Study programme | DPSUm.18 - History and Praxis of the Contemporary Art |
Study | Grade of study - II. - master, study form - full time, study type - Single degree study |
Document type: | Description of the study programme |
The name of the university | Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava |
The seat of the university | Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, 814 37 Bratislava |
No joint study programme.
The two-year full-time master's programme responds to the dynamic changes and new global challenges facing contemporary art in the 21st century. We perceive contemporary art from a historical perspective with regard to the discontinuity of the history of art in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as from the point of view of current methodologies. Our goal is to stimulate the exploration of art in dialogue with new media theory, critical theory, geopolitics, anthropology. The study responds to the stimuli brought by the creation and transformation of art institutions - galleries, museums and the art market, and the related demand for educated and well-informed experts. At the same time, we fill gaps in the gaps of higher education in this area and aim to train graduates prepared for the practice of contemporary art, design and architecture. The programme enables students to develop a profile that results from the specific environment and variety of studio practice at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. In addition to thematically focused courses on interpretation strategies in the field of contemporary visual art, design and architecture, issues of Slovak visual art, seminars in the field of aesthetics and philosophy, we offer the possibility of gaining practical experience in the field of curating, reviewing and reflecting on contemporary art. The programme is intended for those students of humanities who wish to deepen their theoretical and practical skills in broad-spectrum work with contemporary art. We emphasize critical thinking, communication skills in working with the public, improvement of verbal and written expression, empathy, sensitivity and passion for art as a tool for social change. The courses are conducted under the guidance of renowned experts, in a creative environment alongside artists active on the local and international scene. With regard to the personal profile of graduates, we offer a wide range of optional subjects, which are provided not only by teachers of the Department of Theory and History of Art, but also by external experts from practice. In addition, students have the opportunity to choose studio practice at the department that corresponds to their professional focus, or they can choose a subject at one of the related faculties (FF VŠMU, FiF UK). The first year of the master's degree is devoted to orientation in the interpretive contexts of contemporary art, design and architecture, thematic and problematic areas of fine art in Slovakia, art criticism and theory, and curatorial studies. In the second year of study, practice-oriented subjects predominate, and students have the opportunity to choose a composition of courses in such a way as to direct them to resolving an individual thesis assignment.
Graduates of the study programme are led to critical attitudes towards social issues of contemporary culture. With their civic attitude, they actively contribute to the protection of cultural heritage and the environment not only for themselves, but also for future generations. Graduates understand the idea of citizenship, democracy, social justice, foreign cultures, the rights of other persons, different cultural needs and values. In connection with this, they are ready to explore and deepen their knowledge of the chosen field of art on which they focus. They can critically perceive the functioning of cultural institutions, self-governments and the state. Graduates can analyze the causes and consequences of regional and global problems. The specific contribution of graduates of the AFAD is connecting the theory and history of art to practical cooperation within the framework of education in the fields of fine arts. This establishment of cooperation together with a theoretical and historical perspective leads graduates to deepen the critical reflection of visual aspects of public and media space. Graduates can independently evaluate the role of art in the media and in society, including internet platforms and social networks. They know how to responsibly and on the basis of their qualifications co-create this environment in accordance with relevant international obligations and national legislation.
Graduates of the study programme are prepared to work in institutions whose focus is the presentation of contemporary visual culture and art - galleries, museums and the art market at the national, regional, non-governmental and private levels. The programme trains graduates prepared for the exhibition practice of contemporary art, design and architecture, and at the same time enables graduates to specialise, which results from the specific environment and variety of studio practice at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. The acquired qualification enables graduates to apply in professions such as curator, mediator, organiser, editor, teacher or researcher in the field.
Mandatory only for regulated professions. The History and Praxis of Contemporary Art study programme is not a programme requiring the conditions of a regulated profession.
History and Praxis of Contemporary Art is a study programme in which the AFAD has prepared a structure according to which it will gather and monitor data and evaluation reports on the employability of future graduates:
a. Survey for graduates (work in the field, area, form). The survey is created and monitored by the Academic Senate of the AFAD.
b. Visibility monitoring (exhibition, reviews, professional and public media of graduates, as well as students). (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)
c. Statistical information from the offices of labour. (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)
d. Information from relevant institutions and external experts (Monitored by the Office for Quality.)
In the academic year 2019/2020, the first 3 graduates completed the study programme. From their current activities, we get the impression that they have employed themselves in the field and are actively participating in the creation and critical evaluation of the art scene and cultural environment. Upon request, the AFAD will submit to the reviewers the outputs of successful graduates, whose outputs are regularly monitored by the AFAD through media monitoring (TASR) and on the basis of its own monitoring through the Office for Quality of the AFAD.
At this point, we do not present feedback from employers, as employer representatives are members of the AFAD Accreditation Board.
The study plan of the History and Praxis of Contemporary Art study programme is developed by the main responsible teacher of the study programme: on the basis of group working meetings with the teachers of the given study programme (Prof. PhDr. Marián Zervan CSc., Prof. PhDr. Zdenko Kolesár, doc. Mgr. Daniel Grúň, PhD, doc. Mgr. Bohunka Koklesová, PhD, doc. Mgr. Ladislav Tkáčik, PhD.), but also with other teachers who participate in teaching in the given study programme. A representative of the student part of the academic community is part of the working meetings, and an expert from an external environment may also be invited. In addition to thematically focused courses on the history and theory of modern and contemporary art, design and architecture, seminars in the field of aesthetics and philosophy, we offer the possibility of gaining practical experience in the field of curating, reviewing and reflecting on contemporary art. The programme is intended for those students of humanities who wish to deepen their theoretical and practical skills in broad-spectrum work with contemporary art. We emphasise critical thinking, communication skills in working with the public, improvement of verbal and written expression, empathy and sensitivity, passion for art as a tool for social change. The courses are conducted under the guidance of renowned experts, in a creative environment alongside artists active on the local and international scene. With regard to the personal profile of graduates, we offer a wide range of optional subjects, which are provided not only by teachers of the Department of Theory and History of Art, but also by external experts from practice. In addition, students have the opportunity to choose studio practice at the department that corresponds to their professional focus, or they can choose a subject at one of the related faculties (FF VŠMU, FiF UK). The first year of the master's degree is devoted to orientation in the interpretive contexts of contemporary art, design and architecture, thematic and problematic areas of fine art in Slovakia, art criticism and theory, and curatorial studies. In the second year of study, practice-oriented subjects predominate, and students have the opportunity to choose a composition of courses in such a way as to direct them to the preparation of an individual thesis assignment.
In the History and Praxis of Contemporary Art study programme, profile subjects are focused on three basic profile areas: 1) critical evaluation of scientific and professional text; 2) interpretation and analysis of a selected work of contemporary art; 3) knowledge of museum critical theory and curatorial strategies together with the history and practice of gallery work. Therefore, the professional content of the programme consists of one three-semester subject and two two-semester subjects, the profiling of which directs students to the realisation of a diploma thesis and the successful passing of the state exam. Profile subjects are: 1) Criticism and theory of modern and contemporary art I., II.; 2) Interpretation frameworks of contemporary art I., II.. III.; 3) Curatorial studies I., II.. The aim and content of the named profile subjects is to guarantee students' access to current knowledge in the field of history and theory of modern and contemporary art, theory of visual culture and curatorship. Profile subjects lead future graduates to acquire skills in critical analysis and interpretation of images in the field of visual culture. Equally important is mastering the skills of critical reading, creative writing, and the presentation of their own opinions in a group discussion, which together lead to the competence of working with the public in the preparation of cultural events and the creative implementation of exhibition projects. These knowledge and skills are synthetically combined into the competencies of independent creative and critical work in the field of visual art and in the environment of cultural institutions focused on visual art. To the three profile subjects mentioned above, the curricula of which ensure the content of state exam questions, are added subjects focused on the Interpretation frameworks of late modern and contemporary architectureI, II, III., Interpretation and forms of contemporary design I., II, III. as well as Studio practice I., II., III. The aim of the Studio Practice is to connect theoretical knowledge with the practical experience in the preparation and realisation of cultural events, in direct contact with the art studios of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. At the same time, the subject Studio practice gives the opportunity to carry out an internship at another artistic or cultural institution focused on the presentation of visual arts. The studio practice is a professional practice, and therefore gives the students of the programme the opportunity to enter into an intensive dialogue with a freely chosen studio, its teachers and students, to participate in their artistic, research and presentation activities in close connection to their own profiling and subsequently also the selection and working on a topic of their diploma thesis. Compulsory subjects are complemented by the compulsory subjects dealing with issues and the history of the studied discipline: Gallery practice in contemporary art and design, Issues of Slovak visual arts I., II. (with emphasis on art of the 20th and 21st centuries) and Diploma Seminar I., II. which is focused on a specific profiled topic and methodology of the students' thesis. The diploma thesis is chosen on the basis of communication with the teachers of the Department of Theory and History of Art, who choose the topics based on their own research projects and professional profiling (see responsible teachers). The diploma thesis must meet the norms, standards and criteria valid for humanities departments of universities.
See more detailed information in the table in the appendix: Study plan.
The History and Praxis of Contemporary Art study programme is complemented by the compulsory subjects which provide an expansion of knowledge in narrowly and specifically focused areas of applied art (Applied Art in Text and Context), fine arts (Selected chapters from contemporary photography), architecture (History of architectural theories and criticism), restoration (Interpretive frameworks of restoration work), collecting (Chapters of the history of collecting), as well as theoretical frameworks in relation to specific philosophical topics (French philosophy of the last decades), culture (Philosophy of culture) and aesthetics (Schools of aesthetic thought). One of the subjects also focuses on working with text, argumentative and conceptual thinking expressed verbally or in writing (Reading, writing, argumentation). The existing curriculum is complemented by subjects focused on practical experience in the field of cultural and managerial work (Cultural Management I, II). The content also includes a subject improving foreign language knowledge (English conversation).
A complementary group of a compulsory basics and compulsory optional subjects are optional subjects, through which students have the opportunity to transfer to other study programmes at the AFAD (Fundamentals of painting, Fundamentals of photography, Fundamentals of design, Design and build - fundamentals of architectural creation, etc.). These subjects provide students with contact with practical creation and strategies of artistic thinking and research. This group also includes a subject enabling direct practice in an external environment aimed at a wider field of cultural professions. Optional subjects are enriched by a number of subjects that, through workshops, courses, excursions and short-term education, dynamically respond to current topics and also lead to practical application, as well as orientation in the legal and economic components of culture (Implementation of a curatorial project, Copyright law).
More organisational rules:
Part of the education in the History and Praxis of Contemporary Art study programme is the possibility of an internship and supplementary internship in the local and foreign scene, which within the framework of education bring students direct contact with a professional environment in which they acquire practical experience and skills. The internship is also an opportunity for students to gain new professional contacts and connections, as well as theoretical experience with benefits after graduation. At the same time, foreign mobility in the form of internships at foreign partner schools is encouraged, where they are positively confronted with educational experiences in a different cultural and social environment. Here they also confront their work in the international field and have the opportunity to become part of international artistic and cultural networks.
As part of the wider educational process, master's students are integrated into ongoing research projects at the AFAD in the form of direct application to education or through publication and other presentation activities, which are also supported by grant systems (especially KEGA - Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic).
More organisational rules:
The evaluation of the quality of the results and the course of the master's study takes place: through continuous control of the study results during the semester (control stages of the subject, partial assignments, seminar work, paper, test, control questions, etc.). At the end of the semester (semester evaluation - semester exam).
Information about the ratio between the evaluation during and at the end of the semester students obtain from the Information Document of Subject. The students' study results from different subjects are evaluated within the course of the study using a six-level grade scale, consisting of five ECTS merit classification levels.
Thus, students will receive the specified credits for the subject if their results were evaluated in the range of grades A-E. Students will not receive credits for a subject if their results were graded FX. The teacher can divide the evaluation of the subject into control stages of the subject. It is possible to give a part of the subject evaluation for individual stages, i.e. by completing the stages, students secure a percentage of the overall (in the case of departmental evaluation of the studio and preparatory course: proposed by the supervisor) evaluation for the semester. Conditions and criteria for passing subjects within the study programme are given in advance and recorded in information documents of subjects. The final completion of the programme is conditioned by the submission and successful defence of the theoretical diploma thesis. The diploma thesis is the result of an independent research activity. The topic and concept of the work is determined by graduates in cooperation with supervisors. The concept is presented and approved by the department at the beginning of the second year. At the same time, the department will determine the control stages of the work progress during the semester for graduate students and propose thesis opponents. The thesis defence takes place in the form of a presentation of the work of graduate students and a debate. The defence is open to the public. Its course is determined by the rector's implementing regulation.
The submitted diploma thesis is registered and archived in the AFAD academic library and in the Central Register of Final Theses.
The conditions as well as the formulated questions of the theory state exam are published in advance. The state exam has two areas: 1. History of the studied discipline and 2. Theory of the studied discipline. Students draw one question from each block. If students receive an FX for an answer on the state exam, they have one correction date. If they get an FX evaluation from only one block of questions, they repeat only that block. If students repeatedly receive an FX rating, they are expelled from the study programme due to failure to meet the conditions of the study programme.
- different parts of the study programme (modules, courses, and other relevant school and extracurricular activities, if they contribute to the achievement of the required learning outcomes and allow to obtain credits) in the structure of compulsory, compulsory optional and optional courses, listed in the study plan table
- profile courses of the relevant study path (specialisation) within the study programme, listed in the study plan table
- for each learning part/course the learning outcomes, related criteria and rules of their assessment so that the learning objectives of the study programme are met (they can be stated only in the Course information sheets, in the Learning outcomes section and in the Course completion requirements), listed in the Information document of subject
- prerequisites, co-requisites and recommendations for the design of the study plan, listed in the study plan table
- for each learning part of the study plan/course the applied educational activities (lecture, seminar, exercise, final work, project work, laboratory work, internship, excursion, field practice, professional practice, state exam, etc. or their combinations) suitable for achieving learning outcomes, listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject
- methods by which the educational activity is delivered – present, distant, combined (in accordance with the Course information sheets), listed in the Information document of subject
- outline/syllabus of the course, listed in the Information document of subject
- student workload ("extent" of individual courses and educational activities separately), listed in the Information document of subject
- credits allocated to each part based on the learning outcomes achieved and the workload involved, listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject
- the person responsible for the course (or a partner organisation/person ) with an indication of the contact details, listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject
- course teachers (or participating partner organisations/persons) (may also be mentioned in Course information sheets), listed in the study plan table and in the Information document of subject
- places where the courses are taught (if the study programme is delivered at several workplaces).
place of realisation of theoretical compulsory, compulsory optional and optional subjects: Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Bratislava
place of realisation of the subject Studio practice I., II., III.: Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Drotárska cesta 44, Koceľova 23, Bratislava
in the current pandemic situation, theoretical compulsory, compulsory optional and optional subjects are conducted by distance: online, via the MS Teams platform
The exact structure of credits for different parts of the study is in the table of the study plan below.
– The number of credits for compulsory subjects required for proper graduation is 79 credits (ECTS).
– The number of credits for compulsory optional subjects and optional subjects required for the proper completion of the studies is at least 16 credits (ECTS). In order to obtain a sufficient number of credits for the study, students choose compulsory optional subjects, which they must complete during their studies in at least three semesters of study.
– The number of credits required for proper graduation is at least 120 credits (ECTS) for the entire master's degree, including credits for the theoretical master's state exam 10 credits (ECTS) and the thesis defence 15 credits (ECTS).
– The number of credits for the final thesis (diploma seminar + thesis defence) 25 credits (ECTS) and for the defence of the final thesis itself 15 credits (ECTS) necessary for proper graduation.
Rules for verification of educational outcomes:
The evaluation of the quality of the results and the course of the master's degree takes place:
Continuous control of study results during the semester (control stages of the subject, partial assignments, seminar work, paper, test, control questions, etc.)
At the end of the semester (semester evaluation – semester exam)
Information about the ratio between the evaluation during and at the end of the semester students obtain from the information documents of subject. The students' study results from different subjects are evaluated within the course of the study using a six-level grade scale, consisting of five ECTS merit classification levels.
Thus, students will receive the specified credits for the subject if their results were evaluated in the range of grades A-E. Students will not receive credits for a subject if their results were evaluated with an FX grade. Teachers can divide the evaluation of the subject into control stages of the subject. It is possible to give a part of the subject evaluation for individual stages, i.e. by completing the stages students secure a percentage of the overall (in the case of departmental evaluation of the studio and preparatory course: proposed by the supervisor) evaluation for the semester.
All three profile subjects of the study programme are continuously evaluated by three to four teachers, depending on a subject and its specifics. In the study schedule and in the timetable, pedagogues are assigned as teachers to individual profile subjects as follows (they also ensure the evaluation of students): Criticism and theory of modern and contemporary art I. and II. (Mgr. Norbert Lacko, PhD., Mgr. Ján Kralovič, PhD., doc. Mgr. Daniel Grúň, PhD., prof. PhDr. Marián Zervan, PhD.), Curatorial Studies I. and II. (prof. Monika Mitášová, PhD., Mgr. Ján Kralovič, PhD., doc. Mgr. Daniel Grúň, PhD., prof. PhDr. Zdenko Kolesár, PhD.) Interpretation frameworks of contemporary art I. and II., III., (Mgr. Beata Jablonská, PhD., doc. Daniel Grúň, PhD., doc. Mgr. Bohunka Koklesová, Mgr., Silvia Seneši Lutherová, PhD., Mgr. Ján Kralovič, PhD.).
1. The evaluation of the students' study results within the study of the subject is mainly carried out:
a) continuous control of study results in different subjects during the courses part of the study -, specified in more detail in the ILP (information documents of subjects),
b) examination for the given period of study, in the case of profile theoretical subjects: commission examination by three to four responsible teachers: Criticism and theory of modern and contemporary art I. and II. (Mgr. Norbert Lacko, PhD., Mgr. Ján Kralovič, PhD., doc. Mgr. Daniel Grúň, PhD., prof. PhDr. Marián Zervan, PhD.), Curatorial Studies I. and II. (prof. Monika Mitášová, PhD., Mgr. Ján Kralovič, PhD., doc. Mgr. Daniel Grúň, PhD., prof. PhDr. Zdenko Kolesár, PhD.) Interpretation frameworks of contemporary art I. and II., III. (Mgr. Beata Jablonská, PhD., doc. Mgr. Daniel Grúň, PhD. doc. Mgr. Bohunka Koklesová, PhD., Mgr. Silvia Seneši Lutherová, PhD., Mgr. Ján Kralovič, PhD).
2. Grade evaluation is classified according to the classification scale determined by Decree no. 614/2002 Coll., while the qualification scale has six classification levels:
A – excellent (excellent results) = 1
B – very good (above average results) = 1.5
C – good (average results) = 2
D – satisfactory (acceptable results) = 2.5
E – sufficient (results meet the minimum criteria) = 3
FX - Insufficient (more work required) = 4
3. Students who were evaluated with the grade FX have the right to two correction terms as long as they fulfil the conditions of the continuous evaluation. If students were evaluated with grade FX from Diploma thesis (consultation, preparation) and met the conditions of the interim evaluation, they are entitled to one correction term.
4. The conditions as well as the formulated questions of the state theoretical exam are published in advance. The state exam has two areas: 1. History of the studied discipline and 2. Theory of the studied discipline. Students draw one question from each block. If students receive an FX for an answer on the state exam, they have one correction term. If they get an FX evaluation from only one block of questions, they repeat only that block. If students repeatedly receive an FX rating, they are expelled from the study programme due to failure to meet the conditions of the study programme.
Students can apply for the recognition of subjects they completed in another study programme at another university. Subjects completed at another university are recognized by the AFAD on the basis of a statement of study results prepared for students by the given university and by submitting an application on the prescribed form of the AFAD (exact instructions are contained in the Application for recognition of subjects form). Recognition of subjects is bound for a period of 5 years from their completion. The recognition of subjects is assessed by the teacher or the main responsible teacher of the study programme History and Praxis of Contemporary Art who ensures its teaching, based on a list of study results and a comparison of the ILP or otherwise described educational content of the given subject. Based on the proposal of the guarantor of the History and Praxis of Contemporary Art study programme, the vice-rector for study affairs recognizes completed subjects. In the master's degree, credits obtained for completing a subject in the bachelor's degree cannot be recognized. As a rule, subjects with an E grade are also not recognized. The statement of study results and the decision on the recognition of subjects become part of the student's personal study documentation, maintained by the AFAD.
In the last academic year 2019/20, the first 3 graduates completed the History and Praxis of Contemporary Art study programme with the following topics of final theses:
Ema Hesterová: Globalisation of Eastern Europe and contemporary art, (supervisor: Daniel Grúň, opponent: Mira Keratová)
Diana Tináková: The problem of waste in the design process (supervisor: Silvia Seneši Lutherová, opponent: Ľubica Hustá)
Record of theses in the academic library:
Final theses are also registered in the Central Register of final and qualifying theses:
The topics of the final theses - diploma thesis are proposed by the teachers of the Department of Theory and History of Art at the beginning of the 2nd year. Students have the opportunity to choose from them or to come up with their own topic, which must be consulted and approved by the relevant supervisor. The topics are approved by the main responsible teacher who is in charge of the study programme in AiS (Academic Information System). A detailed description of opposition, defence and evaluation of the final theses of the History and Praxis of Contemporary Art study programme is described in point d) of this document.
- options and procedures for participating in student mobility are published on the AFAD website
– rules for abiding academic ethics and drawing consequences,
are included in the AFAD Codex of Ethics and in the Disciplinary Rules for AFAD students and published on the website:
Codex of Ethics:
Disciplinary rules for students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.
– procedures applicable to students with special needs,
covered by Internal Regulation 3/2020, Rector's directive to ensure a generally accessible environment for students with specific needs, which includes:
– Request by applicants with specific needs to modify the form and method of conducting the admission exams, taking into account their specific needs.
– Application for inclusion in the register of students with specific needs and consent to the evaluation of specific needs.
Through the website, applicants are notified in the conditions and instructions on the admission process about the possibility of submitting an application, and then the specific needs of applicants are approached individually, regarding the course of the admission process. Students are also informed via the website and the Support and Counseling Centre for AFAD students:
( about the possibility to submit an application, which will then be approved by the coordinator for students with specific needs and the vice-rector for study affairs. After the application is approved, a confirmation will be issued to students and then the individual possibilities of the process of making the educational process accessible will be discussed with them, about which the teachers of the study programme Conservation and Restoration will also be informed. In the case of specific requirements that the AFAD does not have at its disposal, it will promptly ensure correction and conditions for students.
– procedures for submission of impetus and appeals by students.
Students can submit impetus and appeals of various kinds in writing, by post, by e-mail or through physical mailboxes in the academy buildings:
– through the Support and Counseling Center for AFAD students, which, based on a specific impetus or appeal, forwards the impetus to the AFAD Ethics Committee or the Study Affairs Commission of the AFAD Academic Senate or the vice-rector for study affairs.
– through the study officer, who will forward it to the vice-rector for study affairs.
- directly to the members (pedagogical or student representatives) of the Commission for Study Affairs AFAD AS, who, based on a specific initiative or appeal, will decide on the method of resolution.
- directly to the members of the Ethics Committee of the AFAD, who decide on the method of resolution based on a specific impetus or appeal.
In the specific resolution of the impetus and appeal, joint resolution of all the named components or their representatives is not excluded.
Study programme: History and Praxis of Contemporary Art
Field of study: Art and Culture Sciences
Degree of study: 2.
Form of study: full-time
Standard length of study: 2 years
Awarded academic title: Master of Arts – Mgr.
Language: the primary language of the programme is Slovak and partly English. Exact data on languages are given in the ILP of subjects
-study plans of master's degree of the study programme History and Praxis of Contemporary Art: published in AFAD BEDEKER :
Separate attachment in pdf format.
The current schedule of the academic year is determined by the AFAD rector after consultation with the AFAD vice-rectors no later than June 30 of the current year (AFAD Study Regulations, Article 7, Point 5).
The academic calendar is published on the AFAD website, in the study guide - BEDEKER, in the Academic Information System - AiS. Students are also informed about the academic calendar and the current schedule and their publication or update through emails, Instagram and Facebook.
Zervan, Marián, prof., PhDr., PhD.
Function: professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Other teachers of the profile subject Interpretation frameworks of contemporary art I., II., III., study programme: History and Praxis of Contemporary Art
Grúň, Daniel, doc., Mgr., PhD.
Function: Associate professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Jablonská, Beata, Mgr., PhD.
Function: assistant professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Koklesová, Bohunka, doc., Mgr., PhD.
position: Associate professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Seneši Lutherová, Silvia Mgr., PhD.
Position: assistant professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kralovič, Ján, Mgr., PhD.
Position: assistant professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Mitášová, Monika, prof. Ing. arch., PhD.
Position: professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Other teachers of the profile subject Criticism and theory of modern and contemporary art I., II., study programme: History and Praxis of Contemporary Art
Lacko, Norbert, Mgr., PhD.
Function: assistant professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Zervan, Marián, prof., PhDr., PhD.
Function: professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Grúň, Daniel, doc., Mgr., PhD.
Function: associate professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kralovič, Ján, Mgr., PhD.
Position: assistant professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Other teachers of the profile subject Curatorial studies I., II., study programme: History and Praxis of Contemporary Art
Mitášová, Monika, prof. Ing. arch. PhD.
Position: professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Grúň, Daniel, doc., Mgr., PhD.
Function: associate professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kralovič, Ján, Mgr., PhD.
Position: assistant professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kolesár, Zdenko, prof., PhDr., PhD.
Position: Professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Separate attachment in pdf format.
Mitášová, Monika, prof. Ing. arch. PhD.
Position: professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Zervan, Marián, prof., PhDr., PhD.
Function: professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Koklesová, Bohunka, doc., Mgr., PhD.
Function: associate professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kolesár, Zdenko, prof. PhDr. PhD.
Function: professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Grúň, Daniel, doc., Mgr., PhD.
Function: associate professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Tkáčik, Ladislav, doc. Mgr. , PhD.
Research Centre - Visual Studies Section
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kralovič, Ján, Mgr., PhD.
Position: assistant professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Lacko, Norbert, Mgr., PhD.
Function: professional assistant
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Hodasová, Barbora, Mgr., Mgr. art., PhD.
Position: assistant professor
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Kančevová, Naďa, Mgr., PhD.
Position: Assistant Professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Lutherová, Seneši, Silvia, Mgr., PhD.
Position: assistant professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Pašteková, Michaela, Mgr., PhD.
Position: assistant professor
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Karul, Róbert, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
Dobrovičová, Monika, PaedDr., Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Hyperlink to a person's record in the Register of University Employees:
For the History and Praxis of Contemporary Art study programme, the topics of the final theses are adapted to professional profiling, individually for each student.
Zervan, Marián, prof., PhDr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Mitášová, Monika, prof. Ing. arch. PhD.
E-mail address:
Kolesár, Zdenko, prof. PhDr. PhD.
E-mail address:
Koklesová, Bohunka, doc., Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Grúň, Daniel, doc., Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Lacko, Norbert, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Kralovič, Ján, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address_
Jablonská, Beata, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Pašteková, Michaela, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Kančevová, Naďa, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
Tkáčik, Ladislav, doc., Mgr, PhD.
Lutherová, Seneši, Silvia, Mgr., PhD.
E-mail address:
The scientific/artistic-pedagogical characteristics of the supervisors of final theses are registered in AiS and will be made available at the request of the reviewers.
Jablonská, Beata, Mgr., PhD.
study advisor
E-mail address:
Šmalová, Iveta, Ing.
Study officer and student accommodation coordinator
E-mail address:
Kozáková, Sylvia, Ing.
AiS administrator
E-mail address:
Jančařík, Tomáš, Mgr. art.
Career counselor
E-mail address:
Šarkan, Martin, Mgr., PhD.
Psychological counselor
E-mail address:
Most theoretical subjects take place in the lecture rooms and offices of the AFAD at Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, the workplace of the Department of Theory and History of Art. There are 5 lecture rooms with a capacity of 30 to 80 students. Teachers' offices are designed for one to two teachers. They are used for scientific, research and teaching activities. The premises of the academic library are also a place for seminars with a smaller number of students.
Offices of individual members of the department:
room no. 302 17.01 m²
room no. 303 23.37 m²
room no. 312 12.58 m²
room no. 314 21.00 m²
room no. 315 19.25 m²
room no. 316 16.81 m²
room no. 318 22.20 m²
OFFICES TOTAL: 132.22 m²
Teachers' offices - designed for one to two teachers - are used for scientific, research and teaching activities.
Teaching will take place in classrooms and lecture rooms: there are 5 lecture rooms with a capacity of 30 to 80 students.
The following components are used for teaching, which are installed in the department's offices and in individual lecture rooms of the academy. PC + server – 14; PCs in total – 14; Monitors – 12; Notebooks – 22; Tablets – 1; Printers - 9; Multifunctional device - 2; Scanners – 9; Projectors – 10.
Students also have access to other technologies that are located at different workplaces of the academy: PC + server. – 44; iMac – 5; eMac – 1; Total PCs – 50; Monitors – 56; Notebooks – 7; Tablets+iPad – 1; Printers*- 16; Scanners – 7; Projectors – 4; 44 PCs, 3 MACs, 7 laptops; ADOBE image and video processing software; RHINO 3d software for 3D modelling; MAYA software for 3D modelling and animation; 9 servers and routers for operating the AFAD network and information systems; 1 EPSON A0 plotter; 2 EPSON A1 plotters.
The learning centre in Kremnica, which has the following equipment, also serves to ensure the study programme:
PC + server – 37; iMac – 0; eMac – 36; Total PCs – 73; Monitors – 8; Notebooks – 70; Tablets+iPad – 70; Printers- 2; Multifunctional device – 1, Copier- 1; Scanners – 1; Projectors – 4; 35 PC notebooks; 35 MAC notebooks; 1 PC for video editing; 1 Mac for video editing; 3D scanner Handyscan 3D Z scan 700 + software equipment; Set of 10 video cameras with accessories SONY HXR-NX30E Profi 4 pcs XDCAM cameras SONY PMW-500 with accessories; 3 x 2 sets of steadicams;
Available for students: Software license of the learning management system - LMS, including technical support and maintenance; Software license of the educational content management system - LCMS, including technical support and maintenance of the LCMS system; Wiki software license including technical support and maintenance of the University Wiki.; A library of online e-courses and e-books in the field of modern technology and soft skills.; Library of electronic books in the field of engineering.; A server workplace with 12 servers and a 35 TB disk array for the operation of information systems.
a. Academic Library, University Library, SAV Central Library, SNG Library, city libraries and related reference libraries at workplaces, electronic library databases, online catalogs of books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, e-books, e-magazines and access to important databases of world galleries and universities, general portals and databases: For example,, SpringerLink, Slovak National Bibliography, Library Genesis, Open Library, Internet Archive,
b. Artotéka – data storage of art academies and AFAD own storages
c. Free internet connection – wi-fi in all academy buildings (Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Drotárska cesta 44, Koceľova 23 and the Communication and Visualisation Learning Centre in Kremnica)
d. AiS (Academic Information System), which contains:
e. Distance learning tools: MS Teams (used for distance learning and communication), e-mail
f. Information channels: web, school emails, Instagram, Facebook
The form and method of study is defined in the AFAD Study Regulations (Article 3, Forms and methods of study, points 5 to 8).
The AFAD mostly uses a combined method of education, which is indicated in the ILP (Information Document of Subject), even if the education takes place completely by distance. When changing the method of teaching a subject, its content is discussed in advance with the study programme guarantor and then with the vice-rector for academic affairs at a predetermined time (usually May–June of the previous academic year when the study plan and content of individual ILPs are checked for the next academic year). Complete distance education at the AFAD is implemented by order of the rector, especially in extraordinary situations (for example, when a state of emergency is declared).
The given study programme is defined as an academically oriented, artistic type of study, but at the same time the AFAD has created a mechanism for internships and supplementary internships, within which it cooperates with various types of institutions and companies in the local and foreign scene. In addition to permanent partners, cooperation with other partners is currently being approved. Procedures are published on the academy's website and study guide (bedeker).
The Medium Gallery and the AFAD library are used for social and cultural activities under the auspices of the AFAD. The Medium Gallery is primarily a space for exhibition activities of students and teachers. Often associated with organising lectures and discussions on current or historically important cultural, artistic and social topics. The activities of the AFAD Library are focused on public presentations of books, with lectures and discussions with authors. Both the gallery and the library serve as an open space for mutual interdisciplinary communication both within the departments and with various cultural subjects outside the academy.
Another important facility of the AFAD is the Communication and Visualisation Learning Centre in Kremnica, which the academy uses for creative workshops and block education. The learning centre has accommodation facilities, lecture rooms, digital technologies and material resources. The facility is intensively used for workshops, conferences, seminars and meetings with foreign partner educational institutions and stimulates internationalisation, interaction and concentrated creative activity in a group. Thanks to its favourable geographical location, the training centre is used for sports activities in nature as part of creative stays.
History and Praxis of Contemporary Art study programme as new programme joins Erasmus+ mobility programmes (projects KA103 and KA107), CEEPUS, programmes based on bilateral agreements and the possibilities of the National Scholarship Program focused on student, pedagogical and non-pedagogical mobility. In addition to standard mobilities, students also participate in other art and research projects, in which the AFAD creates joint international platforms with selected foreign partners and collaborates on specific artistic, exhibition, presentation, research and innovation tasks and projects. For the mobility of the study programme Conservation and Restoration and gaining international experience, the AFAD has created a wide network of partnerships in most countries of the European Union, partner countries outside the EU in Europe (Western Balkan countries, Ukraine, Georgia), Asia (China, Japan, India, Israel, Turkey ) and America (USA, Mexico). At the same time, students of the study programme History and Praxis of Contemporary Art will have the opportunity to take advantage of a number of international workshops, lectures, seminars, educational courses and meetings of visiting foreign teachers at our school.
Students of the study programme History and Praxis of Contemporary Art will have the opportunity to profit from the activities of important international networks of which the AFAD is a part (Cumulus, ELIA).
In addition to study stays, artistic research and presentation activities, students of the History and Praxis of Contemporary Art study programme have the opportunity to use internships in selected galleries and cultural institutions.
All options, instructions and rules are made available and updated in detail on the academy's website, and at the same time they are anchored in the AFAD's internal regulations - the rector's directive: Implementation of the ERASMUS+ program at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.
Complete information, instructions and the course of foreign mobility (from application to recognition of credits upon return):
(forms for individual study plan and recognition of mobility are available to students in AiS.)
The programme is intended for those students of humanities who wish to deepen their theoretical and practical skills in broad-spectrum work with contemporary art. They should have a basic knowledge of the history and theory of art ranging from antiquity to the present. They should have an overview of the methods and auxiliary disciplines of art sciences. Also, the broader foundations of education, consisting of philosophy, aesthetics and humanities subjects, and to master at least one foreign language at the level of professional communication.
Admission exams for the master's degree last for one day and are held in front of the admissions committee, which is made up of teachers.
Applicants must submit a CV and a written essay of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 standard pages. The range of topics and issues is sent to applicants in advance. In the essay, they are expected to comment on the following topics: a) which artworks they consider close to their view of art, b) which books, including art-historical or films about artists, they have read or seen, c) which exhibitions they have visited or they remember what attracted them from the artistic and curatorial side, d) which artists, periods and trends they would like to learn about and why, e) what sense do they see in the work of a historian and theoretician and curator of contemporary art in today's world. The commission will evaluate the submitted texts and judges the candidates' assumptions in an individual interview.
Admission exams are:
Reliable - applicants must demonstrate the results of their studies at the bachelor's degree in their work portfolios, they must have a clearly defined concept that they want to focus on at the master's degree, and they must demonstrate maturity for studies in the interview in front of the committee.
Fair – collective evaluation of the results of admission exams, discussion of applicants' works and discussion with applicants is a guarantee of a fair evaluation of all applicants.
Transparent - conditions, criteria, methods and procedures for accepting and selecting applicants are published on the academy's website and refined and updated every year.
Internal regulation on the admission procedure at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (link to internal regulation):
Criteria and requirements for applicants:
Since the History and Praxis of Contemporary Art study programme was opened in the winter semester 2019, three admission exams took place. In the year 2019/2021, three applicants were accepted, in the year 2020/2021 ten applicants and in the year 2021/2022 five applicants.
The History and Praxis of Contemporary Art study programme is a new study programme at the AFAD. The AFAD has prepared tools for obtaining monitoring and evaluation of students' opinions and feedback from students and graduates on the quality of the study programme and its improvement.
a) Semester and final theses (curatorship, criticism and reflection of contemporary art) within the assignments of different subjects are part of the academy's public presentations. As part of a school-wide end semester exhibition, in galleries and cultural institutions and professional periodicals. As part of the wider educational process, students are integrated into ongoing art-research projects at the AFAD in the form of direct application to education or through exhibition, publication and other presentation activities, which is also supported by grant systems (especially KEGA – Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic) and presentation creative and artistic activity (especially FPU - Slovak Art Council).
b) Student survey (Operation of the school, Teaching, Teaching of theoretical and professional subjects, Teaching in studios). The survey is conducted and evaluated by representatives of the student part of the AFAD Academic Senate and the Education Commission of the AFAD AS.
c) Written suggestions by post, electronic mail and to the physical mailboxes of the AFAD vice-rectors, the AFAD Academic Senate, the AFAD Ethics Committee, and the Study Office and International Office of the AFAD.
d) Regular personal consultations and meetings.
published in AIS,
2. Internal regulation on the admission procedure at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design:
3. Internal letter on the completion of master's studies (which, after being updated in a given academic year, is published in AIS and at the same time sent via e-mail to students of the final year.)
4. Internal regulation 3/2020, Directive of the rector on ensuring a generally accessible environment for students with specific needs:,
5. Disciplinary rules for students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava
published in AIS
6. Internal regulations on tuition and fees:,
7. Codex of ethics:
8. Internal regulation of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava no. 5/2017 (Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of the AFAD):
9. Principles of the selection procedure at the AFAD:,,,
10. Internal regulations and information on the implementation of the AFAD foreign mobility:,
11. Information regarding study and study organisation:
ECTS handbook:
Study organisation: