vojtech, doc., acad. he had. E-mail address:

Makar Róbert, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD. E-mail address:

Čierny, Anton, prof., Mgr. art. E-mail address:

Kovačovský, Patrik, prof. dr. hab, Mgr. art. E-mail address:

 Piaček, Martin, ArtD. doc., Mgr. art. E-mail address:

Csudai, Ivan, prof. Acad. he had. E-mail address:

Kosziba, Klaudia, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD. E-mail address:

 Vargová Emőke, doc. Mgr. E-mail address:

 Kvasnica Boris, prof., acad. he had. E-mail address:

Gabriel Strassner, doc. Mgr. art. E-mail address:

Jana Karpjaková Balážiková, doc. Mgr. art. E-mail address:

Sylvia Birkušová, doc. Mgr. art. E-mail address:

Janka Blaško Križanová, doc. Mgr. art., ArtD. E-mail address:

 Sabová, Júlia, prof., acad. he had. E-mail address:

 Cepková, Blanka, doc., MA E-mail address:

 Fulková, Mária, doc., MA E-mail address:

Šebeková, Zuzana, doc., Dipl. des., ArtD. E-mail address:

 Prof. Karol Weisslechner acad. arch. E-mail address:

 Doc. Mgr. art. Patrik Illo E-mail address:

Doc. MgA. Daniel Piršč E-mail address: piršč

Doc. Mgr. Palo Macho E-mail address:

Stankoci Stanislav, prof., acad. he had. E-mail address:

 Benčík Marcel, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD. E-mail address:

 Bálik Pavol, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD. E-mail address: doc.

Mgr. art. Ján Šicko, ArtD. E-mail address:

f) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors of final theses.

Separate attachment.

g) - Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme (name and contact details).

Mgr. art. Ema Lančaričová

h) - Study advisor of the study programme (indicating contact details and information on the access to counseling and on the schedule of consultations).

Hojstričová Jana, doc., Mgr. art., ArtD.

E-mail address:

i) - Other supporting staff of the study programme – assigned study officer, career counselor, administration, accommodation department, etc. (with contact details).

Anna Valentínyová

Doctoral studies

E-mail address:


Kozáková, Sylvia, Ing.

AiS administrator

E-mail address:


Jančařík, Tomáš, Mgr. art.

Career counselor

E-mail address:


Šarkan, Martin, M.Sc., PhD.

Psychological counselor

E-mail address:

8. - Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a) - List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centers, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).

Students have access to spaces and equipment throughout the school that they can use depending on the nature of their dissertation project. Consultations with the supervisor and consultant supervisor as well as own research and the realization of the dissertation project usually take place in studios and workshops. They also serve other students at lower levels of study.


The studios are equipped with computers, presentation technology and WIFI connection as standard. Further equipment of the studios depends on their focus (inventory lists will be available and for inspection by the accreditation committee during a physical visit to the school).


 Workshops and laboratories (connected with storage areas) form a technological background where doctoral students can implement their dissertation projects independently or with the help of professional workshop workers. The following workshops are available and laboratories: Foundry, plastering workshop, carving workshop, molding workshop for metal casting, carpentry workshop, metal workshop, screen printing workshop, printing workshop, etching workshop, photo chambers, photographic studio, plaster workshop, glass modeling workshop, smelter, editing classroom (cutting room), technology workshop paintings, modeling workshop, Laboratory of digital technologies of the Department of Design (5-axis and 3-axis CNC milling machine, 3D printers, workshop for vacuum casting of plastics, laser cutting, CNC cutting of polystyrene, 3D scanning), sewing workshop, knitting workshop, weaving workshop, tufting workshop, digital cutting workshop, digital large format printing, digital embroidery workshop, specialized restoration laboratories.


Lecture and seminar rooms and classrooms – Digital classroom equipped with relevant technological equipment, lecture rooms (5 + 5) equipped with projection technology, WIFI connection, projection screen and computer. Doctoral students take compulsory theoretical subjects and optional theoretical subjects here.


Material resources: The school provides the basic material resources of the study program. Paper, wood, plaster, clay, basic chemicals for the photo chamber, graphic printing and the like are available to students. The student pays for the consumables necessary for the realization of the dissertation project from his own resources, or from grant and research projects.

b) - Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).

• Academic library and related reference libraries at workplaces, electronic library databases, online catalogs of books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, e-books, e-journals and access to important databases of world galleries and universities, general portals and databases:


For example,, SpringerLink, Slovak National Bibliography For example, the Metropolitan Museum in New York, University of Cambridge For example, minedu, EU, Slov-lex


• Free internet connection – wi-fi in all school buildings (Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Drotárska cesta 44, Koceľova 23 and the Communication and Visualization Learning Center in Kremnica)


• AiS (Academic Information System), which contains:

ILP – subject information sheets


 Study plan of the study program

 All internal regulations and all internal letters related to the organization of the study


• Distance learning tools: MS Teams (used for distance learning and communication), e-mail


• Information channels: Web, school emails, Instagram, Facebook

c) - Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.

The form and method of study is defined in the AFAD Study Regulations The AFAD mostly uses a combined method of teaching, which is indicated in the ILP (Course Information Sheets), even if the teaching takes place entirely by distance learning. When changing the method of teaching a subject, its progress is discussed in advance with the pedagogue in charge of the study program and then with the vice-rector for studies at a predetermined time (usually May-June of the previous academic year when the study plan and content of individual ILPs are checked for the next academic year). Complete distance education at AFAD is implemented by order of the rector, especially in extraordinary situations (for example, when a state of emergency is declared).

d) - Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

The given study program is defined as an academically oriented type of study, but AFAD has created a mechanism for work placements and additional work placements, where it cooperates with various types of institutions and companies in the domestic and foreign external environment. In addition to permanent partners, cooperation with other partners is currently being approved. Procedures are published on the school's website and study guide (bedeker).

e) - Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

For cultural and social events on the AFAD grounds, the school gallerie Médium and other independent gallery space and public external spaces of the school are used. The gallery spaces are primarily used for exhibition activities by the school's students and teachers, and at the same time serve as a communication space for organizing various types of lectures and discussions, which are also accessible to the general public, or other social activities of teachers, students, doctoral students, employees, as well as graduates of the school. As part of the open-call mechanism, the gallery spaces of the school also present exhibition projects of our partners from abroad, or the results of our international cooperation. As part of the international cooperation, projects of international significance are periodically prepared (for example, Spark the Meeting, Poster Triennial, White Night, etc.). Another important facility of AFAD is the Teaching Center for Communication and Visualization in Kremnica, which the school uses for creative workshops and block teaching process. The teaching center has accommodation facilities, lecture rooms, equipment with digital technologies and material facilities. The facility is intensively used for workshops, conferences, seminars and meetings with foreign partner educational institutions and supports internationalization, interaction and joint concentrated creative activity. Thanks to its advantageous geographical location, the training center is used for year-round sports activities in nature as part of creative stays.

f) - Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.
9. - Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a) - Required abilities and necessary admission requirements.
c) - Results of the admission process over the last period.

Academic year 2021/2022 4 applicants and 3 accepted. Additional statistics are available in AIS.

10. - Feedback on the quality of provided education
11. - References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student
(e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.).

All current internal regulations of VŠVU

Study Regulations: published in AIS Study Regulations

AFAD Study Regulations as amended by Addendum no. 1.PDF, 291 KB VP 1/2020 Addendum no. 2 to the Study Regulations PDF, 209 KB

Internal regulation regulating in more detail some issues related to the organization of doctoral studies at the Academy of Fine Arts


Internal regulation on the admission procedure at the University of Fine Arts: -vu.pdf


Internal letter on the completion of the doctoral studies (which, after being updated in a given academic year, is published in AIS and at the same time sent via e-mail to students of the final year.)


Rules for approving supervisors in doctoral study programs at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava  

Internal regulation 3/2020, Rector's directive to ensure a generally accessible environment for students with specific needs:

Disciplinary rules for students of the University of Fine Arts in Bratislava: published in AIS


Internal regulations on tuition and fees:


Code of Ethics:


Internal regulation of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava no. 5/2017 (Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of VŠVU):


Principles of the selection procedure at VŠVU:


Internal regulations and information on the realization of VŠVU foreign mobilities:


Information regarding study and study organization: ECTS handbook:


Study organization: